
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
65 Chs

Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(15)

Bairde was thrown back to his own residence by Frederick's bodyguard. After calling for a private doctor to give him a painkiller and medication, the first thing he did was to immediately send someone to bring Rui Yusheng to his residence.

When Rui Yusheng saw Bairde's men coming to pick him up, he thought Bairde had finally succeeded and they were here to take him to witness it. He could hardly contain his excitement because he thought he would not only be able to see Lu Jingqian being tortured immediately, but also that his own time to turn things around had come. So he went to see Bairde with great enthusiasm.

As soon as Rui Yusheng entered the door, Bairde slapped him to the ground. He was dazed by the slap, his face burning with pain and his ears buzzing. He didn't know why Bairde had hit him and could only stare at him in confusion.


Bairde lifted him up from the ground and pressed him against the wall, asking, "You know about Frederick's relationship with Wen Nan, don't you?" !"

"…what, know what? Relationship?" Rui Yusheng saw Bairde's bruised and purple face, and added with his words, already guessed what was going on, but he subconsciously denied it.

"You're still pretending!" Bairde threw him to the ground again, kicking and hitting him hard, "You knew about Wen Nan's relationship with Frederick, yet you kept instigating me to kidnap Wen Nan. You wanted to die, but you had to drag me into it!"

"Ah!" Rui Yusheng screamed in agony as he lay on the ground. He felt like Bairde was about to break his ribs, and the pain was almost killing him, "Stop! Please, stop!"

"Do you know what kind of person Frederick is?!" Bairde grabbed Rui Yusheng's hair and said fiercely, "He's a devil, a devil, do you understand?" ! How dare you made me offend him! Do you know what the result of offending him is?!!"

"it's you! It's you who, who always wanted to get Wen Nan… " Rui Yusheng slurred his words to defend himself.

"Then why didn't you tell me that he was one of Frederick's men?!" Bairde slapped him again and shouted at him, "Why didn't you tell me?! You're going to get me killed, you know that?!!"

Bairde beat up Rui Yusheng to vent his anger. He did not stop until Rui Yusheng passed out from the pain. Then, an intense feeling of fear made him unable to stay at his own place anymore. He didn't have time to pack anything and ran back to his father's house.

He asked his father to plead with Frederick to spare him. His father scolded him angrily upon learning what had happened, but seeing how scared he was, he couldn't bear it and decided to put his face on the line to beg Frederick for mercy.

Days passed without any response, and Bairde lived in constant fear, too afraid to even leave his house. After only a few days, he had lost a lot of weight and his complexion looked unusually bad.

A few days later, Bairde got up in a daze to go to the bathroom, he took off his pants but found he couldn't pee. He looked down and immediately drew a cold gasp. He thought he was still dreaming and hadn't woke up yet, or that he was seeing things wrong.

He slapped himself hard, realized he wasn't dreaming, and immediately let out a horrible howl, "Ahh! Ahh!! Ahh!!!"

He stumbled and ran while shouting at the top of his lung, "It's gone!! My… it's gone!! Ahh! Ahh!!"

The servant who heard his screams opened the door to see what was happening and saw Bairde rolling on the floor. He tried to help but was kicked away.

Bairde's father came in with his personal doctor and said to the servant, "Put the Young Master to the bed, and don't let him move around!"

"Father!" Bairde, who was helped up by the servants, saw his father and immediately cried out, "I lost it! I don't have it anymore!"

Bairde's father slap him across the face and shouted, "You deserve it! How many times have I told you to behave?! The day you mess with the wrong people, you will suffer! You just have to not listen to me, and now you ended up like this was also exchanged with my pride! Otherwise, do you think you can still be alive?!"

"What will I do in the future?! I'm not a man anymore, not a man anymore/ What am I going to do in the future?!" Bairde cried until his face was covered in snot and tears, his spirit has completely broken down.

"You will stay in the villa in the suburbs from now on, and not allowed to even take half a step out of there. Consider it as atonement using the later half of your life!" Bairde's father could not help but shed tears, but for the fate of the entire family, he could only do so.

Bairde struggled crazily, "I don't want to live anymore! I don't want to live anymore! Let me die! Ahh!!"

"Quickly hold him down!" yelled Bairde's father to the servants, then turned to their private doctor and said, "Doctor…".

Several servants held Bairde down on the bed, and the doctor went over to give him a shot. Not long after, he became quiet and fell into a deep sleep.

As a result, Bairde had his tools confiscated, and he went half-mad because he couldn't accept the fact. He spent the rest of his life in that villa, unable to go anywhere else.

As for Dili Ruikang, he resigned from his position as CEO a few days later and never appeared in public again.

Bairde had planned to kidnap Lu Jingqian, but Dili Ruikang had sent someone to monitor his actions and accidentally found out about his plan. Dili Ruikang then prepared to use Bairde plan to his own advantage, intending to rescue Lu Jingqian after he was kidnapped and make him grateful to him, so that he would fall in love with him.

As the saying goes, the praying mantis catches the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind. Bairde and Dili Ruikang were both caught by Frederick, who had already uncovered everything.

After learning that Lu Jingqian had gone to see Alva again, Frederick began to investigate Alva and found out everything that Rui Yusheng had done along that line. Otherwise, Rui Yusheng wouldn't have been completely suppressed and hidden due to one embarrassing performance. Frederick wanted him to disappear from the public eye.

Rui Yusheng and Alva were already under his control, and with the uproar caused by Bairde and Dili Ruikang pursuing Lu Jingqian, how could he not do anything?

Rui Yusheng felt like the whole world was shaking, accompanied by the sound of waves, the irregular frequency of the shaking made him nauseous. He opened his eyes and found himself not on his own bed, but in an empty and swaying space.

