
Cosmic Shadow: Ascension of Astronax

In the abyss after death, the soul of a long-extinct cosmic entity wanders, lost and forgotten. However, in a mysterious twist of fate, it awakens in the depths of a young human's body, who has just seen his engagement shattered by the woman he loves. Indifferent to the young man's suffering, this newly incarnated soul yearns for a very different conquest: the relentless domination of the world. But the price is high, as to unleash all its power, it must first strengthen its mortal host. While it weaves its insidious plans, a malevolent shadow advances, threatening to reduce the world to nothing. In this clash between a power-hungry cosmic entity and an imminent evil, destinies intertwine in a dangerous dance that could seal salvation or destruction.

NilfenNoctunal · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1: Part Three

In the ancient eras of Alandria, when the continent was a wild and mysterious realm, the land vibrated with the coexistence of various magical races and legendary creatures. Elves, dwarves, and centaurs shared these lands with majestic dragons and other magical beings. In this world, magic was intrinsically intertwined with life, and the very air seemed to pulse with its power. Cities rose among the canopies of ancient trees and on high floating mountains, bearing witness to the ingenuity of the races that inhabited them.

The elves, with their longevity and deep magical affinity, emerged as natural leaders of this world of wonders, guiding it with wisdom and grace.

However, greed ultimately cast Alandria into an Age of Arcane Wars, where elves and humans, once allies, clashed in a reckless pursuit of powerful magical artifacts. The continent was scarred by conflict, and precious magical secrets were lost in the ashes of history.

After centuries of conflict, the Age of Discoveries arrived, an era of brave explorers who ventured into unknown lands, uncovering new islands and civilizations. At this moment, magic, once central, began to make way for technological and scientific advancements, signaling a profound transformation in Alandria's society.

The Magical Industrial Age brought innovations like magically powered locomotives, enchanted factories, and a global network of magical communication. However, along with progress came environmental challenges, such as magical pollution, and social tensions stemming from the changes.

Alandria experienced another Arcane War that shook the world, bringing totalitarian leaders and destructive magic to the forefront. After the devastation, the Modern Era emerged, marked by reconstruction and international cooperation. In this period, magic and technology merged to create an advanced and balanced society.

The races of Alandria, including elves, dwarves, centaurs, and dragons, among others, played crucial roles in each era, shaping the world's destiny with their unique cultures, traditions, and conflicts that intertwined in the rich tapestry of history.

However, there was a particular species that was about to become the epicenter of an imminent conflict looming on the horizon.

Before we proceed, let me offer a deeper insight into this species known as Humans.

In Alandria, humans stand out as a remarkably versatile and adaptable race, forged by the rich diversity of their lands. Driven by insatiable curiosity and remarkable resilience in facing the darkest challenges, humans resemble true adventurers of this world, dedicated to exploring the magical secrets and vast frontiers of Alandria. However, don't be deceived, for they are also susceptible to corruption.

This unique race can be found in all strata of society, from humble villagers shaping the heart of the land to power-hungry nobles seeking wealth and influence, thus contributing to the complex tapestry of this extraordinary world. Their influence extends across all spheres of Alandrian society, creating a delicate balance and rich interplay between its various facets.

It was one of these humans, known as Henry, whose life was on the brink of a radical change. He possessed an imposing stature, but his presence no longer exuded the respect it once did. His skin, once radiant, now appeared neglected and lifeless. His crimson hair fell haphazardly over his shoulders, disheveled and often left unattended, forming a tangled mess.

The deep golden eyes that used to shine now had lost their liveliness. Henry wore worn and careless clothing, including a faded dark coat and a frayed belt. His leather gloves were full of tears, giving him a disheveled appearance. The traditional boots were worn and dirty, more functional than elegant. It's worth noting that he used to be notably handsome, but for very specific reasons, he had started neglecting his appearance. At this very moment, he was engrossed in a conversation that quickly escalated into a heated argument with his fiancée, Emily.

She is a young woman of captivating beauty, with balanced and elegant features. Her hair is long, silver, and shiny, and her blue eyes are mesmerizing. Her skin is pale and flawless, enhancing her charming appearance. She radiates grace and elegance, drawing the attention of everyone around her. She is a remarkable figure in every sense.

They sat across from each other in a restaurant, locking eyes, the tension palpable in the air.

"So, why did you call me, Henry?" Emily inquired with an icy voice, the atmosphere seemingly growing colder as her cutting words echoed in the surroundings.

"Please, don't be so harsh, Emily," Henry responded cautiously, his golden eyes seeking hers in search of understanding, as if trying to find a fragment of the past in those eyes. "We've known each other since childhood, and you are my fiancée. It's only natural that I want to spend some special time with you."

