
Countess Winter

Sasha winterchild lost it all due to her own follies. she is determined to protect her kingdom, yet, the fire empire is hell bent on conquering it. When a dragon prince brings his dragon to threaten her, she befriends the dragon. With this dragon, and her wits, she will blaze a path through her enemies, take back every thing that her family lost. Dan Frost lost it all despite living virtuously, and striving for betterment of all. He now had only one aim, enjoy every day like his last day. However, when his only family is hell bent on conquering the world that's only ever heading towards destruction, what is he to do? Should he run away with her ? or fight with her? Xena Winterchild left it all, and ran away. Yet, her sister is fighting her way through impossible odds. Should she stay away, or join her sister? what about her love Justin, who is but a commoner, but left all that he has just to follow her? Ryan Winterchild was locked in his own body with an supernatural being which is pulling strings sending all of his family towards their doom. Will he ever be able to break out and help his family ? wars kill people, but never on the scale nature can. The coldest winter they have ever seen is heading towards them, along with a water and fire calamity. Could the winterland survive through all these calamities safely? ֍-----------֎-----------֎ Discord : https://discord.gg/mRhYYtHPEy Instagram: miuhozuki I answer questions on Discord, and post character pictures, location profiles and relevant content to story on instagram. Currently, Almost all character profile pics are posted on instagram for this novel.

miu_hozuki · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
155 Chs

The Oracle

If what Sasha has seen before in her visions is correct, Dan wanted to leave to the east, traveling the world till death came to claim him.

He may not have had many designs on the elder throne, but he had wanted the legitimization for the longest time.

Does he have the strength to reject the throne ? Sasha did not think so.

" Thank you, my lords, for your loyalty and bravery. Please give us some time to consider. " Sasha told them politely.

Then, she got up and walked away to her chambers in the king's tower.

Both Bran and Dan followed her.

After all, they need to discuss the will together.

Three of them sat together, at the fireplace, enjoying the quiet and company of the family, for the first time in years.

" I will not accept the throne." Dan said after some time.

Sasha could imagine why he would say so.

" Since Bran is here, the crown falls to him first. " Sasha said patiently.

" I am the Oracle. I can not hold offices of power. I need to guide the monarch, not get mired in pointless struggles of power." Bran said.

Both Sasha and Dan smiled indulgently at the young man.

Bran was but a babe when either of them left their home, so seeing Bran speaking so maturely, they felt amused.

Dan leaned forward and ruffled Bran's hair the way he used to.

"Both of you do not vie for the throne, and I do not have qualification to vie for it, what about our home? " Sasha asked straightforwardly.

There are hidden problems with both of them as kings.

If her visions are to be trusted, Dan is heir to the Drakon empire. As such, their vassals will not stand for him being a prince of Winterland when they find out his birth secret. That day will come no matter how much they struggle to keep his birth secret.

Bran … There's something very alien about Bran. He used to be such a bubbly and curious child, but now, he is an expressionless youth with a thousand yard stare.

When he speaks, it is as if he has seen straight through your soul.

" A home is meaningless without people living in it. The ice sorceress has broken her seal. She grows more powerful each day. Very soon, she will recover her full strength, and attack with all of her might. " Bran said in monotone.

Dan shivered.

" I have seen her army. She already has an army of hundreds of thousands of dead. The Barrier will not stand if she attacks with all her might. Our only chance is to allow Snorcs to cross over, and fight together, alive versus dead." Dan opined.

"You mean to let all the Snorcs in the Barrier cross into Winterland ? " Sasha asked in alarm.

There were many boogeyman stories about Snorcs in Winterland.

When a child is disobedient, their mothers scare them saying a Snorc will steal them in the night if they do not eat and sleep obediently.

Forgoing those children's stories, Sasha knew Snorcs do not swear loyalty to any lord. They are free people, making their living by themselves.

They believe land belongs to all, and there are no laws among them at all.

Except for guest rites, and following the elder gods and elder trees the same as Winterland people, they have no similarities at all.

Dan is considering letting those people into her land, when support for them among their vassals is weakest. Just because they are also alive, and it is better for them to fight the dead along with the Winterland army.

He is naïve.

The enmity forged through thousands of years will not turn into uneasy friendship in a single day, much less camaraderie.

It's impossible for Snorcs to fight alongside them, unless they also swear loyalty to Winterland royalty as the rest of Northman do.

Only… From what little Sasha has seen, Dan has a great reputation among Snorcs.

