
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

Interstellar Military Doctor (12)

Yalin tried hard to explain to Aubrey, saying that the words he said were just intentionally meant to provoke Lu Jingqian and were not sincere. He repeatedly swore and promised that he truly loved Aubrey and had no feelings for anyone else.

To test if his words were sincere, Aubrey requested to immediately register for marriage.

Yalin, of course, didn't want to marry Aubrey right now. He still held a glimmer of hope of being with Reynold and didn't want to completely give up that hope by marrying Aubrey. However, at this moment, he had to appease Aubrey, so he made a tough decision and decided to take a gamble.

Yalin told Aubrey that he believed it wasn't the best time to get married because they would have to move out of the mansion after marriage, which would be disadvantageous for Aubrey's claim to the inheritance. But if they got married, he could believe in his words, and he was willing to marry him immediately.


Aubrey also didn't want to get married right now because it was a critical period for the inheritance contest, and even if he wanted to get married, his parents would definitely not agree. So both of them arrived at the marriage registration office, and just before signing the papers, when Aubrey saw that Yalin showed no signs of backing out, he decided to trust him and told him that they would get married after he became the heir.

Yalin breathed a sigh of relief. In his view, this incident had been too dangerous, so he harbored even more hatred toward Lu Jingqian and decided to accelerate the progress of human testing. Once he succeeded, he would strike a heavy blow against Lu Jingqian.

And Lu Jingqian was also eagerly waiting for him to suffer a major setback. However, who would bear the brunt of this blow was not up to Yalin to decide because he had no idea the data he obtained with much effort from Xyler had significant problems.

Xyler wasn't really stupid. He just didn't focus his efforts on illicit activities as Yalin did. After the joint attack by Aubrey and Yalin, Xyler had to leave the Imperial Star. If he still couldn't figure out what was going on, then he would truly be foolish.

After such a severe blow, Xyler, who previously didn't guard against others, developed a significant sense of caution towards anyone. So he tampered with all the data in his research. For example, he created his own code and jumbled up the important parts of the data or substituted them with similar components, or slightly exchanged similar quantities and weights. Only he himself could understand the changes, and only he knew where the substitutions were made.

Only he himself could understand the changes, and only he knew where the substitutions were made.

Yalin's human testing had entered its final stage, and they were now waiting for those selected for testing to have their limbs regenerated, then observed to ensure that there were no adverse effects after medication. If everything went well, it would be considered a success.

During the final stage of testing, every time Yalin went to the ward to administer medication or check on the patients, he was accompanied by many military doctors. They wanted to witness firsthand the process of the new limbs regenerating.

Yalin enjoyed the feeling of being surrounded and adored. He had begun to fantasize that after he succeeded completely, he would receive better treatment, more adulation, and higher recognition. His name would be recorded in medical history and remembered by all medical students.

While Yalin was indulging in various fantasies in his office, several rooms under his responsibility suddenly sounded emergency alarms. Startled, he woke up and looked at the room monitoring screen on the wall, only to find that the patients in those rooms appeared to be in extreme pain. Nurses had already rushed in to examine them.

Without much time to think, Yalin immediately opened the door and rushed out, heading to the rooms to see what was happening. Because all the rooms housed soldiers undergoing human testing, there couldn't be any serious mistakes. Otherwise, the things he had enjoyed during this time would likely collapse.

"What's going on?!" Yalin rushed into the ward and asked the nurses.

"Dr. Yalin, we don't know what happened to these patients. Their bodies suddenly started experiencing intense pain, and their limbs are showing signs of decay!" The nurse hurriedly informed Yalin of the examination results. "Their vital signs are rapidly decreasing. If we don't stabilize them soon, there could be a life-threatening situation!"

"How could this happen?" Yalin quickly went to personally examine the patients on the beds but couldn't immediately identify the cause of their condition. He could only frantically try any methods he could think of to stabilize the patients' conditions.

Several patients were simultaneously in critical condition, alarming the entire Medical Department Two. Upon receiving the news, Kraut rushed over immediately, praying in his heart that those people would not encounter any mishaps. He still relied on Yalin's success to gain greater support and recognition.

"How are those patients doing?" Kraut grabbed a nurse and asked, "What is the current situation?!"

"Vice Director," the nurse, who was originally about to fetch medicine, said when he realized it was Kraut who had stopped him, "The patients' life values are rapidly declining. Dr. Yalin couldn't identify the cause. We've tried various methods, but we can't stabilize the patients' conditions."

"Where's Yalin? Let him come here!" Kraut shouted.

"Doctor Yalin went to another ward to administer the medicine." The nurse said.

Kraut shook off the nurse's hand and quickly walked towards the adjacent room. When he saw Yalin busy at work, he approached him eagerly and asked, "Yalin, what is going on? Why did these people suddenly experience such conditions?!"

"I don't know why they suddenly developed these conditions," Yalin replied with a pale face and sweat dripping down. He had a strong sense of foreboding but still tried to administer medication to the patients in an attempt to stabilize their worsening physical conditions.

"You don't know?!" Kraut immediately shouted upon hearing Yalin's words. "How can you not know? These people have always been under your responsibility, and you have been conducting tests on them with the medications you researched. Are you telling me that you don't know now?!"

