
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasia
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65 Chs

Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(8)

All eyes in the lounge turned to Lu Jingqian, wondering about his identity and how he managed to receive fireworks gifts from all the companies under the Weiding Group.

Among those in the lounge, Rui Yusheng was one of the only two who guessed who sent the fireworks gift to Lu Jingqian. He closed his eyes and thought to himself, 'Only him, only he can do this. Why did it end up being Wen Nan? Why wasn't it him? Was it because he doesn't have a father who was an old friend of his?

After the fireworks gift-giving ceremony ended, employees from each company left through the arranged special passages and prepared to take cars to the banquet hall at the Imperial City Hotel.

When someone asked Lu Jingqian why he received so many fireworks gifts, he just smiled and didn't answer, then followed beside Bedia, walking out with the crowd.


To avoid congestion, each company had its own special passage, and the parking locations were also different.

Lu Jingqian walked and talked with Bedia, when they reached the parking lot, the general manager and vice president bowed in unison to the tall man standing in front of them.

"President!" the general manager and vice president bowed to the man.

Others who had or nor seen Frederick also immediately bow down in salutation when they heard this.

"Hm." Fred slightly nodded his head, and then looked at Lu Jingqian.

Lu Jingqian smiled and walked past the general manager and vice president to Frederick's side, calling out, "Uncle Fred, thank you for the fireworks gift."

"As long as you like it, let's go," Frederick turned and led Lu Jingqian to his own car.

Every Allure Model's personnel remained motionless watching them. After the bodyguards opened the car doors, they saw Lu Jingqian get in first, followed by Frederick. The car drove off, and they still stood motionless, unsure how to react.

When the general manager regained his senses, he turned and found Rui Yusheng in the crowd, asking, "Rui Yusheng, it was you who brought the admission letter under President Frederick's instruction to come to Allure Model, right?"

"Yes…" Rui Yusheng's gaze stayed glued to the ground. Even though he was feeling incredibly guilty right now, he still maintain his composure.

"Then you…" The general manager looked at other people's puzzled eyes and suddenly realized that now was not the time to talk about these things, moreover in front of so many people. But he will definitely look for Rui Yusheng to understand if he has anything to do with Frederick.

Lu Jingqian turned his head and looked at Frederick, "Uncle Fred, did you especially come to get me?"

"… I was just passing by, so conveniently take you with me," Frederick said.

Lu Jingqian nodded, but he did not believe it in his heart. It was still possible the previous time when he said he was just happened to meet him, but he doesn't believe there were so many coincidences when he said he was just passing by this time. Besides, even if he happens to be passing by. There was no need to specifically bring him along to the banquet site. But Lu Jingqian will not expose him, because for him to take the initiative to approach himself was good for him.

The higher the status, the more people generally do not appear at the beginning of the banquet, so even if Lu Jingqian and Frederick arrived at the hotel early, they went straight to the lounge to rest.

After Lu Jingqian's assistant arrived at the hotel, he changed into another set of dresses for the banquet in the dressing room that was used for Frederick's room.

When he was changing his clothes, Lu Jingqian took a look at Frederick's favorability rating. Although it was close to the level of having a good impression, Lu Jingqian was not satisfied with the progress. After thinking about it, Lu Jingqian felt he should also put in more effort to find a way to speed up the improvement of Frederick's favorability point.

After checking his makeup and outfit in the dressing mirror, Lu Jingqian walked out of the dressing room and stood in front of Frederick, "Does it look good?"

Frederick, who was sitting on the sofa and working on his computer, looked up. He looked at the curve of his body under the dress and said, "It looks good."

The young boy already carries his own alluring charm, not to mention Lu Jingqian's thin waist and hip, a pair of straight long legs flawless, hidden in the light transparent fabric is even more tempting, looking at it made Frederick can't help but felt thirsty.

