
Cosmic Shadow: Ascension of Astronax

In the abyss after death, the soul of a long-extinct cosmic entity wanders, lost and forgotten. However, in a mysterious twist of fate, it awakens in the depths of a young human's body, who has just seen his engagement shattered by the woman he loves. Indifferent to the young man's suffering, this newly incarnated soul yearns for a very different conquest: the relentless domination of the world. But the price is high, as to unleash all its power, it must first strengthen its mortal host. While it weaves its insidious plans, a malevolent shadow advances, threatening to reduce the world to nothing. In this clash between a power-hungry cosmic entity and an imminent evil, destinies intertwine in a dangerous dance that could seal salvation or destruction.

NilfenNoctunal · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Full

As Astronax explored the vibrant streets of Asminster, situated near the border of the vast Kingdom of Eregron, he became completely absorbed by the diverse landscape and the distinct races that populated the city. The population was predominantly led by humans, forming an overwhelming majority that filled the streets with their bustling lives, going about their myriad of daily tasks. Alongside them, the dwarves, with their short and robust stature, held the second place in terms of numbers. As Astronax observed them, he witnessed some of them engaged in commercial transactions, others enjoying friendly gatherings in the open-air markets, and a few dedicated, with their sturdy tools, to the crafting of objects.

The elves, endowed with natural grace, were a constant sight in the city, gliding gracefully through the streets as they explored sophisticated boutiques or prepared for epic journeys. Their eyes gleamed with a magical affinity so deep that it seemed to radiate around them. On the other hand, the lizardfolk, possessing phenomenal strength, tackled challenging tasks with surprising efficiency, carrying heavy crates and construction materials like true titans in full swing.

The werewolves, these bipedal wolf-like creatures, appear seamlessly integrated into the city streets, surprising with the ease with which they blend into the urban landscape. Their actions flow harmoniously, encompassing a wide range of activities, from mundane tasks like shopping and work to social interactions that highlight their remarkable ability to adapt to the city's context. However, this city is not solely inhabited by werewolves; a diverse tapestry of races makes up the complex tapestry of everyday life, contributing to the richness and diversity that characterizes this bustling urban center.

At a street corner, Astronax came across a group of elves, sharing laughter as they explored a shop filled with magical artifacts. They were immersed in lively conversations about the mysterious powers these objects contained. Just a few steps away, a pair of dwarves, with their robust voices and energetic gestures, engaged in an enthusiastic discussion in front of a blacksmith's shop, where the art of metallurgy unfolded like a rhythmic dance. In a charming scene, a human family carefully examined fresh and vibrant fruits amidst the bustle of an open-air market, filling their baskets with the promise of succulent flavors. In the distance, the lizardfolk, known for their remarkable efficiency and coordination, skillfully handled construction supplies, contributing to the erection of buildings that rose as a testament to resilience and hard work.

The streets pulsed with a frenzy of activities, where a profusion of Eregron's races played crucial roles in the city's dynamics, creating a rich and diverse tapestry of interactions and cultures. Voices and laughter intertwined in a symphony of daily life, while commercial transactions unfolded with the urgency of the pursuit of prosperity. Love blossomed in hidden corners and public squares, while hard work continued, shaping the rhythm and character of Asminster in a way only a truly vibrant city could. It was an authentic view of life, where individuals and races intertwined in an unending dance of progress and interconnectedness.

Faced with the splendid sight before him, Astronax decided to make a small detour from his path home, as, according to Henry's memories, there was a park nearby where he could get a better view of his surroundings.

The path Astronax chose to take to the park was a striking contrast to the scene he had left behind. The streets were paved with weathered cobblestones, flanked by buildings of ancient architecture. The gray stone buildings, with Gothic-style windows and wrought-iron balconies, looked as if they had been erected centuries ago. However, among these medieval structures, more modern elements emerged, such as gas lamps and electric streetlights. Pedestrians were dressed in a mix of attire, ranging from period clothing like tunics and long dresses to contemporary outfits with jackets and modern-cut pants.

