
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(9)

Lu Jingqian was about to leave with Bedia but was stopped by someone whom almost all models didn't want to see, namely Bairde.

As soon as other models saw Bairde, they would hide away, not wanting to come to direct contact with him. However, Bairde came specifically for Lu Jingqian. His eyes were fixed on Lu Jingqian and he didn't pay attention to others who tried to avoid him.

Lu Jingqian exchanged a glance with Bedia, knowing if they didn't deal with this person, they wouldn't be able to leave.

The general manager and vice-president of Allure Model saw that Bairde was obviously targeting Lu Jingqian, so they immediately stepped forward to block him from getting too close to Lu Jingqian, preventing Bairde from getting close. Not to mention that they already knew about Lu Jingqian's relationship with Freyue, even if they didn't, they couldn't let their company's ace, whom they were preparing to train, get involved with someone like Bairde.


Bairde's expression immediately turned sour when he saw them blocking him in front of Lu Jingqian. He looked at the general manager of Allure Model and said, "I just came to say hello, what do you mean by this?" Are you afraid I will eat him?

"Mr. Bairde, you misunderstand," the general manager of Allure Model said with a smile. "We saw you come over, so we took the initiative to greet you."

"I don't want to greet you now, I just want to greet Wen Nan," Bairde said with a displeased expression. "I sent him fireworks on behalf of Durin. Even if he didn't come to thank me, I took the initiative to greet him. It's unreasonable for you to block me, isn't it?"

"Oh, so the fireworks Durin gave to Wen Nan were sent by Mr. Bairde. We didn't know that before, so we only expressed our thanks to President Lindsay just now," the vice president said. "Since we know now, we also thank Mr. Bairde on behalf of Wen Nan."

"Why doesn't he thank me himself? I'm standing right here, and he's here too. He's not somewhere else," Bairde said, still displeased.

"He will definitely express his gratitude to you, Mr. Bairde," the general manager said, turning to Lu Jingqian. "Wen Nan…"

"Thank you for the fireworks gift, Mr. Bairde," Lu Jingqian said politely, but there was no smile in his eyes.

When Bairde heard Lu Jingqian finally speak to him, he smiled, "Just saying thank you alone can't express your gratitude to me. You should at least have a drink with me."

Baird has recently watched all of Lu Jingqian's live streams and has become really obsessed with him. He has made up his mind to get him by any means necessary. Although he felt somewhat troubled that Lu Jingqian works for Allure Model. After all, Allure Model is a subsidiary of Weiding Group, as compared to small companies without backgrounds, which is easy to get people from. Although he has considered giving up on pursuing Lu Jingqian, the more he cannot have him, the more he wants him. He simply cannot control his desire.

After much deliberation and consideration, Baird decided that he must get him, even if he works for Allure Model. He was willing to take the risk and give it a try. He felt that even after he succeeded, Allure Model would not do anything to him because of a model, and it would not be good for anyone if things got out of hand. His reputation was already like this; no matter how bad it was, it couldn't get any worse. Allure Model, on the other hand, would definitely consider their reputation and not make a big deal out of it. If they were to resolve the matter privately, he could just spend a little more money.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bairde, I can't drink today," Lu Jingqian said.

"Why can't you drink today?" Bairde's face fell again. "I think it's not that you can't drink today, but that you don't want to drink with me?"

"I'm feeling a little unwell today, so an important elder advised me not to drink," Lu Jingqian said calmly.

"Important elder?" Bairde sneered. "That elder seems to be controlling you a lot. Tell your elder that since you've already started your career as a model and come to this kind of banquet, there's no reason not to drink."

"My elder was supposed to attend the banquet today, but something important came up and he had to leave early. If there's a chance to meet him next time, Mr. Baird can talk to him face to face," Lu Jingqian said.

"I can certainly tell him in person, there's no need to wait until the next banquet. You can schedule a time and I'll meet him anytime," said Bairde. "But for tonight, you must drink with me, or it's a disrespect to me."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bayerd," said the general manager of Allure Model. "Wen Nan has already said he's not feeling well and can't drink today. Please don't force him."

"Huh, you guys are really protecting him even though he said he won't drink?" Bairde sneered. "I've never met someone who disrespects me like this before, even though I'm already this old." "You should know what kind of person I am. Are you trying to offend me?"

"We didn't intend to offend you, Mr. Bairde. It's just that you've been giving us a hard time. If you feel we've offended you, you can go complaint to President Fred at Weiding Group," the general manager said.

When Bailde heard the name "Frederick," his expression change again. But he quickly calmed down and said, "Don't use your President Frederick to threaten me. My father is familiar with him, and a person of his status would not stick his neck out for a model."

"Bediya, take Wen Nan back," the general manager said, turning his head.

The general manager of Allure Model didn't want to mess with people like Bairde, but now he insisted on making things difficult for them. If they appeared too afraid of trouble, they would only embarrass the Weiding Group. Moreover, everyone dispatched by Weiding to various subsidiaries knows that Frederick is a protective person. In the past, he often reminded them not to actively seek trouble, but also not to be cowardly. Even if it were not Lu Jingqian, but another model, they, as managers, could not just stand by and watch him being bullied. Besides, Lu Jingqian is directly related to Frederick, and if Frederick finds out they did not stand up to defend him, the result would be worse than offending Bairde.

"Okay." Bediya nodded and then escorted Lu Jingqianout.