The restaurant's ambiance was heavy with silence, as the clinking of glasses and distant conversations seemed to murmur in the background. Shadows danced on the stone walls, reflecting the tension that hung between the couple, facing not only the challenges of the present but also the weight of their long history together.

"Henry Arthur, I am not your fiancée, and to begin with, we are not engaged or anything of the sort; that was merely a verbal promise between your parents and my mother," Emily retorted indignantly, her blue eyes flashing with frustration and disappointment, her voice laden with a resentment she could barely conceal. Her cutting words pierced the air, creating a palpable tension between them, as the stark truth of the situation unfolded before their eyes.

The boy in front of her fell silent, crestfallen, and hung his head, looking down at his intertwined hands. Her words hung in the air like a blow, bringing to the surface the complexity of their situation. So much had changed between them in the past few years, and one of the most significant shifts was the state of their relationship, which had become a knot of misunderstandings and unmet expectations. The childhood past they shared now felt distant, lost in the shadows of their parents' decisions and the choices they both had to face.

After a few seconds of tense silence, Henry finally broke the silence.

"Is this because of that idiotic blonde guy, isn't it?" He fired back, his face flushed with anger as the accusation tore through the air like thunder.

"What?" Emily asked, confused about the identity of the blonde in question, her eyebrows raising in a perplexed expression, her gaze fixed on Henry, trying to understand what was going through his mind.

"Yes, that's it, isn't it? You like him, right? That's why you always reject me?" Henry continued, his insults flowing like a river of resentment, his words heavy with bitterness and jealousy, while his fists clenched tightly, revealing the tension consuming him.

As Henry ranted on, he went on to chatter and insult another boy named Andrew, the same one Emily had met the previous year during a fencing tournament, where he defeated her with a resounding victory.

"What authority do you have to speak about Andrew like that?" Emily frustratedly retorted, her features displaying a mix of defense and surprise as the pieces finally fell into place, realizing who Henry was talking about. Her words sprang forth as a protective barrier in defense of the mysterious blonde, her fiery gaze fixed on Henry, defiant and loyal.


Unable to contain her anger in the face of unjust accusations, Emily slapped Henry across the face, the sound of the impact echoing through the restaurant. The sudden action left Henry dumbfounded, his expression one of surprise as if he couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Why do you keep pursuing me? I've already told you I'm not your fiancée," she declared, her eyes filled with anger as she glared at Henry, frustration boiling within her like a storm about to burst.

"And our engagement is a decision our parents made on their own." Emily continued, her voice firm but tinged with sadness as she conveyed the complexity of her emotions in this imposed situation. She remained resolute in denying the reality their parents had established without their consent, but her sadness was evident, revealing the depth of the inner conflict that plagued her.

Emily took a deep breath and then continued:

"I refuse to accept this decision, and..." But she was abruptly interrupted when Henry started screaming suddenly, grabbing his head and writhing on the floor, as if tormented by inner demons.

"Aaaaaaaaaaa!" The screams reverberated through the restaurant, grabbing the attention of everyone present, who turned to observe the scene with a mixture of concern and astonishment. Tables and glasses shook, and the atmosphere in the place shifted from casual conversation to palpable tension as people watched, unsure of what to do in the face of Henry's sudden outburst.

After a period of agony, Henry got up, holding onto a chair and looking at Emily as if he were waiting for something.

Getting up from her chair, Emily commented, "It looks like you've finally gone mad. Well, I don't care, but did you understand what I said?"

"Huh." Henry looked at her with an apathetic expression, his eyes lost in some distant place as if he were absorbing Emily's words in a contemplative state.

"I said you should stop bothering me and never appear in front of me again."

Henry immediately responded, "Alright."

"I knew it. You're not going to accept, are you? What did you say?" Emily asked, incredulous at his apparent change in attitude, her eyes narrowing as she tried to decipher what was happening.

"Alright," Henry repeated, his voice monotonous, as if he had given up on fighting Emily's will.

"Are you messing with me?" She asked, surprised.

"No," he replied quickly, his expression still apathetic, as if he had completely shut down, leaving Emily puzzled by his sudden and unexpected change.

"So, you're saying you won't pursue and annoy me anymore, right?" She inquired, her eyes fixed on Henry for any sign of doubt.

"Yes," Henry agreed, leaving Emily unsure of how to feel about it. His face still held that apathy, but his words were firm.

"Are you okay?" Henry asked, concerned by her sudden silence, his expression revealing a hint of insecurity.

"Promise me," she said, her green eyes fixed on his, conveying the seriousness of her demand.

"What?" Henry asked, his countenance confused but seeming willing to comply with her request.

