
Safe and Sound For now Chapter Seven

I come upon the building as quiet as I could I slipped into the shadows It's only a matter of time until I make my move. I hide within the shadows and wait until ten just as she had said to I start to get really worried when I don't see any of the gards at the little shead where is everyone I slid from where I was hidden I went to look into the small dirt covered room where the hell are the gards and others a new sense of worry was cased over me oh no they have her in side I need to get her out but how this place has to have gards everywhere the wall and the roof is my best bet I climbed over it and ran from there to the wall it was not my best idea but it's all I have I make my way to the roof how big is this place I looked out and to my surprise its the biggest bilding in this town wow... but there was no time to admire the view have to save Calista I jumped through a window and look up and down the hall no one this isn't right I pulled my hudd up and put the mask on I don't want them to get a good look at my face I wonder through the halls but stop as I remember that I had the Crystal that could find her I took it out and asked where is Calista at it shined and pulled me down the hall and to the right I made sure that no one was there before turning the corners after many turn I made it to a hall that had ten doors in it the Crystal pulled me to the one in the back of the hall way but a sent that was so pungent I coughed I opened the door and what I saw was horrible there she was strung up with rope her feet and hands hands tired to the post she was not covered with any thing I cried and fell to my knees who could have done something like this I pulled myself together and as I was just about to cut her down three cards came in I hid and waited for them to close the door look at this one one of them said as he reached out to touch her the darkness took over and I cut his hand right off right off the others tried to run but I didn't let them go I killed them right there I cut her down and I am sorry I am late her eyes meet mine and all she said was cut the clover off tracking magic and then passed out I pulled my night close out and put that on her I then did some thing evil I strung the dead men's bodies up I left a note on the door that said little red I then move her on to my back she felt like nothing I walked out of the room and down the hall I didn't care if any one saw me I hope they did because what I wanted to do right now would scare a lot of people I came to the door and I there where to grads the came at me but I don't wate I killed them and made my way to the Cort yard all that was left was the wall I walked to it but more gards were the there was something different about this one he had fiery red hair and a look in his eyes said it all he would kill for fun I let the darkness take over he met my blad but he didn't have the strength to hold his place he went flying into the wall I didn't let off of him the images of Calista flashed through my head and I stabbed him I watched as the life drained out of him I pulled my blad out and flung his blood off of it I climbed the wall with ease with each step I made the anger and pane became more and more I made it to the top I fond the clover mark but I didn't know what to do the only way to get it off was to cut it off I did have time for that more gards were coming I whistled for night I jumped off the wall and on to night I pulled her up on to him and road fast out of there I only stopped long enough to cut that mark off and stop her bleeding but the blood starts pool on the ground they found us I get night moving because I can see the lanterns in the dissonance and they were closing in on us what am I going to do .... excited to stop and fight I stop night and hope off ok boy get her far away from here he looked at me then to her it's ok I will come for you now go he ran off I could see the men now I didn't need to know who they were or what they wanted all I new was they are not walking out of here alive they came to a stop when they saw me what is this they looked at me is this it a man got off his horse and asked are you the one who killed the red head I looked up and what if I did I said he pulled his sword then your life ends now oh let's see if that's true I pulled my swords as well and he came at me with a deadly accuracy I've only seen one other time but I didn't let the fight go on for to long I ended his life fast a blad throw the throat the other man all came at me I didn't heasit at all they were all dead in a matter of minutes all except one he took off I notched Arrow and let it go he fell from his horse but the man was still stuck so be it a worning for the man in charge he pissed off the wrong girl and little red was coming for him

I had to run fast to find night he made it a long ways before I found him he looked at me then to her I know she needs a lot of help but we need to get further away the next town it's only a few miles away let's get there and help her he ran hard and fast I held on to Calista and hoped that she was going to be ok

