
A Shabby Old Shack

it was a dark and stormy night. In the shabbiest looking shack you've ever seen. The interior was plastered with bits of rotting wood and rusty nails. Old cracked jars and vases were the only thing stopping the water, that dripped through the so-called roof, from flooding the whole room. In the left back corner lay a straw bed with the sole occupant of the "house". The bed was uneven. A small piece of wood set underneath one corner. A single drop of water falls down from the ceiling right above the sleeping beast, like a sick reminder that things can always be worse. as the droplet plips on the cheek of the creature a small groan can be heard. The eyes open and as they stare at the next droplet forming the man says "A roof that doesn't leak. That's all I ask". Another droplet falls

When Jack was young, he heard many stories about "Adventurers". He heard all about the riches and wonder that came with such a line of work. When Jack was 16 he set off for a life of adventure. Much to the dismay of his parents. in just 3 months he found a dungeon seeking a documentarian. Jack thought this would be a perfect opportunity. Docs where the first ones to discover and map out new areas of a dungeon. Docs also didn't have to pay an entry cost. On top of all that, Jack heard that this dungeon in particular was quite popular. Once he got the job he soon spent all of his money buying a small plot of land near town. The land had a shabby old shack on it, but Jack figured if he was going to be a documentarian, he would soon have the money to build a nice house where the shack was now. How surprised jack was to find out, the dungeon he thought he'd be working at was on the other side of town. His dungeon was far less impressive.