"Promise me you won't bother me anymore," she couldn't believe him, so she asked for a promise, her eyes expressing a mixture of distrust and hope.

"Ah, alright. I promise I won't bother you more than this," Henry said with a sincere voice, his eyes locking onto hers, trying to convey sincerity.

"I don't believe you. I know you won't keep your word and will act as before, being unpleasant." Emily couldn't trust him, knowing that in a few days, he would return to his old habits. With that, she left the restaurant, keeping a cautious eye on Henry as she walked away, her final words laced with skepticism and a tinge of sadness.

However, what Emily was unaware of was that this was no longer Henry. At the exact moment Emily slapped him, something much deeper was happening within him. A sphere of light representing the soul of Astronax, the Great Aberration, which once roamed the afterlife of Catasox, had penetrated his body. The pain he felt was not from the slap, but from Astronax's soul that had taken possession of him. He had, after all, been chosen by the gods as the vessel for this powerful being.

As for the real Henry, well, a body can only hold one soul at a time, and when faced with the overwhelming force of Astronax, no other soul had a chance to prevail. The true essence of Henry had been replaced by something much larger and darker.

"Truly a despicable creature," Astronax mused about Emily. In times past, he would have considered torturing her with heinous methods, like using worms to devour her alive. However, he found himself now in a complicated situation, awakening without fully understanding what was happening around him, in a foreign body. Devoid of knowledge about his opponent's abilities or the hidden artifacts that could be at play, he chose to follow his usual instinct: act naturally and gather as much information as possible.

After all, Astronax doesn't rush into a confrontation without fully understanding his opponent. While he knew that few would be able to harm him, his wisdom prevailed, leading him to explore and investigate before revealing his full power.

"So, what just happened?" He reflected in his mind, trying to unravel the strange turn of events.

Questions flooded his mind incessantly. Who was that young woman? Where was he? And why did his head continue to throb incessantly, as if teetering on the edge of insanity, submerged in a sea of bewilderment?

Realizing that everyone in the restaurant was now focused on him, with some even laughing and muffling their laughter with their hands, he felt like a pawn lost in his own thoughts.

Confusion surrounded him as he saw a disheveled figure approaching. It wasn't mockery, but the unkempt appearance of the guy, with tangled, lackluster blonde hair, a leather jacket, and tight pants, gave him a heavy metal rebel look.

"Hahahaha, that was hilarious." The disheveled guy came towards him, laughing, and said:

"Hey, Henry, she just slapped you again. Haha, how do you feel, man, after being rejected so many times? Four, no, five hundred times?" The guy continued laughing, and inexplicably, everyone in the restaurant joined in the laughter. But what intrigued him the most was the guy's question:

"Who is Henry?" He tilted his head in confusion and asked.

An awkward silence settled in. Then suddenly, everyone in the room fell silent, and the guy in front of him stared at him in silence, as if he didn't expect such a question to be asked.

Placing his hand on the guy's shoulder, he looked around the tavern and said:

"Hey, folks, look at this idiot here." He drew everyone's attention to what he was about to say.

"Now he can't even remember his own name anymore, hahahaha," he said. As soon as he finished the sentence, laughter echoed from all sides.

"Are they laughing at me again?" He was starting to feel irritated. "So, the name of this body is Henry, interesting."

Looking around, something caught his attention, something he knew he needed to do to calm himself down.

Yes, there it was, a small steel knife on the nearby circular table.

"Seems sharp enough for something more than just cutlery. Maybe I can make an exception." He pondered in his thoughts as he gazed at the knife with an intrigued look.

Quickly, he grabbed the knife with his right hand, his eyes gleaming with fierce determination. With his left hand, he seized the guy's wrist, who remained bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

"What..." The guy began before being interrupted by the cry of pain that escaped his lips when Astronax twisted his arm counterclockwise and repeatedly stabbed his shoulder with the knife. Astronax finally loosened his grip on the knife, leaving it embedded in the guy's shoulder, who now groaned in agony.

"Ahhhhh!!" The guy screamed like a child, his face contorted in pain.

For him, everything had happened so quickly that he barely had time to react to Astronax's movements. Before the guy could cause more commotion, Astronax grabbed him by the hair, forcing him to face his face.

"Who do you think you're calling an idiot, you insignificant little worm?" Astronax cursed, his eyes blazing with anger. 'No one dares insult me. How does this insignificant worm dare to call me an idiot?'

"Huh?" The guy was stunned by how quickly the situation had unfolded.

"Apologize." Astronax demanded, his voice ice-cold.

"What?" The guy stood still like a statue, unable to respond.

'Why do I have to repeat myself so much to these worms?'

When the guy didn't respond, Astronax began to twist the knife that was still embedded in his shoulder.

