
Crescent The Beginning

It all started off with with her being scared of the knowing but as she gets more information about the world she ends up wanting to change it from the way she found Calista in slavery to even falling in love with a shifter who killed many traning a boy who has lost his mother in away that no one should and finding a wepon from a mysterious kid and even teaming up with magic people that had been casted out and forgotten she is no longer scared of the unknown any more she embraces it she can do it but its not going to be easy to change the minds of the people who are stuck in there way

moonstone2537 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Separation Chapter Six

I had got lost in the crowd and made a few wrong tunes but it's a good thing I did I saw something and I lost it the wolf took over and I grabbed the man and almost ripped his arm off but I could not stop myself because cressida blood was in the air and she was fighting for her life but I stepped in before he could finish her he tried to get at her but he was to slow I bite down on his other arm and throw him this time he didn't move but said in a low voice this is not over I will have what's mine back then he has vanished into thin air ....a small amount of relief fall over me but it's all taken away when I hear a thud and she fell to the ground I rush over to her and hold her close but I put her down as I see a small head pop out of the bag azzara she jumped out and ran to her brother I look over at cressida the madness in me was then replaced with worry when I see the gash in her arm and I freak ...I ..I need to get her arm under control I put pressure on her arm I lifted her up into my arm and swiftly make my way to the town doctor I push open the door almost knocking it off its hinges I need help someone came into the room and took one look at us and rushed me over to a bed where I sat her down she then told me that I needed to leave I don't think that I could do that ...you need to leave now but I she pushed me out of the room I have a lot of healing to do what do you mean I use magic and if you want her to not bleed out then leave fin I leave the room but I take her bow and her knife first and the bag that she had and leave

I am about to sit down when I remember something the pups I forgot then a whole new wave of panic washed over me I leave to go and search for them I go back to the seen I look ever were but can't find them I start to worry but I hear something I follow the sound and there in a cage in the back of a wagon they sat shaking and crying I move over to them and I am about to grab them but was stopped" what the hell you doing boy" 'you have my fox pups and I want them back" ...if I do remember right they were hidden away in a bushel and you have no way of proving that they are yours ...this guy seems familiar like I have seen him before ....on this can't be right he was the guy that was knocked out what a mess what am I going to do I can't leave them ....and there is no way I could leave cressida hey they are not for sell now move on what that's not right they are not for you to sell but they are not for sell but ....but what get going before I make you regret it I look over at them they are scared but the seem to be not as bad I look at them I will be back for you I walk away and back to the healers room where I set her stuff down and write a note

Dear c I have to go and get your little ones back I can't just leave them where you do get up I will be in the next town over just like we planned to wait for me there

Your wolf

I leave it where I know she will find it in her bag and walk off to go and get the little ones back I look back one more time I truly do love her I hope she is ok I switch with my wolf and follow the smell of the pups this is going to be one long trip

I wake up or at least I think I do I am in the space from before I try and get up but I feel my legs collapsed from under me what is this place I said out loud ...this is your safe place where you can control that power that is hidden inside what are you I said I am you but a darker side of you ....you could say I am the darker side of you or maybe the evil side but really I am the one that takes over when you lose control but don't worry I always give you back the reins I mean you're the one in charge .....if what you say is true then why am I here you have received a lot of damage to the little gem you have around your neck is what kept you alive it has some kind of healing property but don't worry your little pet got you to a healer just in time ....I want to go back how do I do that just as you always have trade places with me she holds her hand just so I take it and I suddenly pulled my mind and put back into my aching body where am I ...I sit up and my head started to spin oh gods I lied back down I hear a small voice say your finally up you know you have been out for almost a week really that long where is my bag I tried to get up again wo there you need to sit down I will get it for you ok along with the thinks your friend left with me she walks out and comes right back with my bag and my bow I take my bag from her and my knifes thank gods for him I open my bag to expect a little Azzua but nothing I dump the bag out I start to panic where are they where I see a small paper I open it up and read it

Dear C I have to go and get your little ones back I can't just leave them when you do get up I will be in the next town over just like we planned to wait for me there

Yours wolf

I start to cry and I could not keep the tears in as I found out that azzua and crimson are gone and that they are with some evil person and ...and I can't even bring myself self to think about what adonis has gone through to get them back or even if he got them I start to overthink things what if he didn't get them or ....they are dead ...what if ...hey I look up at the mage stop overthinking this that note you have there must have something good to it right it has not been that long so please don't give up I seen it all with the people give up on the ones that they care go and .....let's just say they end up in the ground and I think that you have a lot more fight in you so please be the one I don't have to barry I take her hand I am so sorry but I don't give up that easily trust , this girl was hesitant just for a minute.

