
Crazy High

In the walls of A&A Academy, Avy was once invisible. But when she was spotted with the notorious flirt and bully, she became the talk of the school. Rumors went around that they were dating. But soon, another rumor spread like wildfire: he had broken up with her, leaving her heart shattered. Avy's desire for high school love before graduation became an obsession. She was determined to prove she wasn't a hopeless high schooler with a broken heart, and she refused to be seen as a girl anyone could mess with. That's when she met Alvin - a mysterious, rich, and handsome stranger in a cloth shop. When he suddenly transferred to her school, Avy saw a chance to redeem herself and with a secret intention in mind. Will Alvin be the perfect rebound, or will he bring new surprises and feelings into her life? Or perhaps leave her heart shattered just like the flirt did? . . . "Loving you is a warning I'm willing to ignore, because the danger of losing you is far greater"

PPamilerin · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

This can't be

As the giant doors creaked open, Avy's heart raced with excitement and anxiety. This was it the night she had always dreamed about - walking in the grand ballroom with her boyfriend waiting patiently behind the closed doors to walk her in.

With a deep breath, she peeked into the room. Her eyes widening as she takes in the opulent chandelier and sparkling dresses. She exhaled ready to take the bold step in with a smile curved on her lips.

This was her first prom party being a well-known student. Last year's prom, she was a random student who had to fix a prom date with a total stranger just to fit in. But this time around, she had a boyfriend of her own and now the school Queen bee.

As she walked in, the soft clinks of her heels on the marble floor cut into the air grabbing attention to her.

"She is here" a female student said, her voice pitched high, almost yelling, calling her friends attention the moment she set her eye on this Goddess walking in the hall.

Avy was dressed in a black dinner gown, hugging her body seamlessly down to her mid thigh. And Had a front slit above her knees revealing her flawless white skin with each step she took. It hems laid on the floor behind and around her legs, sweeping the floor as she majestically walked in.

"O. M. G. She looks amazing"

"She looks like a Disney Princess"

"She deserves the top spot already. No one can compete with her beauty."

"And her fashion sense"

"I am so jealous of her, I wish I could be her."

Everyone in the room - friends and enemies alike - wanted to see the school's latest Diva, the school goddess everyone had talked about nonstop, walk in the ballroom alongside her boyfriend - Henry, the school flirt and notorious gangster. Also one of the top three most handsome male students at A&A academy. He has been on the chart for consecutive fifty weeks.

Avy made a halt, as it crossed her mind that he wasn't there yet. She glanced around scanning through her audience, taking slow steps.

"This isn't what we planned" she muttered to herself, fixing her gaze on the floor.

She had planned with him some days back that he would wait at the exact spot where she was now behind the closed doors waiting to walk her in, making a grand entrance. However, he was nowhere to be found. Avy lips slowly curved down, a slight frown forming on her face.

As she stared around again, her attention was drawn to her phone making a soft ding and vibrating in her palm. She turned the screen to her face, and a message popped up. It was a message from an unknown sender.

'Looking for Henry? Huh? Sorry to say this, He is at the bar with his prom date'

"This can't be true" Escaped her lips staring at the message with a dubious mind. She knew he was a flirt but he wouldn't do this on the night they've talked about endlessly. He wouldn't want to humiliate her like this.

Her phone made a ding again. She got another message from the same person. 'Still standing there?'

"Who the hell are you?" she said under her breath typing the exact words, then hit the send button.

'Lol! So you still don't believe me? Huh? You want some proof?'

Avy mute staring blankly at the screen her heart beat slowly increasing. What does this person mean by a proof? Is this even real? She asked herself, feeling her rushed heart beat in her chest.

"Yes," she replied.

Though she had doubts about him actually doing this, she trusted him yet she wanted to see this proof for clarity. Perhaps this person is some joker.

Her heart beat increased the moment her phone made a soft ding, but wasn't a soft ding in her ears. It was like a giant church bell was jiggled. She bit her lower lip, her eyes shut, tightening her fist. She raised her face, staring around for a while, then turned her gaze to her phone again as she unlocked it.

She was already in the chat bar. A picture slide in after the strangers replied Okay. She taped the photo and downloaded it immediately.

A picture of Henry and a girl at the bar popped up on the screen, his arm interlocked in hers, laughing. Her lips parted and a gasp escaped her lips, staring at the picture.

She noticed he was wearing the suit she bought for him just a week ago, that has the same designs and patterns as her gown.

She snapped out of her thoughts as her phone vibrated again, making a soft ding. She flinched, her phone almost falling off her grip.

She raised the phone to her face. 'If you think it photoshopped, check the time, I made a screenshot so you would believe me'

Her eyes flew to the time at the corner top of her phone and the one on the photo, it had just a minute difference. Avy found it hard to believe despite it being clear that her boyfriend is a cheat. She stared at the picture gritting her teeth, feeling the sting of tears at the corner of her eyes.

She raised her gaze wiping off the tears threatening to fall to her face then inhaled heavily. She was standing in the middle of the hall with cameras taking shots of the most horrible and humiliating moment of her life.

'What if everyone knows what's happening? What if this is a trap?' These thoughts crept into her mind as an imaginary mocking laugh rang in her head.

She had a wish to disappear right that moment not to face this humiliation if perhaps everyone knows about what just happened. But before that she wanted to see things for herself. She doubled her steps, walking off the red carpet heading towards the bar.

As she walked out of the crowd, she made a halt, a few steps away from the bar. He was there exactly the way he looked in the picture, his hand caressing his prom date face and laughing. He suddenly stopped laughing and whispered to her "I love you" moving closer to her but. . .

The moment Leo saw Avy standing there, glaring at him, he gave him a tap on the arm.

Henry stopped his lips just an inch away from the girl's lips. He exhaled, turning to him "What now man?"

Leo signaled to Avy. He turned, fixing his gaze on her. His eye traveled from her head to toe and a smirk formed on his lips staring at her. "Why would she come now?" He said under his breath, and he was as calm as a dove staring at her.

He turned to his prom date and whispered into her ears. "We got company. Can you leave now, catch you when I am done with her" he said gesturing to Avy.

The girl glanced at her and muttered "Oh! That's her" then fixed her gaze on Him. "You've hurt that poor girl's heart," she said laughing. "Finish up and meet me as quickly as you can. You know where to find me"

"Yes" he grabbed her hand.

"What?" she whispered, smiling. He lifted her hand to his mouth laying a kiss on it before letting her go.

"This can't be," Avy muttered, taking a step back.