
Counterattack Strategies (BL-QT)

What people do, heaven sees. Evil-doers will receive punishment. But there is always someone who thought that because they have the protagonist halo, they could do whatever and bully whomever all they want without any consequences. Then, let’s just remove their halo and tear down their mask of hypocrisy. Let those scum men and goody two-shoes experience “putting yourself in other’s shoes”, so they would know they were at fault. At first, Lu Jingqian thought he had to sacrifice his body in order to complete the task. But there are three benefits in doing so; having great items, living a good life, and having a high face value. After a long while, he also felt quite good… what to do? System, “Can you be more modest? Please remember when you first rejected the idea, what about those just and upright words you said before?” Lu Jingqian looked at the sky, “Modest? What’s that? Can it be eaten?” ________ Arcs- 1)Werewolves Counterattack Strategy. (completed) 2)Big Boss in Woman Dress Counterattack Strategy(completed) 3)Interstellar Military Doctor (completed) 4)Food and Live Broadcast (ongoing) ________ NOT MY NOVEL support the translator --->ziareads.com

Judy_Cambell · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Interstellar Military Doctor (1) – The Doctor Who Came Out of the Ruins was Captured As A Strong Man.

Lu Jingqian dragged his tired body, pressed the open button of the operating room, and walked out.

The soldiers outside, who were tall and strong enough to kill him with just one slap, stared at him with tense expressions as soon as they saw him come out. These soldiers had killed countless enemies on the battlefield and would never feel nervous even in the face of death, but at this moment, Lu Jingqian not only saw nervousness in their eyes but also the fear of waiting for his verdict.

If it were any ordinary person faced these soldiers with their fierce expressions due to nervousness and fear, they would probably have already collapsed and unable to stand.

Lu Jingqian took off his mask and said, "He has temporarily come back to life, but…"

"Is he still alive? !" a red-haired soldier looked at Lu Jingqian nervously and said, "Is the General still alive? !"

"He has temporarily come back to life," Lu Jingqian continued, "But you should be well aware of the conditions here. I have used all the drugs and equipment available, but he needs better treatment as soon as possible, otherwise, he won't last long."

"Just a few more hours and our military doctors will arrive. Then we can send the General back to the ship for treatment," Captain Dexton sincerely said to Lu Jingqian, "I represent all the soldiers on the ship, as well as the people of the entire Empire, to thank you."

All the soldiers saluted Lu Jingqian, and some even shed tears because they were so moved. When they were forced to land on this planet with a General who had no signs of life, and most hospitals on this planet had become ruins due to the war, and this hospital, which only existed in half of a building, and only had a young doctor with little experience, they all thought there was no hope.

If the General died in this battle, they would not have the face to face all the people, and the empire would lose their god of war. They didn't know what fate they would face in the future.

"I'm sorry," the soldier with red hair stepped forward, bowing to Lu Jingqian, and said, "I apologize for my behavior two days ago."

"... I accept your apology," said Lu Jingqian.

Two days ago, when these soldiers learned that he was the only doctor left there, the soldier with red hair grabbed his shoulder and yelled at him, telling him to use whatever means necessary to save the person inside.

If it weren't for the fact that the person inside was his loved one, Lu Jingqian might have been really angry because he hated it when others yelled at him, and his arms were probably still bruised. But seeing he had lost his mind for the person inside, he didn't hold a grudge against him.

"Choose two people who can understand the vital sign monitor. After cleaning it, let them guard outside the sterile room." Lu Jingqian said, "If there are any abnormalities in the display, come find me, otherwise, don't disturb me. I'm too tired and need enough sleep to recover."

"Don't worry," Dexton assured, "As long as the General is not in danger, we won't disturb you. We will also send someone to guard the door and prevent others from disturbing you."

Lu Jingqian nodded and took the elevator downstairs to the restroom where the original owner of the body used to stay.

After a simple wash, Lu Jingqian lay down on the single bed and quickly fell asleep. He was really tired. Not only had he not slept for two days and two nights, but also he had exhausted himself trying to save his beloved. It was only by using the system's help that he was able to save his beloved.

If he hadn't, he would have been unable to complete all his tasks when he just arrived in this world, even though he had avenged the original owner. Because even if he helped the original owner to revenge, the original owner has nothing to do with the acquisition of the designated character's good feeling mission, which is impossible to complete.

This was the border star cluster, and when the war was about to reach this planet, the original owner, for some reason, failed to board the evacuation ship and was left behind.

Because the hospital where the original owner was stationed was mostly destroyed by the artillery fire, he died in the ruins while trying to retrieve his research data. Then, Lu Jingqian's soul traveled through time and space to replace him. When Lu Jingqian emerged from the ruins, he changed into clean clothes and walked out of the building that had not been destroyed yet, only to see the soldiers searching every room as if they were crazy.

After the soldiers confirmed that he was the only doctor there, they immediately fell into despair. But because there was no other option, they let him try, knowing that trying something was better than doing nothing. After being threatened by the soldier with red hair, he was almost thrown into the operating room.

When Lu Jingqian saw the person lying on the operating table was his lover in this life, he didn't hesitate at all. He immediately activated the system and used every means possible to save him. Even if he said it out loud, no one would believe that during the surgery, he used existing drugs to prepare several new drugs to successfully save his lover.

The soldiers also didn't expect that Lu Jingqian, a doctor who didn't seem very reliable, would actually save their General. They thought it was a miracle.

Lu Jingqian slept for a while and woke up more than ten hours later.

After he woke up, he opened the door and walked out, and there were soldiers guarding outside who said, "The General has been transferred to the ship. Although the enemy has temporarily retreated, they may attack again at any time, so this planet will not be rebuilt in the short term. Please come back to the ship with us first, and then I will send you to a safe planet."