"You…" Bairde's face turned red with anger, but he could only watch as Lu Jingqian left. He gritted his teeth and said, "All right, you guys don't take me seriously, huh? Then just wait and see!"

Rui Yusheng was originally planning to go to the rest area with his assistant to take a break, but when he saw Bairde stop Lu Jingqian, he stood in the corner and watched silently until the whole thing was over. After watching, he lowered his head and began to contemplate.

Lu Jingqian returned to his dormitory and sat on the bed after taking a shower. He hesitated whether to call Frederick or not. But he felt that it might appear too purposeful and reduce Frederick's favorability toward him. After thinking about it, Lu Jingqian realized that just initiating contact would not be enough. It seemed that it was even harder to increase the favorability of his lover in this life than in the previous one. He needed to find another way to show his care for him.

Therefore, he opened the system and sent a message to the main system, trying to get a hint of the method. Then he got a reply with only four words, to actively seduce him

To actively seduce him? Lu Jingqian thought, how should he take the initiative to seduce him? Don't tell him he needs to take the initiative to offer himself? Just imagining it made his face burn.

However, even if he was willing to take the initiative to offer himself, there must be a good opportunity. He can't just find him and then directly pounce on him, right?

As he was thinking of a solution, his hand unknowingly tapped on the various functions on his phone screen. After seeing Alva's messages to invite him out a while ago, an idea finally formed in his mind.

The next morning, before getting up, Liu Jingqian heard the doorbell ringing. He was puzzled about who would come to him at this time. This building was all dormitories for the employees of the Allure Model. Except for the employees of Allure Model, no one else could enter.

Liu Jingqian got up with suspicion and walked to the door to open the monitoring screen outside. When he saw that it was Rui Yusheng standing outside, he was stunned for a moment before opening the door.

"What's the matter?" Lu Jingqian asked as he stood at the door, looking at him.

"CaI, can I come in and talk?" Rui Yusheng change his usual haughty image and was standing outside with a rare display of humility.

Lu Jingqian thought about it and said, "Come in."

He turned around and sat down on the sofa in the living room, saying, "Although I don't have to go to the company today, I don't want to waste too much of my resting time because of you. So please finish what you want to say within ten minutes and then leave immediately."

"I'm here to apologize to you." Rui Yusheng lowered his eyes and looked at the ground, saying, "Before, I was too eager for success and lost my soul in the prosperity of the Imperial City, so I did some things I shouldn't have done. I'm really sorry. I've reflected on my mistakes, and I can do anything if you can forgive me."

"Anything?" Lu Jingqian smiled and said, "Then please publicly disclose everything you've done and publicly apologize through live streaming on the Internet. Then I'll forgive everything you've done. Can you do that?"

Rui Yusheng suddenly knelt down and said, "I'm begging you, please give me a way out. I'm really here to apologize with remorse."

"When you set traps to harm me, did you ever think about giving me a way out?" Lu Jingqian said coldly, "No, right? You are afraid I will steal your limelight and block your path. Because of your jealousy, you only wanted to put me to death! Now you come to apologize to me, but it was only to protect yourself, not at all because of sincere repentance. You think I can't see through you?"

"I, I did have bad intentions, but I didn't actually cause any real harm to you, did I? And now you have the support of President Frederick. Even if I wanted to do something, I couldn't. And I truly repent, please believe me and give me a chance to redeem myself, I beg you, please, I beg you," Rui Yusheng pleaded with tears in his eyes, almost crawling on the ground.

"You may not be able to cause any harm to the present me, but for the harm you caused me in the past, you cannot be forgiven even if you sacrifice your own life," said Lu Jingqian coldly.

Rui Yusheng suddenly looked up, staring at Lu Jingqian with resentment, saying, "All I did was steal your admission letter, and even without that letter, you could still get into Allure Model. I lied to you to satisfy my own vanity. These things didn't cause any harm to you, so why can't I be forgiven even if I sacrifice my life?! Aren't you bullying people too much?"

"What about your instruction to Alva to take me to accompany clients for dinner? If I hadn't been alert and happened to be taken away by Uncle Fred, you wouldn't be kneeling in front of me now. Instead, you'd be using this to threaten me and show off in front of me, right?" Lu Jingqian looked at him coldly.

"But that didn't actually do you any harm in the end, didn't it?" Rui Yusheng said tearfully. "After you left, I went to drink with those clients for the whole night. I set a trap for you, but I suffered the consequences myself. Isn't that punishment enough for me?"

"Only the victim can determine whether they've been hurt or not. What you say doesn't count," Lu Jingqian said. "Ten minutes have passed. You can leave now."

"Wen Nan, I beg you to not tell what I have done to President Frederick. I really don't dare to do anything else to you. Please forgive me, I beg you, forgive me, okay?"

"Forgive you?" Lu Jingqian looked at him expressionlessly and said, "Impossible. Just because I don't tell him now doesn't mean I will never tell him. One day, I will tell him everything you have done."

"Just what exactly do you want me to do? !" Rui Yusheng cried out, "Do you really have to watch me die in front of you before you can forgive me? Why did you become so heartless when you used to be so kind?" !"

"Yes, my kindness was just being foolish and gullible in your eyes. You said something and I believed it. You begged me a few times and I immediately softened my heart. It's a shame…" Lu Jingqian stood up, holding his phone, and said, "I'll give you one last minute. If you don't leave, I'll call the management to drag you out."