I feel great, one day trip left to go and me and the pups make it to the village and the little ones look and must feel better they run and jump around as I start to cook what I had cote but as I am doing that I can't help but think that something is wrong I feel that I am being Watched from both sides I shake it off and began to eat but it was like someone was right behind I tuned to see no one there I look around the whole camp but I can't find anything that's it I am being paranoid I thought to myself I let Azure have the rest of the meat because I lost my appetite I look at Azua and Crimson play and how happy Cressida will be to see them and how happy I will be to see her ever scene I left her back at the village

I forgot what it was like to have someone to talk to and I even miss the way her hair curls just a little bit and that dam red cloak of hers I will get to see her soon I curled up in wolf form and went to sleep it was late and I needed the sleep if I wanted to leave early to make it there by noon soon I thought soon I will get to hold her in my arm again I drift off to sleep but not before crimson and azure snuggled up next to me and drifted off to sleep you guys have grown on me I fall in to a peaceful sleep hopefully tomorrow comes fast

The wolf that I keep hearing about is nothing but a puppy dog I can't believe that he was a killer not too long ago but that girl I fought before I know she is a killer I could see it in her eyes the way her whole demeanor changed when her eyes change Color I will remember that deep dark blue but I still want what's mine she has my bow and I want it back so if following the puppy dog is the way to get to her then I will do it so his death will have to be put on hold for now just until she is dead and I can see his face I will kill him so I will wait as long as it takes but for now I need to head back

The ride was not all that good but I made it there and got to a inn I began to work on her she was in a horrible condition she had cuts and bruises everywhere and her wrist had sore on them that I had to dump water on just to clean the dirt off of her angles weren't any better there was only one way I was going to clean all of them and not risk her getting a infection I got the bath warm thank goodness for the heat fairies I took the night shirt off and set her into the water the water turned brown I got my soup out and gently clean her and her cuts I washed everywhere I hope that she didn't mind I washed the night shirt the fairies manage to dry in no time I pulled her out of the tub and dried her off with my towel I brushed out her hair and put it in a simple Brad I then took the towel off and put the night shirt back on I carried her to the bed and addressed the wounds I wrapped them in a sap that will fight off anything I miss in the bath I just hope that she will make it

As the morning came I became so happy I am running a lot faster then I have ever I almost forgot the pups I am just so happy we soon make it to the Village in no time which is called shadow Maiden village I walk threw the Village and head to the inn it was a lot smaller than the last one but I went in how can I help you a young woman said she look right through me and at the pups how cute she said she was about to pet them but they jumped at her scaring her a little but all the same her attention was now back on me do you have any rooms open she said yes we do she writes something down hands me a key your room is on the bottom floor room 4 thanks I am about to walk away when I think of something you know you can pet azra she is the nicer one crimson he's kind of temperamental I pick up azra and passed her off to her wow she is so cute yeah she is they make great company when I am on the road wow they must mean a lot to you well they are really not mine to begin with they really belong to my friend she is on her way here you see we got split up when these two got caught by a trapper and she got hurt so well once I new she was ok I went after them I got them back and now I am here waiting for her by the way have you seen a girl with a crimson red cloak come in here no I am sorry I have not but we are the only inn in this Village so if I do see her I will tell her that you're here thank you I really appreciate it she put azzara down but not alter she pet crimson on the head she laughed as he pulled away from her I will get you Mr she said as she started to play with him not long into playing he was his old self and she had him on his back squeaking in joy ok you two lets go they came to me thank you for letting me play with then it was really nice your welcome I walked away and went to the room I opened it and there was one bed I plopped down on it I didn't know how much that run took out of me I am struggling to stay awake he said more to himself then the pups but it was too late anyways he fell asleep

The nigh has come and passed and she has not moved at all I am stressed that she will not wake up but my thoughts are interrupted when I here I need water I practically ran to her I am so glad your not dead me to now can I get some water please I got my canteen and gave it to her she drank most of it and cry in pane and fell back you ok I asked yes but no I guess I have a lot of things broken right now she sat up again you do but I fixed most of them she looked at her self how am I so clean about that I had to wash you and scrubbers certain places I am sorry about that I don't care you already saw it when you cut me down what happened that night why were you ...they had plans for me I told you they were going to kill me but I didn't know it was going to be that night if I new I would have came sooner I am sorry she trailed off for now you need to rest and I am going to find you something to wear Lock the door were I leave she stood and walked over how am I already this much better I locked the door and walked back to the bed I was still very interested in how I was feeling but I was more tired then curious and fell back to sleep

anything at this point will be good for her I found a simple dress that was a solid black and a pare of flat shoes