Lu Jingqian nodded and was about to leave with him.

Out of gratitude to Lu Jingqian, the soldier kindly reminded him, "You may not be able to come back here for a short time, so it's better to bring all the important things with you."

Lu Jingqian turned around and looked through the window of the room at the collapsed laboratory building across the street, saying, "There is nothing important to me here anymore."

The research materials that the original host tried desperately to get out were no longer in that building, and those materials were definitely being taken by someone on their way back to the Imperial Star. Even if those materials were still under the ruins, it didn't matter to Lu Jingqian.

After all, Lu Jingqian was the one who saved the Empire's grand General, so he received very good treatment after being sent to the legendary first ship of the Empire. A warm suite was arranged, and there were specially provided food and fruits, all of which were VIP-level treatments.

Lu Jingqian asked them for a computer and waited for soldiers to find him in his room. So a few hours later, when he saw soldiers appear at his door again, he was not surprised at all, just feeling that they came a little earlier than he expected.

Lu Jingqian was taken to the medical bay on the spaceship. As he followed the soldiers walking ahead, he looked around at the environment. In terms of the equipment, he could see that it was many times more advanced and sophisticated than the hospital he had been in before. After coming here, he finally felt like he was in the interstellar world.

When the automatic door of a conference room opened and everyone inside looked at Lu Jingqian, he faced their scrutinizing gazes without any fear. He calmly walked in and waited for the white-haired but spirited old man sitting in the first seat to ask him a question.

When the old man stood up, everyone else also stood up.

The old man looked at Lu Jingqian and said, "I am Bernice, the Vice President of the Imperial Star Military Hospital. On behalf of the hospital, I sincerely thank you for successfully saving the life of the critically ill General."

"I am also one of the people of the Empire. As a doctor, I am honored to be able to save the beloved General who is loved by the people, given the ability to do so." Lu Jingqian gave a very official answer, but in his heart, he thought, "I saved my lover. I did it for myself, not for anyone else."

"Because the battle is not yet over and the General has not completely escaped danger, the situation is urgent, so I won't delay any more time by saying anything else." Bernice looked at Lu Jingqian and asked, "When we were examining the general's physical condition, we found the medicine you gave him is a new drug we cannot identify the ingredients of, and has never been seen before. I know that for a doctor, being able to develop effective new drugs is a very difficult and important thing, but now the situation is special and we must quickly help the General get out of danger. So if you can tell us what medicine you used, I will definitely give you the reward you deserve when we return to the Imperial Star."

Lu Jingqian took out a small computer from his pocket, about the size of a mobile phone, and stretched and widened the screen before handing it to Bernice. He said, "There are virtual demonstration animations of the drug preparation methods and ingredient proportion charts you need."

Bernice received the computer from Lu Jingqian with a solemn expression and said, "I sincerely thank you again."

"I hope you can lend me a laboratory. All of my unfinished research has been destroyed before, and I want to make the most of my time to continue my research," Lu Jingqian said.

"No problem." Bernice always valued and cherished talent. He decided that if the facts proved that Lu Jingqian was indeed a rare medical and pharmaceutical genius, he would find a way to convince him to stay with his team. So he immediately agreed to Lu Jingqian's request and said, "I will arrange it for you right away. If you have any requirements or needs, just let me know."

Developing an effective new drug is not something that every doctor can achieve. It requires multidisciplinary talents in medicine, microbiology, chemistry, and more. To fully research all this knowledge and achieve independent research and development, it would take at least several decades for a person with normal talent. However, there have been some geniuses in this world who have achieved great success in medicine and pharmaceuticals at a young age.

In this interstellar era, only a small portion of planets are suitable for human habitation, while most of them are either unable to be developed or waiting for development. Since the interstellar era began, although the living environment for humans has expanded in the universe, they also face increasing problems.

In addition to conflicts between humans, there are wars against space beasts that cause casualties. There are also various new diseases and viruses that are currently unsolvable. Some of them are unknown in their causes, waiting for humans to solve them one by one. Therefore, talents in medicine and pharmaceuticals are particularly precious in this era.

When Lu Jingqian borrowed a laboratory, it was not to continue his previous research but to develop new medicines for his lover Reynold, the General who was still lying unconscious. Because Lu Jingqian found out when he was performing surgery on him, Reynold's body not only had various old injuries that had not yet healed but were also infected with some virus. Old injuries can be gradually treated later, but the virus must be solved as soon as possible, otherwise, it will become more troublesome if it was delayed.

Lu Jingqian worked hard in the laboratory for two or three days. In theory, with the help of the system, he could easily develop the drug he wanted. However, some components require a certain amount of time to extract, and it was difficult to make a perfect drug without side effects that can cure the virus. There are many necessary drug components that the spacecraft does not have, so they must wait until they return to the Imperial Star to obtain them.

Lu Jingqian heard that Reynolds had already woken up yesterday. Just as he was thinking about whether to find an excuse to see him, an opportunity came to him.

Lu Jingqian was once again brought to the medical cabin, and it was Reynolds' ward. As soon as he entered, he saw Reynolds sitting on the bed and observed that although his face was still a bit pale, his overall spirit seemed to be okay. To have such a state of mind within a day of waking up, his body can be considered abnormally strong.

Reynold turned his head and looked at Lu Jingqian, confirming that this face and those eyes were deeply imprinted in his mind during the most critical moment of his life.

When Lu Jingqian was performing surgery on Reynold, he woke up a few times, but his consciousness was weak. He only felt that he was about to completely lose consciousness several times, but someone pulled him back each time. When he saw those encouraging eyes and the angelic face, he felt full of strength. He was thinking at that time, is this the miracle child in the myth? Was he sent by God specifically to save him? He, who never believed in myths, was ultimately saved by someone from a myth.