Lu Jingqian sat down next to Frederick, bowed his head, "Uncle Fred, thank you for sending me the fireworks gift. Although I am very happy to receive so many fireworks gifts, but, but…"

"But what?" Frederick smelled the sweet scent of his body and couldn't help but move closer.

"You have been so good to me, but I have nothing to give back to you, I…" Lu Jingqian said with hesitation.

"I was entrusted by your father to take care of you as my way to return the favor, so you don't need you to return anything to me," Frederick said.

"Is that so?" Lu Jingqian's tone was full of loss. Although he was deliberately making a disappointed attitude, he was actually really a little disappointed in his heart. However, he also knew that with Frederick's current favorability toward him, there was no way he would admit he sent fireworks because he liked him.

When Frederick saw the side of Lu Jingqian's face, he almost raised his hand to stroke his head, but he restrained himself and lowered his hand after raising it a little.

The banquet had been going on for some time, and when Frederick got up and was about to go to the banquet hall with Lu Jingqian, his assistant came in with his cell phone in a hurry and handed it to him.

Frederick put the phone to his ear and answered it, although he didn't say anything. But he frowned.

Lu Jingqian thought that the things that can make Frederick frown, certainly will not be trivial. It seems that Frederick was likely unable to attend today's banquet.

As expected by Lu Jingqian, Frederick said to him after he put down his phone, "I have some important things to deal with right away, so I can't go to the banquet with you. You should go to the banquet hall to find Allure Model's people, and don't drink this time."

"I know." Lu Jingqian nodded his head obediently.

Lu Jingqian in women's clothing already made his heart move, adding this well-behaved look, it makes Frederick's heart feel hot, and there was an impulse to pull him into his embrace. But this matter was urgent and Frederick has no time to be delusional nor can he delay things, so he turned around and was ready to leave.

"Uncle Fred…" Lu Jingqian pulled Frederick's hand and tilted his head up to look at him

"What's wrong?" Frederick looked at him in confusion.

Lu Jingqian plucked up enough courage to take a step forward, stood on tiptoe and kissed Frederick on the cheek, paused for a few seconds, then immediately took two steps back and stood with his head bowed and said, "You, you go take care of things quickly."

Frederick has always been nimble, if he doesn't want to be touched, he will absolutely dodge. However, until that soft touch rested on his face, he did not dodge. Or rather, he was just watching ats Lu Jingqian kiss him.

After Frederick left, Lu Jingqian sat down on the sofa with his hot burning. He didn't understand why he was so embarrassed just by kissing his face, obviously in his last life, the two had done everything. Lu Jingqian pondered the reason, thinking that perhaps this was the first time he had taken the initiative and that's why he was so embarrassed. But this won't work, he wants to quickly increase Frederick's favorability toward him, and his seduction skills have to be strengthened to do so.

Lu Jingqian waited until the temperature of his face dropped before going to the banquet hall.

As soon as Lu Jingqian walked into the banquet hall, he drew a lot of stares, and because he didn't want to deal with the people who came to talk to him, he accelerated his steps towards Allure Model's people and then prepared to ask Bedia to take him away early.

"Teacher Bedia." Lu Jingqian shouted.

When those people from Allure Model saw Lu Jingqian, their next reaction was to look behind him. Obviously, they were looking for Frederick, but they didn't see him.

After seeing Lu Jingqian, the general manager of Allure Model was ready to greet Frederick, but after looking for a while, he didn't see him, so he asked Lu Jingqian, "Isn't President Frederick with you?"

"Uncle Fred got a call out of the blue. He said he had something important to take care of right away, so he left first." Lu Jingqian said.

"You… what is your relationship with President Fred?" the vice president asked Lu Jingqian.

"Uncle Fred and my father were friends. Before my father died, he requested Uncle Fred to take care of me." Lu Jingqian smiled.

"Then how come you didn't say that when you entered Allure Model?" Bedia glanced at Rui Yusheng and said, "I remember you came to the interview on your own. If you had said you were familiar with President Frederick, you would have been able to get into Allure Model without an interview, just like someone else."