I went back to the inn and fond that she had went back to sleep I doug through my bag to see how much food I had not much I need to go back out I left once more very fast some dried meat and bread that should be good I ran back to the inn I find that she is still there but she is up and sitting in the small char eating some bread I hope you don't mind she said shylee not at all eat away and put this on she look at what I had is that for me yes put it on she took it from me and slipped it on it fit well on her she pulled on the shoes too thanks she said come here I pulled her hair out of the messy brand and redid it she looked a lot better how are you feeling right now I feel good but it still hurts if I move to much good and I am scared all the time and kind of jumpy but I am ok I am glad to here that because we need to leave tomorrow leave she said were to the next Village over about a day's ride why do we have to leave so soon she said there are people I am going to meet up with there and I miss my fox pups what she said don't worry about it and it's also a good idea to put more space between me and that last town I did some things there I am grateful that you did they deserve everything you did she stared to cry as the memories flashed before her eyes it's ok I took her into my arms you don't have to worry any more what those people did disgusting me and I did what any person would do I saved you and you will never go back there but there is one think your going to do get stronger so that no one can hurt you ever again she hugged me titer and with a new found purpose

Morning came and it was cool out and a light missed was pushing through the town I packed up my thinks and we left with Calista I had given her my cloak as to keep the rain off of her I could do with out it for a day it was a hard track for night but we made good time his big hoofs click away and splashed at the puddles by the time we got to the village it was late really late and to my surprise there was only one inn in this town I walked night over and jumped off I also helped Calista off as well I walked night to the back and let him Settle in I went into the inn and asked is there any room yes she looked at me then to Calista her eyes stopped on my Red Cloak it's you she said there is a man here looking for you he came in with to fox pups really there here already where are they um it's room for I run to that room with Calista on my heels I bang on the door

The first day was weird I new that she should have been here first but with the first day came to a end and she didn't show up I became worried that she would not come but I new better she will come I didn't really do anything for the time being I just played with the pups and slept but when someone came and was pounding on my door I was mad because I had just gotten to sleep I opened the door and Cressida flung her self at me I barely had time to catch her but I was soon nock over when crimson and azzara saw who it was I have missed you all very much and I am sorry for going off on my own she pushed me away to hug the little ones Crimson was the first one to get hugs then azzara soon after I looked and she had some one else to Cressida she turned to look at me who is that I point to the girl who had her cloak on that's Calista I may have done something really bad and good at the same time we need to talked about her but for now she is apart of this group and I wouldn't have it any other way she walked into the room and took my cloak off and put it on a hook we close the door and that's where the beginning of callistus Story begins and how I saved her from and killed and left a calling card as well and how this trip just took a turn for the worse

What am I going to do I lost them and there dam tracks I can't find that damn wolf where did he go I kicked the tree and walked away I start to pace as I think back he was going to the next village I know that much but which one was he going to he was heading west fast the past two days so he would be going to one of the two village in that direction I will have to check both that's the only way to find that girl and once I do I will take back what's mine and kill her I will have to tell the higher-ups and get my payment and my bow that is before i lose myself to the darkness that is hidden within me everyday it grows stronger one day if I don't have my ballista back to me be I will lose myself and the darkness will take over my sole and I will become a hollow a beast so great that even the great calis's could not help me the more I think about it the more I want to hurt someone I just want to ...I need to stop I fall to the ground no ..no not now ..... it may be to late for me the world closed around me and my skin started to crawl my once blue veins were black as night and all i could see was red and gray as the tearing pane swept threw me it was like a emptiness that had no bottom my hands were at my side with my weapons and that was the last thing I remember before I blacked out

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