As Astronax continued on his way, he passed by a marketplace where merchants offered their wares, displaying a variety of products that combined the old and the new. Vendor stalls sold everything from magical artifacts and potions to technological items like magical communication devices and steam-powered contraptions. The aromas of grilled food mingled with the scents of herbs and spices, creating a unique atmosphere that was both medieval and contemporary.

Upon arriving at the park, the sight was breathtaking. Ancient trees, with lush and majestic foliage, formed a natural canopy over winding cobblestone paths. Stone and wrought-iron benches provided places for people to rest, while groups of young folks and families gathered for picnics.

In the center of the park, there was a serene lake surrounded by a mix of Victorian-style houses and small wooden cottages. On the lake, rowboats and even some steam-powered vessels floated on the calm waters. Children played joyfully, flying kites and running with magical toys.

As Astronax explored the park, he noticed that people were dressed in a variety of attire, from medieval garments to modern clothing. The park was a perfect reflection of the coexistence between the past and present in Alandria, where magical and technological elements intertwined harmoniously.

As the sun set on the horizon, casting a golden light over the park, Astronax felt a sense of wonder for this world where the past and the future blended in such a unique way, creating a truly magical atmosphere. This place was a glimpse of the charm and complexity of Alandria, where the ancient and the modern danced together in harmony, forming a spectacular setting.

Amidst all the dazzling sight, a single thought permeated his mind: "This world is truly a precious jewel box, and I can hardly wait to add to my collection."

While pondering his goal, Astronax was suddenly struck by an intense headache, triggered by a memory from Henry. In this recollection, he relived a moment of tenderness, a glimpse into Henry's past alongside Emily when they were still children. In the memory's scene, the two shared laughter and mischief, childhood days illuminating the horizon of their lives. It was simpler times, a glimpse of innocence and friendship that now seemed to be at an insurmountable distance in time.

In that memory, Astronax found himself transported to a scene where sunlight filtered through the canopies of ancient trees. The park stretched out before them, a magical place where the ancient and the modern blended, with intricate architecture contrasting with enchanted technology.

Henry, then a child with disheveled red hair, laughed joyfully as he ran across the grass, with Emily, the young girl with silver hair, close behind him.

"Run, Emily! You can't catch me!"

"Oh, you'll see, Henry!"

Astronax observed the scene with curiosity, a faint smile forming on Henry's lips as he watched the young Emily catch up to him and give him a tight hug.

"I got you!"

"Oh, you're too quick for me!"

The children's laughter filled the air as they played among the ancient trees and the magic that permeated the park.

Henry and Emily sat together in the shade of an ancient tree, with the afternoon sun illuminating their happy expressions.

"Henry, do you think we'll always be friends?"

"Of course, Emily, forever and ever."

Astronax watched the scene, feeling a tinge of melancholy for that lost time. This memory was a reminder of a friendship that had once been pure and uncomplicated, a bond that adulthood had irrevocably altered. Yet, that memory captured the essence of something true and precious amidst a world of change and complexity.

"Why are these emotions so strong?" Astronax questioned himself, his expression momentarily contorted with pain. The sensation was strange, almost uncomfortable, as if those memories were acting upon him with surprising intensity.

Around him, he noticed that some people on the street cast concerned glances in his direction, their voices fading into murmurs as they perceived the agony he was facing.

"I need a secluded place to deal with this... I can't keep drawing attention all the time," Astronax pondered in silence, firming his determination. He couldn't afford to expose his magical abilities in such a busy place.

Gathering his composure, Astronax made the decision to continue on his way towards a narrow alley, near one of the busiest streets in the city. He knew he would find the necessary isolation there to explore the magical abilities now under his command, all without drawing curious glances.

The alley, shrouded in shadows, provided a sense of privacy and security. Astronax observed the worn stone walls, illuminated by hanging magical lamps, while the distant hum of the bustling streets was muffled. It was the perfect setting for a being like him.

