
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Interstellar Military Doctor (13)

Three hours later, the door of the emergency room was opened, Lu Jingqian, Bernice, and their team walked out.

The Director approach them and asked, "How's the situation?"

Lu Jingqian took off his mask and said to the Director, "The patients' conditions have all stabilized for now, and they are temporarily out of danger. But we still need to quickly investigate the cause of their sudden critical condition so that we can continue their treatment. If we don't treat them quickly, there is still a possibility of life-threatening situations."

The Director relaxed and nodded, saying, "Now transfer all these patients to the First Medical Department. Your team will be responsible for treating them. You must find a way to cure them and let them leave the hospital alive."

"We will do our best." Lu Jingqian said.

Kraut and Yalin also felt relieved. As long as those soldiers didn't die, at least they wouldn't have to face a military tribunal or imprisonment.

Lu Jingqian glanced at Yalin and then said to the Director, "I need to know the composition and proportions of the medications the soldiers were previously taking, as well as their complete treatment process. This will help us quickly identify the cause of their sudden critical condition and provide them with timely rehabilitation treatment."

"That's indeed necessary," the Director turned to Yalin and said, "Did you hear that? Give all your research data and testing processes of those medications to Xyler. They have come to help you solve this crisis, so you should be grateful."

Almost instinctively, Kraut immediately stood up and objected, "No, Director, the research on limb regeneration is classified and confidential. It's an achievement that Yalin worked hard to complete. How can we casually let them see detailed information?"

"What do you mean by completed research?!" The Director looked at him angrily and said, "Would complete research almost cause the testers to die? There must be significant problems with his research process, which has led to the current situation. A research project with serious problems, and you still want to keep it hidden?!"

"We can make up for the mistakes ourselves. We will identify the issues in the research and treat the soldiers," Kraut quickly said.

"You will treat the soldiers yourselves?" The Director looked at him and said, "Do you think you can continue as the Vice Director after such an incident? Do you think this research project can continue?!"

Kraut was at a loss. Because of this incident, would he not even be able to keep his position as the Vice Director?

"Director, this is all caused by Yalin. He should bear full responsibility. I shouldn't be implicated as well!" Kraut immediately started shifting the blame.

"You don't need to rush to shift the blame. The responsibility you should bear cannot be avoided!" The Director said, "I already gave you a chance last time, but this time, you won't be able to get away with just writing a self-criticism. Go back and wait for the dismissal notice. I will clearly list the responsibilities you need to bear in the notice."

"No, Director!" Kraut pleaded, "I'm willing to take all the responsibilities I should take, but please don't dismiss me. I…"

"The only way for you to take responsibility is to leave this hospital!" The Director interrupted him, "If you keep bothering me, I'll have the security team come and take you away. Go directly to the military district to plead!"

Kraut immediately fell silent, but his expression was quite grim. He knew that not only could he not keep his position as the Vice Director, but he would also no longer be able to continue working at the military hospital. But even so, it was still better than being taken away by the security team to the military district.

Lu Jingqian and the medical team went to the ward to check the soldiers' physical conditions and record their vital signs. The dean ordered Yalin to bring all the data.

From the office to the ward, Yalin felt that every step he took was unprecedentedly heavy. He knew this incident would make it difficult for him to turn over. But his heart was reluctant, he felt the research materials were not his own research, so he shouldn't bear all the responsibility.

Yalin stood at the door of the ward, tightly gripping the tablet in his hand. He hoped that time could rewind before he stepped into the ward, so he wouldn't have to face everything that awaited him.

The Director turned around and saw Yalin standing at the door. He frowned and said, "What are you still doing there? Everyone is waiting for your data."

Yalin took a difficult step forward and walked into the room. After stopping in front of the bed, he raised his stiff hand and handed the tablet to Lu Jingqian.

Lu Jingqian glanced at him and, after taking the tablet, started reviewing the contents of the data in front of everyone.

"0.5 milligrams of Silver Froststone powder?" Lu Jingqian looked at the data and said, "Are you crazy? A dosage of Silver Froststone powder exceeding 0.1 milligrams will cause muscle corrosion. Don't you know such basic knowledge? Did you really graduate from the Imperial Military Medical School?"

Yalin's face looked unpleasant. He kept his head down, unable to meet the gaze of others. After hearing Lu Jingqian's words, he felt angry and confused. These were clearly his own research findings, and he should have been well aware of the contents. Why were they being used to question and humiliate him now?

In fact, Yalin also had doubts about some of the content in the data after reviewing it. However, he conducted experiments on rats according to the information in the data, and he had already achieved success. So he thought that the seemingly strange dosages of certain components must have had some reasoning behind them, and he didn't further investigate the content of the data. Moreover, there were some parts he simply didn't understand, so he just followed the instructions in the data blindly.

Lu Jingqian continued scrolling through the data and suddenly stopped at a certain point. He looked at Yalin and said, "Fluorogel and Chaire Alkali must never be used together, as they will produce a highly toxic substance. This is a mandatory topic in the medical curriculum. Didn't you study it? Are you really a graduate of the Imperial Military Medical School?"

Bernice took the tablet from Lu Jingqian's hand, looked at the content, and furrowed her brows. He then handed the computer to other military doctors and began discussing it with them.

Unable to bear the questioning gazes and sarcastic remarks, Yalin suddenly looked up at Lu Jingqian and said, "These are clearly your…"

"My what? Lu Jingqian spoke calmly, but his gaze contained a hidden provocation as he looked at him. "Why don't you say it?"