She finally says I can't she moves away from me and I now know why I see the all to familiar chains around her feet you see I can never leave that's not true I can get you out I can save you just as you had saved me I want to help you but only if you want my help I want your help I don't want to spend any more time digging graves for the ones who don't make it I don't want to end up like them she said and let the room go quit .....I am sorry you have to be put through this I managed to say I can't stand the thought of people selling people I thought for a minute I am going to need to know what you know when and where are you at night and who and how many are on watch at time and when they change can you do that for me I can but ..I am going to need your help with the chance I look down and there a very large chan was shaken to both her legs now that I get a good look at her she looks almost dead the way her hand was as cold as ice in my hand and the way her eyes look at me with hope I new that I had to get her out and take her with me its just going to take some time and a lot of planning I look her over one more time when was the last time you ate something a month ago I get up I walked over to my bag and pulled out the bread that I had and tore off a very big peas and gave it to her she ate it all very fastly ok done with that have some water it has a little something else to it to she drank it most of it and handed it back to me she said what was that in the water it was some herbs that help to keep you full and to heal anything that may be broken its gonna hurt if you have anything wrong but only for a minute I see her pull her arms around herself I didn't know that it would be that bad I am sorry no its ok I feel good now I was hit hard a few days ago and I heard a snap ....is everything good now yes I can move so much better now thank you I ask her I still don't know your name Calista that's a beautifull name thank you my mother gave it to me ....hey I will get you out of here I promise tomorrow night in the afternoon I will be back for that information and then I will make a move I swear this ....I heard footsteps get away from me ok she walked over to the counter the man then came into the room my oh my look at you he said as he looked me over I tried to not shiver as his eyes wander over me and what can I help you with I said getting up from the bed because so help me if you did anything to me i will not hesitate to kill you is what I wanted to say but didn't instead I said thank you for your help and I need to be going now wo there your not done yet I am not but I feel great you still need to have one last thing done and then you can come oh I am sorry I didn't know that what is it you see you need have that thing over there to look you over one more time oh that's fine I have some thinks that I need to do first how about I come back tomorrow fine whatever just come back ok he leaves the room I go for my stuff and strap my knifes back on the feel of them just calms me hey if I would have stayed today what would have happened to me .....I would have looked you over and found nothing wrong with you but I would have to lie to you and say that there is making you stay longer then you would get some tea and ....don't drink the tea ok remember I will be back for you as I pulled on my read clock on and walked off I grabbed my bow the one that got us into this mess and walk out the door I am just going to spend the night in the forest I guess I climb a tree and make myself comfy for the night because tomorrow is going to be hard

Finding them

It took me almost a week to find them they are the same as I left them I sneak up behind in my wolf form and take them from the wagon it was easy I ran far away from that place I switch back and let crimson and Azzua out of the now cramped cage I grab them and hold them to me I am sorry that I left you guys never again I swear this they look up at me with hunger in there eyes and confusion as to where is their mother like figure is gone don't worry we will see her soon I swear ok they look happy about that that I switched back and we began to walk at a slow rate but the silence was broken when a gunshot rang off the trees