"In fact, I originally did not have to interview to be able to enter Allure Model, but my…"

"Wen Nan! I have something to say to you, come with me for a bit." Rui Yusheng quickly strode away and pulled Lu Jingqian who hasn't finished his words to a corner.

"Let go." Lu Jingqian used force to take his hand back.

"You promised me not to tell this thing to anyone." Rui Yusheng murmured through gritted teeth.

"Did I promise anything?" Lu Jingqian deliberately acted as if he had forgotten about it, and said provocatively, "Even if I promise you, so what? I just wanted to renege on it now, what else can you do? What if I tell Uncle Fred about you stealing my acceptance letter and asked him to block you, do you think he will agree to my request?"

"You…" Rui Yusheng angrily clenched his fist. Because he didn't want other people to see anything, even if he has already trembling from anger, he still have to maintain his facial expression.

"What about me? No matter what I did, you will think it is too much, right? If you are angry and scared, then I'd say you deserve this day. You reap what you sow." Lu Jingqian said.

"So you were pretending when you said you'd forgive me and that you wouldn't tell anyone I stole your acceptance letter? You were waiting for this day to get back at me, right?" Rui Yusheng said through clenched teeth, "You are really too despicable!"

"You really think everyone is the same as you? In order to achieve their own goals, always thinking of calculating and trapping others?" Lu Jingqian looked at him with sharp eyes and said, "To tell you the truth, I did intend to forgive you before, but after you deceived me again and again, and went to great lengths to keep me from going to Uncle Fred after I came to the Imperial City, and tried to find ways to harm me, what qualifications do you think you have to get my forgiveness? "

"When did I lie to you? When did I want to harm you? !" Rui Yusheng retorted.

"You really will shed no tears until seeing the coffin." Lu Jingqian said, "Then do you want me to let Uncle Fred tell you personally he has no affection for you and has never sent you flowers or dated you? And the fact that Alva forced me in women's clothes to accompany his clients to dinner, do you think I don't know that it's you who instructed him behind the scenes?"

"You, you told President Frederick all those things that I had told you?" Rui Yusheng's face changed dramatically, he thought Lu Jingqian had told Frederick what he had said and realized what he had said was a fabricated lie, but he would not admit to instructing Alva, "I, I did not instruct Alva to do anything to you, don't accuse me."

Lu Jingqian sneered sarcastically, "So far I have not told Uncle Fred what you said, but maybe one day, there is a possibility of me accidentally leaking them out. I guess if Uncle Fred knows what you said, he will not be in a good mood. And the matter that you instructed Alva to harm me, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it. When I want to get the evidence, I will let Uncle Fred send someone to check it out for me, and I can get the evidence immediately. This little thing is simply a breeze for him."

"What are the two of you talking about? It's taken so long to finish." Bedia walked toward the two of them.

"It's done. I think he has nothing else to say." Lu Jingqian smiled at Bedia.

"Rui Yusheng, what is wrong with you? You look so pale, are you sick?" When Bedia saw that Rui Yusheng was pale and in a strange state, she frowned and said, "You can't faint here, or someone will spread the word that Allure Model is squeezing their model, I'll have someone take you to the hospital."

"He shouldn't need to go to the hospital." Lu Jingqian said, "But he should not have the heart to continue the banquet, so let his assistant take him to the hotel room to rest for a while."

Bedia called Rui Yusheng's assistant and informed him to come and take him away.

"Teacher Bedia." Lu Jingqian walked to Bedia's side and said in a whisper, "Take me out of here, Uncle Fred said that I should not drink, if someone comes to toast me later, I can't refuse."

"Okay, let me talk with the general manager for a bit before we leave."

Yes." It wasn't good for Lu Jingqian to leave by himself, so he could only ask Bedia to take him to leave together.