Astronax knew he needed a thorough analysis of the situation. First, he felt the need to understand the complex nuances of the era's culture he found himself in and how they differed from his distant past. While he possessed Henry's memories, he understood that the best way to grasp these changes was to experience them for himself. Furthermore, he was eager to explore any discrepancies in the physical laws of this world and the possibility of interacting with other humanoid beings. Those memories, while valuable, were the starting point, but direct experience was crucial. There were unquestionable priorities to be explored.

The second priority weighing on his mind was understanding the reason behind his return to life. Who had brought him back, and what was the purpose behind this resurrection? These were questions that needed answers, as his situation did not seem to be a mere coincidence. Something or someone had acted to bring him back to this world.

Finally, the third priority on his mind was to check his belongings. Astronax knew that Henry's memories were not sufficient to provide all the necessary information. He needed to know the objects, tools, and resources at his disposal if he wanted to navigate this new chapter of his existence.

But, for the moment, he decided to leave checking his powers for last.

In the alley, Astronax began to go through the few belongings that Henry carried with him. A peculiar sense of strangeness and familiarity intertwined as he inspected each item.

First, he took out the worn leather wallet from the inner pocket of Henry's faded coat. When he opened it, he found a modest amount of money, a few gold and silver coins that glinted in the sunlight. The symbols engraved on the coins were strange, but the texture of the gold and silver was unmistakable.

While examining the wallet, he discovered a yellowed photograph. In it, Henry was smiling, next to a young woman with silver hair and mesmerizing blue eyes, undoubtedly Emily. The image captured a happier and uncomplicated time in their lives when they were still just children, before all the disagreements and expectations.

Carefully tucking the photo back into the wallet, Astronax continued his search, revealing a silk handkerchief with embroidered initials, which was undoubtedly an emotionally valuable item. It carried the faint scent of Emily's perfume, a reminder that took him back to shared moments when everything was simpler between Henry and the owner of the handkerchief.

After inspecting the wallet, Astronax rummaged through the coat pockets, finding a small golden amulet with a deep blue crystal in the center, radiating magical energy. Henry had stored healing charms in one of these amulets, and although Astronax was not entirely aware of his magical abilities, he knew this item was valuable.

Additionally, he discovered a small key attached to a chain, and although its purpose at this moment, according to Henry's memories, seemed useless, he chose to keep it for potential future use.

Finally, he slid his hand into the coat's inner pocket and found a crumpled letter. The handwriting was delicate and familiar, clearly Emily's. The letter, which seemed to have been read countless times, contained words of affection, describing the story of love, friendship, and shared joys.

The city's gentle breeze rustled the paper as Astronax leafed through each page with mixed feelings. He felt the urgency to understand Henry's past memories, but he also understood that these recollections belonged to a time of another person.

Carefully stowing away Henry's belongings, Astronax now turned his attention to his own powers.

However, just as he was preparing to investigate his powers, his ears caught a sequence of footsteps emerging from the depths of the alley, echoing in the quiet surroundings.

The men stared at him with looks laden with contempt and disdain, and Astronax watched them closely. He had the impression that they were in their thirties, but the dirt on their clothes and the sinister aura that hung over them altered that perception. They couldn't be categorized as sub-humans, but they also didn't meet the criteria of respectable humans.

"Damn, more pests," Astronax reflected. "Alright, they'll be great for testing my powers."

One of the men interrupted his thoughts: "Hey, man, how about you give us some money?"

He observed his interlocutor and the other unwelcome individuals with him. The man was robust, with brown hair and eyes, while beside him was an individual of unusual stature, so small that it hardly seemed to fit into the categories of known races. Astronax wondered if he could be a Hobbit, a dwarf, or perhaps a child. However, the diminutive size quickly led him to conclude it was the latter option. The temptation to eliminate them right at that moment, in a painful and cruel manner, immediately crossed his mind, but he dismissed it as soon as he considered it.

No one knew him, and for the new plan that was beginning to take shape in his mind, the image of an altruistic and upright citizen would be much more advantageous than being perceived as a threat that needed to be eliminated. Although he doubted that this would become a real possibility, provoking a war was neither a valuable nor necessary choice.

