
Daily Life of a Crawler

Jack awoke to a sunbeam that shone through a crack in his door. He sat up. His hair was a complete mess, like it was every morning. Living just outside of town had some perks, like being close to his job. The fact that the closest water source was in town and he had bedhead everyday wasnt an issue to him. The fact that he had to wait in a two hour line to get into town on the other hand, was not something he was fond of. Most days he would walk to a small river just outside the forest to the east of town. Jack would dunk his head and wash himself before returning home. By the time he got dressed the line into town would shorten to about a twenty minute wait. The first thing he did was head to the guild and check for any quests. Being a small town without much wealth there would always be a few fetch quests for basic items. Basic items could include things like slime plasma and skin, bonemeal or rat hide.

Though the town had two dungeons, one of them only had three floors. Jack never visited the commonly used Cave Dungeon due to the five copper entry cost. On average he made about fifteen coppers a day. Five coppers went to tax and the other ten went to food. Jack picked up a slime skin quest and two bonemeal quests. He then headed out to the dungeon to start the crawl.

Jack always used the crypt near his house. When he was young he was given the great responsibility of documentarian. A Doc, as its commonly referred to, is a person who has been given the duty of mapping and documenting all aspects of a particular dungeon. An example of such an aspect would be a giant complex magic circle in the first room of a dungeon that has the amazing power to spawn one skeleton. The Doc that discovered this circle was at first quite understandably worried. Upon further research, and consultation, the Doc learned that the skeleton was immobile and would only spawn once a day. The doc then gave it the official name of The Stupidly Over-compensating Ridiculous Dumb Skeleton spawned. Jack did not have a very pleasant first week when he started his job. He named the skeleton Jeff

The crawler always took a leg bone from Jeff to give to Don the blacksmith's dog Tony, in return for using his grindstone. Jack moved through the first floor like he always did adding new additions to his Doc's Tablet and marking any changes in the dungeon map's layout. Dungeons didn't tend to change much but they could sometimes have cave-ins. It was a relatively normal day.

The Crawler took his loot back to the surface and turned it in to the guild for a total of thirteen coppers. Jack would have to do without bread in his Crawlers Soup today.

Crawlers Soup is the staple of a crawlers diet. To make crawlers soup you take slime plasma and mix it with some oats or bread. Slime plasma is very nutritious, but quite bitter so Crawlers often boil it. When the plasma is placed in a pot and heated over a fire, most of the bitterness goes away. The problem with this method is the nutrients solidify into a powdery rock like substance. The powder can be absorbed through the skin, but it faintly stains the skin. The skin can look deathly pale over time. Crawlers are often Identified by their ghostly appearance.

As Jack headed back to his shed he had only one thought on his mind "Gods I hope I doesn't rain tonight".