"I…," Yalin struggled to find the right words. He didn't know how to explain the reasons behind his lack of understanding of the current situation. All the medications he had developed were based on the information from Xyler's data, and now he couldn't figure out which part of the process had gone wrong.

"Say something!" Kraut grabbed Yalin's collar in excitement. "What is going on? You can't solve it?! Speak!"

"I… I've tried all the methods I can think of, but…" Yalin faltered, unable to find a solution.

"I don't care what method you used, you have to stabilize their condition! Now! Immediately! Right now! Stabilize their condition!" Kraut forcefully pushed Yalin against the wall and shouted loudly, pointing at the patients on the beds.

Although Kraut was not young, he was still strong. Yalin felt the pain in his back as it collided with the wall, causing him to crouch down. He also wanted to stabilize the patients' conditions right away, but he had already tried all the methods available to him, without any improvement. Now he didn't know what to do.

The patients had stopped their agonizing struggle, as they were growing weaker and had no strength left to fight. This kind of situation couldn't be hidden. The responsible nurses had to report it, or else they would bear significant responsibility. The Director was alarmed and quickly arrived with a group of people.

"Kraut, Yalin!" The Director approached the two main responsible individuals and inquired about the situation. "What happened to these people? Why aren't you providing treatment?!"

"Director…" Kraut became even more nervous when he saw the Director. He lifted Yalin from the ground and said, "Hurry up and go treat the patients!"

Yalin couldn't express his helplessness. He couldn't do nothing, so he continued to repeat what he had already done.

The Director kept a close eye on the patients' life indicators and realized that despite Yalin's efforts, their conditions not only failed to stabilize but their vital signs were still declining. The Director could see that Yalin was completely at a loss and his actions were futile.

"Go and call Xyler and Bernice. No matter what they're doing, tell them to come immediately!" The Director urgently instructed his assistant.

Upon hearing that Bernice and Lu Jingqian were being called, Kraut immediately spoke to the Director, "Director, we can handle it ourselves. We don't need them to come."

"At this point, you're still arguing about these things here?!" The Director angrily interrupted. "If you had a solution, would the patients' vital signs continue to drop? Do we have to wait for them to die before you admit that you can't save these people?!"

The Director's anger caused his breath to become rapid. He pointed at Kraut and said, "Let me tell you, you better pray that Xyler and Bernice can save these people. They are soldiers who have come off the battlefield. You repeatedly assured us that the chances of success were high and insisted on using soldiers for drug testing. If they die, you can look forward to facing a military tribunal and going to jail!"

Kraut couldn't lift his head under the Director's scolding. He had witnessed Yalin's experimental process and believed that the chances of success in using the medication on the human body were high. He also thought that soldiers' physical fitness was much better than that of ordinary people, which should increase the success rate. Even if side effects occurred, they should be able to withstand them. That's why he insisted on using soldiers for drug testing. But if these soldiers truly died, he might actually end up facing a military tribunal and going to jail.

Yalin, who was standing nearby, turned pale upon hearing the Director's words. If even Kraut, who shared the responsibility, would go to jail, then as the primary person responsible, he definitely wouldn't be able to escape. As the Director had said, he silently prayed in his heart that Lu Jingqian would find a way to save these people. He believed that Xyler, who had written the research process himself, should know where the problem lay.

Lu Jingqian and Bernice hurriedly arrived with their assistant and the other military medics from their team. Upon seeing the vital signs of the patients, Lu Jingqian didn't waste time on words. After examining each patient, he instructed the nurses to transfer them to the same emergency room as quickly as possible.

Yalin, Kraut, and the military medics from their team stood by, watching Lu Jingqian and the others busy themselves, unable to lend a hand.

Before entering the emergency room, Lu Jingqian quickly wrote down the medications he needed on the computer, instructing the nurses to retrieve them as soon as possible. Then he sent another assistant to his laboratory, providing them with the password and asking them to bring the emergency kit from Safe Box 2.

The person stationed at the door watched as the emergency room door opened and closed. After the nurse brought the medication and the assistant carried the emergency kit, the emergency room door opened and closed once again.

Yalin and Kraut were feeling extremely conflicted at this moment. It was their first genuine hope that they could rely on each other's abilities to successfully save the lives of those patients, or else they would face the consequences. They were both scared and worried. Scared that Lu Jingqian and Bernice might not have a solution to save those people, and worried that even if they did, they would intentionally withhold treatment to make Yalin and Kraut bear the responsibility.

Yalin didn't know what he would do if those people couldn't be saved. He didn't know if he should confess that he had stolen the research data and ask Lu Jingqian to share half of the responsibility for him. He was even more uncertain whether, by revealing the act of stealing the data, the law would also hold Lu Jingqian accountable. If not, then his situation would become even more serious because stealing someone's research was also a matter of responsibility.

The director paced anxiously with his hands behind his back. This problem was extremely severe. If Lu Jingqian and the others succeeded in the emergency treatment, he would have to deal with Yalin and Kraut severely and make them bear the responsibility they should shoulder. If they failed, it would be beyond his control. They would have to face everything directly in a military tribunal. Moreover, if the emergency treatment failed, even he, as the director, wouldn't be able to escape the responsibility he should bear.