He smiled at the three of them and replied, "Well, I'm sorry, but I have nothing valuable on me. I'm currently just... a beggar, carrying nothing of value." And, to be honest, at the moment, he really seemed to be just that.

The boy asserted, "Maybe you haven't quite understood yet. That will be our decision." As he spoke, his accomplices closed in on Astronax.

"No need to rush," he commented as the two thugs began to approach, and suddenly an unknown force immobilized them. "We don't want to create an unnecessary situation. I have nothing to fear, but I'm sure someone will call the guards, and robbing people in a dark alley is hardly a legal activity."

Astronax raised his hand, pointing a finger at one of the thugs. In the blink of an eye, a bolt of energy shot out from him, racing toward the thug on the right at an astonishing speed, so fast that the others didn't even have time to react. Suddenly, the thug fell to the ground, without even a cry of pain, as he was completely paralyzed. The others, stunned, could barely grasp what had happened. Astronax's magic ensured that the action occurred in complete silence, without drawing the attention of anyone nearby.

Astronax quickly assessed the situation. With one thug neutralized, the other two looked confusedly at their fallen comrade. It was time to act.

Snapping his fingers, the thug on the left simply disintegrated, becoming a cloud of dust composed of blood in an instant. Again, silence enveloped the scene, as if nothing had happened. Now, only the last of them remained standing, the child - or, more accurately, the dwarf, with a carefully trimmed beard. Effortlessly, Astronax stared at the dwarf, and in the blink of an eye, the small criminal's head turned backward, and soon he fell lifeless to the ground, silently.

Astronax remained still, assessing the scene, making sure no one else would approach before continuing with his plans.

Realizing that part of his plan involved the need to gather information about that world, and considering he didn't have the time to do it personally, Astronax recognized the importance of having loyal subordinates to carry out this task on his behalf.

With the awareness that he couldn't allow the corpses to be discovered, Astronax had a clever idea. Using his powers, he pointed his hand at the two bodies, and a viscous, dark substance began to envelop them. As this sinister slime writhed and bubbled, it gradually took shape, transforming into grotesque and terrifying humanoid creatures. With pale skin, vacant eyes, twisted limbs, and sharp claws, these abominations appeared to have come straight out of dark nightmares. With unquestioning obedience to Astronax's commands, they were ready to execute his orders, sending shivers down the spine of any observer who had the misfortune of witnessing such a macabre spectacle.

"Look at you, my lovely creations," Astronax commented with a satisfied smile. The reaction of both creatures was surprising; they seemed to blush, as if embarrassed by their Master's praise, if these abominations could really demonstrate such emotion. With their minds bound to Astronax, these grotesque creatures were ready to obey each of his commands, carrying out their tasks with the devotion of unwavering loyalty. Together, they formed an unlikely duo, ready to play a vital role in Astronax's plans for this world.

Astronax knew there was a crucial detail that needed to be resolved regarding these creatures. Observing them with a thoughtful gaze, he addressed them.

"Despite your lovely appearances, my children, you need to become something more appropriate for this world." With expertise, he employed his magical powers, initiating a metamorphosis in the creatures. Magic flowed from his fingers like a shimmering aura, enveloping the creatures in a magical radiance.

The grotesque humanoid creatures underwent an incredible transformation. Their pale skins became more human, taking on a natural hue, and their vacant eyes gained an almost human expression. Their twisted limbs straightened, taking on a more conventional form, and their sharp claws softened into almost normal hands. The abominations now looked like true humans, though an aura of strangeness still lingered.

This magical transformation not only gave them a more fitting appearance but also endowed the creatures with a chameleon-like ability. They could subtly alter their appearance and blend in with the crowd, remaining unnoticed. Thus, they were ready to serve Astronax discreetly and effectively in this world.

Astronax made his intentions clear to the transformed creatures.

"I want you to gather detailed information about this world, covering topics such as history, politics, economy, culture, military forces, and anything else relevant." His order was spoken with firmness, and the creatures nodded in acknowledgment, demonstrating their commitment to the task.