The next day I came back just like I had said I would I walked into the small building and there was the man from before I came back but I really don't have much time I am needed somewhere else and soon ...he look at me and said then lets get this done and over with I follow him back to the small room from before my knives that I have hidden underneath my dress sway here and there ,there from before the little girl stud she looked worse than when I left her she walked over to me and asked me to sit the guy left and that's when I asked her what had happened to her she looked at me and said if I don't leave tonight they will kill me I looked around the room one more time I walked right up to her and hugged her that will not happen I told you that I would get you out and that's what I will do did you find anything out yes they change gard at night and they usually fall asleep at ten so if you want to get me out of here then you need to take the guards out when they least expect it and where do they keep you that's going to be hard it's dark and it's out back in the shed but they move us around but I do know that I am outside to night and it's colder and easier to get to but you have to make sure that the guards are gone or I am dead I can't move very fast in this damn thing she hinted at the chains I am starting to like you even more thanks I am truly grateful remember don't eat or drink anything he gives you he is a very messed up guy who will take advantage of you I can't stand it any longer no more will I let him get away with what he's doing it's time to change this ok I need to go wate I have something for you take this she handed me a small box what is this I open it and it had the a small crystal in it what is this it will help you find me or anyone you are looking for ok put it away in your bag you look good so does it meant I could leave yes but you need to talk to the keeper before you leave ok I get up from the room and leave I wink at her and play along and walk out into the maine part I was told that I need to talk to the main person in charge then I can leave oh this way I follow the other man down a hall and into a room I feel uneasy about this but all was going well I see a man about the same height as me but with long white hair and a cane to match please sit I follow him over to a small table where he put some cakes out he offered one to me I am good I really don't want anything I ate before I came here I am in a bit of a hurry I need to get going from this town I been here too long is that so yes I needed to leave about a week ago but then something happened ....oh and how do you think your going to pay me I already did the one who took me in payed for it all ...is that so yes but why is it that I had to come back here to tell you this wouldn't have been easy for you to come to the front and see me off yes it would have but I like to get to to know that ones I treet (what is this he is playing mind game trying to get me to stay longer this has to end now before it gets bad ) well if that is all you need I really must be going ...I get up to leave but I was stopped by him but I think you should stay it would really be nice I am sorry I said as I ripped my arm away from him and how dare you...I heard something and saw it too I ducked out of the way just in time what the hell a man had me pinned or so he thought I need him and he fell I got up and pulled out my blades what is this.... the guy who was on the floor got up and came at me with a small pocket knife I moved just out of rechereachine I learned my lesson the first time no hesitation I plunged my knife into him he fell to the floor with a thud the guy with long white hair was off in the corner with shock on his face ...I heard him say this how did you do that I thought you were harmless. you where wrong and this time you tried to take the wrong girl I walked over to him and told him I think if you tried anything else I will send you right where he is don't test me I walked out of the room and to the front door they now know that I am not coming back at all that gives me enough cover so when I come back they will not suspect me

I walk off and get lost in the town for a little while I get to the opposite side of the town they have a stable this is just what I need I walk in and look around hello is there anyone here yes hold on I will be a minute a boy came out from the back what can I help you with well I want to buy a horse is their one that works hard and runs long distance and gets along with other horses um..... I don't know let me look around we walk and I see nothing that pulls my heart I hear something I walked out and in the pin was a horse so big I had to step back hey what's his story him found him tied to a tree beeton and almost dead sense then he trusts no one and no one can get near him then what are you doing well if we can't fix him then he ...is to be killed no you can't we have to he will not trust any one and we need the space then let me try with him please fine I walk into the pen let him go now but miss he will kill you I don't think so he has a jentol sole he is just misunderstood fine your funeral they let go of the rop and run out of the pen ok no fear he gets up to his full size wow you're really something I walk to him your fine you don't need to worry I am not going to let them take you I swear this but I am going to need your help you are going to be my night and I your sun I need your help to get out of this town I stepped closer will you help me as my night I put my hand out he came to me with hesitation but he did his once scared eyes are focused on me and only me you are my night now I tried to pull myself up but he is way to tall um you want to help me up here he laughs at me or at least I think he does I step up on to his huf and then sit up on top of his back wow it's great up here I pet his back and he leans into it the guy from before looked at me how is all he said kindness is how I will take him um ok he is yours how much ....nothing he was as good as dead before you came really yes ok but I am going to um need some stuff for him ok he walked off and came back with a satol fit for him I slid off of him I looked to him can I put this on night he didn't do anything so I took that as a yes I prackley throw it over him and strap it on ok I put my foot in and pulled myself up thank you for everything and more I rode off I can't belive that it was so easy you such a good boy I said as I pet his side and round off

I looked around and see that the shot had just barely missed me but I kept running making sure that crimson and azua were right behind me we stopped after a very long time of running they sat down and I don't think that they are going to be able to move they look bad I need to find something for them to eat my bag it has some in it I changed back but find that its gone all of it I must have eaten it ok then i need to go and hunt something let my wolf take over and start to sniff something out some rabbit that will do I hid them off in a bush I will be back with food you guys ok I leave and follow the trail and its close I can tell I see it I get as close to the think and jump out and grab it I didn't think I would get it on my first try I snap it neck and strated back I didn't go to far I guess I just got lucky I take it back I clean and gut it and start to cook it over the fire that I had started the pups come over and sit down next to me and wate I hope that she is ok I left her there all alone but I could not just let you two go I know that she would have killed me and I could never let you guys go your kind of important to her I just ...I wish I could tell her that I am sorry I pull the rabbit off the fire and let it cool before giving it to them they ate it all very fast I could tell that they both feel better we need to start to the village tomorrow it's going to take three days for us to get there ....I look up at the stars and start to drift off to sleep I feel a small fur thing wrap around me and followed by another right after I open one eye and see them raped aroma my leg what a night