
Chapter 2

Of course, I am single thought Dimple to herself, but, her heart couldn't bear the heat of that thought. Seeing Rishab digress from the question she averted answering it ."I am a Manager in an IT firm ", replied Dimple."Ah okay, I work as a Venture Capitalist ."


As Dimple drank from the glass of Glenlivet that Rishab had just bought her, Rishab sat beside her admiring her long lashes and her lovely eyes. When Dimple sensed his gaze on her face, she turned to look at him. Caught red-handed by her Rishab felt flustered and his face turned red. Rishab was never really good at flirting and the opposite sex always made him rather uncomfortable especially when he found someone attractive, but this was different, not only was he attracted to this woman but he also felt like he a connection with her, like he had known her for ages, even though he just met her. Rishab never really believed in soul mates but maybe she was his, he thought.

"So, are you from around Toronto?" Rishab was suddenly pulled back into reality when faced with her question.

"No, I am from India but I came here to pursue my Post graduation, then I got a job here.I have been here for 5 years and now I am thinking of settling down ."

"I have been sent by the company I work for to manage a project ", said Dimple.

"So how long will you be staying here?", inquired Rishab.

"I have been here for almost a year now, In fact, I am here today to celebrate my anniversary here, I guess", chuckled Dimple.

"Okay since we are celebrating something care to dance with me", exclaimed Rishab.

Dimples shot a surprised look at Rishab but took up his suggestion.

As he held her delicate small hand with his long, graceful fingers Rishab's heart fluttered. The glow of her smooth flawless earthy complexion, the occasional swing of her shiny black hair, and, the gentle moves of her body as she swayed in accordance with the rhythm of the music playing in the background, mesmerized Rishab.It had been a long time since he was this enamoured of a woman. Till now, all these years, he had buried himself in work knowing it was the only way to rise up the corporate ladder. With his mind always spilled over case studies, spreadsheets and presentations, he never really had the chance to work on his love life, let it blossom.

After a while of dancing both of them headed back to the bar.Rishab thought to himself that it would be the perfect chance to ask her out for dinner.

"Umm so shall we go out for dinner?",asked Rishab.

Oh my God is he asking me out already, Dimple thought to herself.When it came to matters of the heart Dimple was always exercised a little too much caution."I am sorry but I am really tired tonight, had a long day, maybe some other time?", she asked.

Rishab reprimanded himself, why had he asked her out so soon? He should have waited and asked her for her number, he could then text her some other time and casually ask her out, at least he wouldn't have to look red with embarrassment.

"Sure, but let me at least drop you home".


Rishab showed her the way to his car.It was a short ride to Dimple's place.Rishab took her number before she got out of the car and wished her goodnight.As he watched her walk to her place , he thought to himself: I want her to be with me , forever.