To ensure efficient and discreet communication, Astronax endowed the creatures with a special form of telepathy. They would be able to share information directly with him, eliminating any risk of exposure. With one final instruction, he sent them in different directions to begin their quest for information in this world.

Astronax watched his newly created subordinates depart, confident that they would carry out his orders to the letter. However, his peace was short-lived, as he knew it was time to confront the intrusive emotions of Henry that were preventing him from acting with clarity.

He closed his eyes and began to focus his powers, aiming to suppress these unwanted emotions. However, before he could complete the process, an intense pain shot through his entire body. It was as if a thousand fiery needles pierced his skin, an agonizing sensation that left him momentarily breathless. His mind wandered into a state of panic, his hands trembling as he tried to understand the source of this excruciating pain.

Astronax's realization about the limitations of his new human body left him with a sense of frustration and amusement. He understood that mastering his powers in this new form would be a gradual process, and he couldn't rush it without risking permanent damage to himself.

"So, it seems this body has a limit to my power. Ha ha ha ha, quite the amusing situation. Well, I'll have to do something about it later then. For now, I'll have to get used to it."

With this conclusion in mind, Astronax rose from the dirty ground of the alley, trying to dust off his clothes that had been stained with dirt and dust. As he emerged from the alley, he once again found himself in the bustling streets. People of all kinds and races were moving around him, from ordinary humans to exotic beings like lizardfolk and other demi-humans. Horse-drawn carriages added to the dynamic and multifaceted scene. However, no one seemed to have the slightest clue about what had happened in that forgotten little alley, and life went on as if nothing had occurred. Astronax was alone, lost in a reality that continued to challenge his expectations and magical powers.

In this new world filled with mysteries, challenges, and surprises, Astronax was determined to understand what was happening and to accomplish his goals, no matter what lay ahead.

"Well, I guess it's better to make my way back home." With this decision in mind, Astronax left the alley and headed towards his residence, blending into the bustling crowd on the streets. With determination, he began to outline a plan to address each of his priorities in his quest to understand the world he now found himself in.

In countless eras in the past, when the cosmos was a chaotic whirlwind of energies, three supreme deities emerged to imbue the universe with order and balance. With names that resonated like sacred chants, Arasil, Raelia, and Umayr personified the fundamental tenets of Tomicism: balance, justice, and opportunity.

Arasil, with their duality as the sun and moon, symbolized cosmic harmony, representing the constant interplay of light and darkness that shapes all existence. Their divinity brought stability to the tumult, ensuring that the universe's scales never tipped too far in any one direction.

Raelia, the goddess of the scales, was the guardian of justice and morality. She embodied impartiality and a sense of fairness that guided the actions of living beings. Her piercing eyes discerned the truth in all things, while her golden sword symbolized impartial judgment.

Umayr, shrouded in shadows and mystery, personified opportunity and cunning. He was the master of the cosmic game, creating challenges and opportunities that tested the resolve of beings. His seductive voice whispered tempting promises and deep secrets.

In addition to the three supreme gods, Tomicism recognized the presence of minor deities, each associated with specific aspects of life and the universe. Astraea, the goddess of stars and light, inspired creativity and provided spiritual enlightenment. Thalara, the goddess of waters and healing, was responsible for bringing healing and relief in times of suffering.

Zephyrus, the god of the wind, symbolized freedom and progress, while Sylphia, the goddess of nature, emphasized the importance of maintaining balance with the natural world. Pyronar, the god of fire and passion, ignited the flame of ambition and determination.

Devotees of Tomicism paid homage to the minor deities, seeking to balance their own lives by incorporating the divine principles and values into their everyday choices. Annual celebrations marked the cycles of nature and cosmic events, uniting followers in the worship of the gods and the ongoing quest for balance.

Religious leaders, such as the Equilibrators and the High Priests and High Priestesses of the minor gods, played a crucial role in guiding the followers and maintaining divine harmony. Sacred texts, like the "Balance," along with each god's specific scriptures, were meticulously studied by the faithful in their search for spiritual guidance and personal growth.