"Ahhhhh!" He screamed, seeming to have regained some sanity.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" Astronax inquired, patience quickly running out. Next time, he wouldn't repeat his orders; he would simply kill the guy.

"No, please, no; I apologize." The poor guy pleaded:

"I apologize for my behavior. Please forgive me." The guy began to kneel, perhaps seeking redemption.

"You don't have to do that," Astronax stopped him from kneeling, not because he liked the gesture, but due to the presence of onlookers around.

"W-why?" The guy was visibly confused by the unfolding events.

"I mean, you sincerely apologized. I think it's okay," Astronax said. "If you've apologized, there's no need for that."

"Really?" The guy asked, seeking confirmation.

"You don't have to kneel." Astronax declared, immediately pulling the knife from the guy's shoulder to ease his pain.

"Ahhhhh" The guy began rolling on the floor the moment the knife was removed.

'I think I may have gone a little too far,' he pondered as he took the knife out of the guy's shoulder.

Judging that the punishment had been sufficient, Astronax looked around the restaurant. Everyone in that place seemed to be trying their best to avoid any eye contact with him.

"Annoying. All of this is becoming just annoying now. I've never experienced this sensation before, even though my own body seems strange to me, I can't fully comprehend this situation," he reflected.

"What should I do?" That was the first question that came to his mind.

'First, I need to get out of here.' Astronax began to distance himself from the scene, watching people help the guy to his feet as he departed.

"Well, why did they come to help now and not when I was stabbing him with the knife?"

As he passed through the restaurant's door, he felt the immediate contrast between the stuffy, conversation-filled interior of the establishment and the outside world. A deep sigh escaped his lips as his eyes adjusted to the daylight.

Before him, stretching beyond the worn cobblestone streets, was a scene that defied the simplicity of words. The midday sun cast its light over a picturesque city, with buildings of ancient architecture that seemed to tell stories of bygone eras. Time-worn stone facades and ornate details portrayed the rich history of the place.

The distant sound of merchants hawking their wares mixed with the gentle hum of hurrying pedestrians, creating an urban symphony that echoed in the narrow streets. As people passed by, their varied clothing and vibrant colors reflected the diversity and liveliness of the city.

In the distance, a river meandered, dotted with small vessels gliding peacefully on its waters. The riverbanks were framed by mature trees, whose leaves whispered gently in the wind.

It was a scene that transcended the simplicity of words, a city brimming with life, history, and beauty, now revealing itself before him as the mysterious turn of events still echoed in his mind.

While many tumultuous events had unfolded within the restaurant, an undeniable truth emerged as he stepped into the outside world. However, his vision was clouded by more than just the abrupt transition from dimness to daylight.

As his perceptions struggled to adapt to the new reality, an avalanche of memories swept through his mind, flooding him with Henry's memories. The headache, once just an irritating twinge, now intensified into a storm of excruciating agony, causing him to recoil and press his temples with trembling hands.

Henry's memories flowed like a furious river, bringing forth emotions and experiences he wasn't prepared to face. Every detail, every moment shared by the man whose body he now resided in, hammered into his mind like an unrelenting force.

Every fragment of Henry's past fell into place like a puzzle, revealing his previous life vividly and undeniably.

"I'm in Alandria, but who was the fool who decided to bring me back to life?" He commented once the pain subsided.

Meanwhile, the three gods responsible for Astronax's reincarnation simultaneously sneezed, as if someone was speaking ill of them in a distant place.

Opening his eyes calmly, he absorbed the scene around him with curiosity and a slight sense of disbelief.

"Well, it seems I'm still here, and it doesn't appear to be some kind of illusion created by my enemies." He whispered to himself, his eyes shifting from the dusty ground in front of the restaurant.

Rising with a sigh and shaking the dirt from his clothes, which didn't seem to make much of a difference due to their previous state, he began to walk in a direction that somehow felt strangely familiar to him.

"It must be because of this memory transfer," he reflected. Although he had clear memories of his past life, he didn't feel like a stranger in this new body and environment.

"It's an indescribable feeling." He pondered the complexity of the intertwined memories in his mind.

The neighborhood buzzed peacefully under the midday sun, and he strolled through the streets like a curious wanderer.

"It's time to go back home." He decided to walk slowly, completely carefree, toward his residence, his intertwined memories guiding the way like a beacon in a sea of uncertainties.

This is the end of Chapter 1; the next one will be Part 1 of Chapter 2. Parts of each chapter will be released at an average of one every two weeks or more. The remaining chapters will be fully completed and available in advance on my Patreon before being released for free on other platforms. This applies to both the already finished chapters and the character artwork as well: patreon.com/NilfenNoctunal.

NilfenNoctunalcreators' thoughts