He sat up and turned his head to see Alva sitting in the corner. He asked in confusion, "Alva? Where is this? Why am I here"

"I don't know," Alva said, hugging his legs, "I'm already here when I woke up, and then I called you, but you wouldn't wake up. The people outside told me to be quiet or they would come in and gag me."

"There are people outside? Then ask them to open the door." Rui Yusheng held onto the wall, barely stood up, and then staggered to the door, and knocked, "Is there anyone there? Open the door!"

The door was suddenly opened from outside, and Rui Yusheng was knocked down to the ground. He covered his nose, which was almost broken, and looked up at the tall and muscular man.

"What's all the noise about?!" the man yelled.

"This, where is this?" Rui Yusheng slowly backed away.

"We're on a ship, still at sea. We're going to Devil's Island and won't arrive until tomorrow. Is that what you wanted to know? Are you satisfied now?" the man said impatiently.

"Devil's Island?" Rui Yusheng asked in disbelief. "What is Devil's Island? Why do we have to go there?"

"Devil's Island is a place where you'll beg for your life and wish for death. You're going there to receive punishment for what you've done," the man said.

"What you're doing is illegal. You can't force us to go anywhere! Take us back now!" Rui Yusheng shouted in fear.

The man sneered, "Illegal? You two no longer exist in this world. I advise you to be honest, or you'll only suffer more." He waved his huge fist and said, "Otherwise, you can just pass out and wake up on Devil's Island."

"I don't want to go to Devil's Island! Take me back! Take me back!" Rui Yusheng had a foreboding feeling that Devil's Island would not be a good place. He was so scared that he climbed over and hugged the man's leg, begging, "Please, please take me back! Please!"

The man was annoyed by Rui Yusheng's noise and slapped him. Rui Yusheng immediately passed out on the floor. The muscular man glanced at Alva, who had curled up into a ball, and saw that he was looking at him with fearful eyes but was still obedient. So he walked straight out and locked the door from the outside.

Lu Jingqian had already moved from the dormitory to live with Frederick. They started their cohabitation life, and Frederick behaved normally, but Lu Jingqian always felt he seemed angry. He had been living there for several days and only after constantly probing did he finally figure out why Frederick was angry.

It was because when Frederick left, he had told him that he could contact him for anything, so he was waiting for Lu Jingqian to tell him about Dili Ruikang's pursuit and Bairde's harassment, and then let him handle it. But Lu Jingqian thought he would know about it, and after he knew, he would definitely go and handle it, so he didn't bring it up. As a result, Frederick thought he didn't trust and rely on him enough, when in fact Lu Jingqian trusted and relied on him too much, which was why he didn't speak up.

That day, Lu Jingqian put on a lace see-through dress and waited for Frederick in the room. He tied his wavy hair behind his head and sat on the edge of the bed in a seductive pose when Frederick walked in.

"Uncle Fred, how about I wear this to livestream?" Lu Jingqian smiled.

Frederick narrowed his eyes and asked, "What do you think I would do?"

Lu Jingqian walked over and hugged his waist, saying, "If you don't agree, I'll only wear it for you to see, but you can't be mad at me anymore."

Frederick sat down on the bed, holding him and asking, "How many times do you want to get the Princess honorary title?"

Lu Jingqian hugged his neck and thought for a moment before saying, "I haven't thought about it in detail, but I definitely want it at least once."

"Then once it is," Frederick said, "After you receive the honor of being called Princess, I will ask the Allure Model's general manager to reduce your workload. After we get married, you can retire directly."

"Isn't it too early for me to retire now?" Lu Jingqian sat up straight, "How about two times? At least let me get two Princess honorary titles, and then I can slowly retire, okay?"

Frederick put him back on the bed, pressed him down, and caressed his face, "I respect your choice, you can think it over yourself, but I don't want you to be too hard on yourself."

Lu Jingqian's lips were taken by Frederick, and he responded with his tongue. Soon, the two bodies were entangled together. When Lu Jingqian heard the sound of fabric being torn, he felt pity for losing another piece of clothing he liked in his heart.


Lu Jingqian was lying on Frederick's chest, thinking about his offer to retire. In fact, when he thinks about it, it seems that Wen Nan's goal was to express female clothing as a form of art, and not specifically to get the Princess's honorary title. But of course, it is naturally better to get it.

So he helped Wen Nan to get revenge, or rather, he guided Frederick to help Wen Nan get revenge. From now on, all he needed to do was to help Wen Nan realize his dream of showcasing women's clothing in an artistic way, without the need to constantly accumulate popularity through live streaming and endorsements, which were only necessary to obtain the title of Princess. Live streaming and endorsements were only necessary for ranking and obtaining the title of Princess, but as an artist, he didn't need those things. It seemed that he had confused the means and the ends.

Therefore, after obtaining the title of Princess once, he decided to cancel all live streams, events, and endorsements immediately. He would no longer participate in rankings and competitions, but instead, devote his time and energy to designing and planning each of his female clothing performances.

As expected, after successfully obtaining the title of Princess, Lu Jingqian decisively ended all his work as a model. Although the management of Allure Model was very regretful, Frederick spoke up and they didn't dare to force him to continue doing events and endorsements.

Afterward, Lu Jingqian continued to do three to four live performances per year, each one a classic that left a deep impression and was watched repeatedly.

Even at forty years old, he still did live streaming, and he was the only model who appeared on the internet only a few times a year but had countless fans. Because he created so many classics, he also became the only Princess who was forever recognized.

He also became a true female clothing artist who was recognized by everyone.