In this way, Tomicism evolved into a rich and diverse religion, deeply rooted in the pursuit of balance, justice, and opportunities that intertwine in the vast cosmos. Its followers embraced the complexity of existence and the significance of their role as guardians of cosmic balance. Thus, they became devoted adherents of Tomicism, a faith that endures through the ages.

However, not everything was harmony among the gods themselves. Often, the minor deities were marginalized when the three supreme gods made decisions that would affect the fate of the world of Alandria and its mortal inhabitants.

Before we proceed, let me describe the world of Alandria in detail. This world is vast and diverse, encompassing a variety of landscapes and territories. From majestic snow-covered mountain peaks to lush deep forests and vast golden sand deserts, Alandria is a wonder of natural scenery. Its blue seas and winding rivers also play a vital role in the life of this world.

Alandria is populated by a wide range of races and civilizations, each with its own cultures and traditions. Cities shine with diverse architecture, from the imposing towers of human kingdoms to the rural villages of older races like elves and dwarves.

Furthermore, the wonders of magic permeate the world of Alandria. Ancient ruins hide arcane secrets and magical artifacts, while wizards and scholars explore the mysteries of conjuration and alchemy.

In summary, Alandria is a world filled with natural beauty, cultural diversity, and magic, serving as the stage for countless adventures and discoveries.

However, it is crucial to clarify that Alandria was not shaped by the gods themselves. This world has its origins tied to an ancient entity, the nature of which remains shrouded in mystery as all records of that remote time were lost over the ages following the disappearance of the Great Aberration. The accounts and legends that have survived the test of time suggest that this transcendent entity, predating even the existence of the gods, played a fundamental role in the creation and formation of this vast and diverse planet.

As much as the inhabitants of Alandria hold deep respect and devotion to their gods, they also understand that at the core of their existence lies a connection to this primordial force that laid the foundations of this incredible world. The truth about this primordial entity and its relationship with Alandria is one of the greatest mysteries that surround this world. Its existence lost in the shadows of history only adds to the intrigue and mystery that shroud the history of this world.

However, as mentioned earlier, the relationship among the gods was not always harmonious, especially when it came to making important decisions regarding the fate of Alandria and its inhabitants, particularly when the dilemma involved the resurrection of the soul of the Great Aberration, known as Astronax, in a mortal body. This issue sparked celestial tensions, leading to intense debates and disagreements among the gods.

The soul of the Great Aberration, Astronax, was considered a terrible and dangerous force, an entity that had been extinguished to maintain order in the world. However, there were those gods who believed that his return could be an opportunity to overcome the Great Evil that was approaching. But this proposal was far from unanimous, and the disagreements among the gods regarding Astronax were palpable, bringing to the surface very old and deep-seated disagreements dating back to the dawn of the gods. This divine discord triggered a dilemma that would eventually have a lasting impact on the fate of Alandria and its new inhabitant, Astronax.

At this moment, an important meeting was underway among the minor gods in the Nioriz, the dimension of the goddess Thalara. The Nioriz was a splendid underwater realm located in the depths of Alandria's oceans. This realm was a breathtaking underwater vision, with coral towers gleaming in all the colors of the spectrum, creating a stunning backdrop that contrasted with the darkness of the ocean depths. Columns of crystal-clear water permeated the landscape, showcasing a wide variety of marine life, with creatures of all shapes and sizes gracefully swimming among the reefs.

In the Nioriz, Thalara held sway over the waters and healing, and her underwater realm reflected her divine nature. The structures were a harmonious blend of natural elements and elaborate architecture, with seaweed and coral adorning buildings carved from shells and iridescent pearls. The floor of the Nioriz was made of fine sand, with sinuous patterns drawn by the ocean current.

In this breathtaking setting, the minor gods had gathered to discuss the future of Astronax and the events that would affect Alandria. Each of the minor gods expressed their opinions and concerns, as the controversy surrounding Astronax's resurrection was far from being resolved. They were deeply engaged in a discussion, aware that their decisions would shape the fate of their world.