Yalin suddenly realized that Lu Jingqian was likely intentionally forcing him to admit to stealing the data. He must have known that there were issues with the data and had already prepared a way to treat the affected soldiers. So as long as he admitted to stealing the data, he would have to bear more responsibility.

Therefore, Yalin didn't continue his previous statement. He angrily gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Jingqian, saying, "You did this on purpose!"

"What did I do on purpose? Please clarify in front of everyone." Lu Jingqian looked at him with an inexplicable expression and said, "Did I make you use these ingredients and proportions in this manner? Did I force you to deliberately make mistakes?"

"When I conducted experiments on rats, I had obviously already succeeded." Yalin couldn't reveal the truth, so he insisted, "Or perhaps there was an error in the dosage of the components during the experiment, or in the dosage of the drugs during the human testing. But the research progress should be fine."

"Please forgive me for being frank," said Lu Jingqian calmly. "Based on the information I just saw, whether you conducted the experiments on rats or on humans, anyone with medical knowledge knows that it's impossible for them to succeed. Either you tampered with the rats during the process and constantly replaced them, so there was never a consistent rat used in the experiments. Or you are concealing the failed results and hiding the rats that didn't survive."

"I didn't!" Yalin denied loudly. "Don't accuse me without evidence. The experiments I conducted on rats were truly successful, and you should be well aware of that!"

"What do I know?" Lu Jingqian furrowed his brow. "You keep saying that I know, I know. What exactly do you think I know? Be clear about it."

As the Director listened to their conversation, his face grew increasingly gloomy. He instructed his assistant, "Use my access card to open his laboratory and search for the records of rat acquisition and usage."

"Yes, Director," the assistant promptly left with several nurses.

"You're so desperate for fame that you dare to conceal and fabricate even such matters," the Director sharply looked at Yalin.

"I didn't, Director, I really didn't!" Yalin shook his head vehemently in an agitated state.

"Whether you did or not, I will investigate and find out. Be prepared for the consequences, as you'll have to face them," The Director said.

Yalin's heart surged with intense fear. He already sensed that he was in deep trouble, but he couldn't just accept his fate. He had to find a way to save himself; he believed he could come up with a solution.

The Director's assistant soon returned, holding a box covered with a cloth. He walked up to the Director and removed the cloth for the Director to see, "Director, see this."

The transparent box reveals the decaying experimental rats inside. The label on the box clearly indicated "Experimental Rat for Limb Research."

"What else do you have to say?" The Director's gaze, filled with anger, bore into Yalin.

"I…" Yalin looked at the mangled rats and found himself speechless. He truly had nothing to say because he realized that he was indeed guilty and didn't know how to defend himself.

"Reporting false research completion is completely different from encountering mistakes in research," The Director said, looking at him. "Whatever you have to say, save it for the courtroom."

The Director turned to his assistant and said, "Bring the security team here to take him away."

The assistant immediately took out his phone to notify the hospital's security team.

Unable to bear the impending reality, Yalin's legs gave way, and he slumped to the ground.

Lu Jingqian observed him, thinking that retribution had come so swiftly; he had brought it upon himself entirely.

Kraut also believed that Yalin had reported false results. Although he didn't understand why Yalin would do such a thing, the fact that Yalin had implicated him made him wish to strangle Yalin.

Yalin was taken away by the security team, awaiting his trial, which would likely result in spending a significant portion of his life behind bars. Using soldiers' bodies for false research tests was a grave crime.

Kraut was not only dismissed from his position but also expelled. The forces behind him had chosen to abandon him as a pawn, leaving him with no chance of turning his situation around. Furthermore, he hadn't settled accounts with Reynold for the incident where he had cursed at Lu Jingqian, so his future life would undoubtedly be miserable.

After being taken away by the security team, Yalin was locked up, awaiting his trial. His parents had to sell all their assets to hire a relatively famous lawyer to prepare for his defense.

Yalin new that the only person who could possibly find a way to save him was Aubrey. However, Aubrey was currently on another planet, engaged in practical combat training against space creatures, and he wouldn't be able to return for at least another half month. By the time half a month passed, everything Yalin would have to face would already be determined, and even if Aubrey had exceptional abilities, it would be highly unlikely for him to rescue Yalin from prison.

Yalin managed to have his parents contact Aubrey and asked him to find a way to return early and save him. Although he didn't know if Aubrey had the means to rescue him, Aubrey was his only hope at the moment. If even Aubrey couldn't help him, then he would truly be doomed. Not only would his medical career be over, but his entire life would be destroyed.

Although it was Yalin who had caused the soldiers to nearly die and Xyler had tampered with the data, Lu Jingqian felt that as the only person who knew the truth, he should bear some responsibility. After all, only those soldiers were completely innocent. So, after doing his utmost to treat those soldiers, Lu Jingqian made better arrangements for them through Reynold as compensation.

In fact, there were still many unresolved issues in Xyler's limb regeneration research. Coupled with his manipulation of the data during record-keeping, it led to such severe consequences.

Limb regeneration research is not impossible to complete, but with the current technology, there are still many elements that cannot be extracted. Lu Jingqian could potentially create more advanced equipment and machines himself, but that would attract too much attention and suspicion from others. Therefore, he planned to wait for the most appropriate time to complete genuine limb regeneration research, but that might be many years away.