If they kneel at all, they will kneel to Dan, and no one else.

It is the same with their vassals, they want a military man in control, not Sasha.

Well then…

Dan must take up the kingship.

" Keeping the matter of Snorcs aside, we do not have a sufficient army to take Strongfort from the Flayers." Sasha opined.

" Indeed. It is worrying. Regardless of what the will says, the lords who are present here and their territories will be harassed by Flayers. We can not let it happen." Dan opined.

'They will be harassed worse by Snorcs.' Sasha thought, but she did not say it.

This is not the time to pick bones with Dan.

Snorcs have great fighting ability, even if very undisciplined and lawless.

However, it is promising he is worrying about these matters when he should be only worrying about inclement weather in the path he intends to travel through.

So, it's not that Dan does not want the elder throne, but he will not take it as long as one of King Edward's children were alive.

" Very well. Since both of you do not want the elder throne, you can defer the execution of Raul's will. We will convene the lords and convey our intent." Sasha said, getting up and walking to the podium.

The lords have finished their meager meal in the time Sasha and party were discussing, and assembled together in the mess hall once more.

" Your grace ! Have you decided ? " one of the lords asked Dan eagerly.

Dan stood up to speak.

" I defer the acceptance of King Raul's will, on the account of him not possessing all accurate information about life and death of his siblings." Dan proclaimed.

The expression on the lord's faces changed.

Dan is a clone of King Edward.

Raul is beloved, but he still looked more like their mother, with blazing wild red hair, and icy blue eyes.

However, Dan, his raven curls, charcoal gray eyes, and pale skin white as ivory, they are the mark of all Winterchild family. Sure, he is far too pretty, despite having a long face, but all the same, he looked like a man of Winterland no matter where one puts him.

The lords seemed to be really set on Dan for the new winter king.

They could not accept a cripple as their king, much less one who looked as if he is not even living in the real world, with his vacant eyes and weak body.

Next, it is Bran's turn to speak.

" I defer the acceptance of King Raul's will, on the account of I being an oracle. " Bran spoke nonsense.

Being an oracle is not unheard of in Winterland, if a bit rare.

Five hundred years ago, there was a faith war, along with an invasion from the Drakon empire, which changed the landscape of the hundred kingdoms, which now make up summerland.

North has been long united into Winterland, while the south was consolidated into four major kingdoms.

It is said the Oracle has used all his power to predict the event, and died without choosing a successor. From then on, a new Oracle has never been found.

Now, Bran proclaimed himself an Oracle, and on the account of such a crazy reason, he refused the crown. Even if he comes back to his senses and says he wants to be king, he would not be accepted easily by lords.

The lords who were only disappointed before looked crestfallen now.

Sasha obviously wouldn't take up the mantle of Countess Winter, when both her brothers refused the throne.

After all, 'Countess Winter' is a very problematic title.

First, and foremost, the person does not inherit the Winterland.

Second, They could not marry any one, for their entire life.

Third , they must choose a lover or otherwise, and produce heirs to the kingdom.

Fourth, their children do not possess the right to inherit or join the Winterchild family directly. The children are all considered heirs of equal rights. The king or queen who rules the land will be chosen by election among a lords council.

Fifth, the military power they hold must always be shared by at least one or more people, preferably, at least three commanders are chosen.

One to lead the army, one to lead the defense guard, one to coalesce between defense guard and frontier guard.

There are more annoying rules, which are by and large considered redundant, but these five are the main ones.

Simply put, Countess Winter is a ploy developed by the Winterchild family to bait the lords, and accepted by the lords, for that is the only way their families will come into power.

Only, there have been five Countesses of winter in history, all with nephews or nieces. All formidable women, who ruled with an iron fist.

It even gave way to some anecdotes, like all the wolves may die, but the vixen will bite off your dick, and let you lick her forever.

Obviously, such a joke will never be said in the presence of Winterchilds, but the point is… Countess Winter is a strong willed woman.

With a dragon in her hand, Sasha is looking no different.

A king, they can make a relationship with their daughters, but a countess winter ?

Not so easily.

However, they needn't despair this time. After all, Sasha already has a kingdom, this will is by no means useful to her. So, the best decision for her is to defer the will, then conquer the winterland with her own army.

The lords just have to listen to her refusal, and place a stamp on it. Thus, they all looked at her with trite boredom, for the conclusion is foregone by now.

Amidst the subtle disdain of all their vassals, Sasha stood up to speak her piece.