"Can you believe this? The big three decided to bring the Great Aberration back to life." Zephyrus, the god of the wind, spoke with indignation. He was a tall and slender god with silvery hair that seemed to move as if constantly caressed by the breeze. His blue eyes shone with an intensity that reflected the energy of the wind. He wore robes made of lightweight fabrics that fluttered as if in an unseen breeze, and his presence radiated a sense of freedom and constant motion.

The other minor gods looked at Zephyrus, their expressions ranging from concern to curiosity. The news of Astronax's resurrection was indeed shocking and unsettling for many, and Zephyrus was determined to express his displeasure regarding this decision by the major gods.

"They've gone too far this time. Bringing back that... that Thing. I don't usually agree much with Zephyrus, but this time he's right; it was a big mistake on their part." Pyronar, the god of fire and passion, expressed his agreement with Zephyrus's words. Pyronar was an imposing god with fiery hair that seemed to dance like living flames. His eyes were a burning red, and his presence radiated heat and intensity. He dressed in clothing adorned with flame patterns and maintained a confident and fiery posture, as if always ready for battle.

While the other minor gods continued to debate and express their concerns, the atmosphere in Thalara's dimension, the Nioriz, grew tense and heavy with emotions. The return of Astronax, the Great Aberration, was an event that shook the very foundations of the world of Alandria, and the minor gods were on the brink of deciding how to respond to this unusual situation.

"According to Arasil, He is our only chance against the Great Evil Dorzaloch and his unstoppable army. He says that the strength of good and light is no match to stop Dorzaloch and that only a greater evil is capable of such a feat." Astraea, the goddess of stars and light, interjected with her serene and wise voice. She was a figure of transcendent beauty, with hair that seemed made of strands of starlight. Her eyes twinkled like distant stars, and her presence emitted an aura of peace and inspiration. Her dress was like a night sky full of stars, and her wisdom was revered by all the minor gods.

Astraea's words brought a different perspective to the debate, but the tension among the gods persisted. While they debated the fate of Astronax and his possible role in the fight against Dorzaloch, the minor gods were aware that their decisions could shape the future of Alandria in an irreversible manner.

"However, we must not blindly trust this. It's highly likely that he'll turn against the world. That's why I propose we have our own champions. We will choose from among mortals those who have received our blessings, so they can fight against both of Alandria's enemies," Astraea proposed to the other gods. Her starry gaze reflected the seriousness of the situation, while her voice conveyed unwavering determination.

Astraea's proposal brought a new dynamic to the debate. Now, the gods faced a critical choice: to trust Astronax as the possible savior of Alandria or to follow the path of selecting mortal heroes blessed with the powers of the gods to confront Dorzaloch and any emerging threat. The decision they would make would shape the destiny of the world.

There was a sudden silence before Zephyrus, Pyronar, and Thalara simultaneously nodded, agreeing with Astraea's decision.

"It's great that we're all on board with this. I've already chosen the one who will receive my blessing, his name is Andrew Dixon. I recommend that you do the same," Astraea replied with a confident smile, trusting in the determination of her fellow gods.

The decision was made. The minor gods would now embark on the search for mortals deserving of their divine blessings, each endowed with unique powers that would be essential in the fight against Dorzaloch and the protection of Alandria. Thus, the gods' meeting came to an end, with a plan in place to combat the evil threatening the world and a new path laid in the journey of Andrew Dixon and others chosen by the gods.

However, there lingered doubt about whether this was truly the right choice. Uncertainty settled in the hearts of the gods as the fate of Alandria was now in the hands of mortals, and the threat of Astronax remained a constant shadow on the horizon. The future would prove uncertain, and the battle for balance and justice in Alandria was only just beginning.

I decided this time to post the entire chapter instead of in parts. Don't forget to check out the characters' artwork on my Patreon and also support me to help continue my writing: patreon.com/NilfenNocturnal.

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