
Love and an Immortal's Woe

[ 3510BC]

Omari had a very eventful life these 90 years. He enjoyed building an economic kingdom. Starting from his town with the help of Sara and others who joined the investigation team on the way, he expanded from that town to other villages and cities and now he was now the wealthiest person in the whole of Egypt.

Asim and Sadiki returned to stay with him after he beat them both after half a century of competition. After revelling in his victory and partying with his guardians whom he had a more family-like relation now, they integrated their businesses which led to the boom in Omari's treasury and assets.

The guardians were also glad to see that the heir to the royal family was once again a great lord and in all sense the ruler again because he owned almost everything in Egypt while being out of the public picture. They had felt their objective fulfilled. Their loyalty was higher than ever and they were proud of their genius master.

Omari had let his body get older and he looked quite handsome and muscular with a towering figure. He finally lost his virginity in this life to Sara when he was at the age of 30 and Sara was 36 at her insistence. Turns out Sara had grown infatuated with Omari over the years and had even refused marriage with excuses because she planned to confess to Omari.

Omari had known about her infatuation but had deflected her advances for years, but gradually Sara was able to wear down the wall he had built and changed his mindset which led to him accepting her love and they got into a relationship.

They had a happy romantic life and when Sara was getting older he even offered to give her regeneration too so that she can also be immortal but she refused.

She said, "I would rather have a short and happy life with you"

This had resounded in Omari's mind and he was quite sad for a while but eventually, he accepted it and decided that he would do everything to give happy memories to Sara his love and he did just that till she died naturally at the age of 60.

Before dying, she told him that she had a great life and she would never regret her choice to not be immortal. She said she was sorry that she was leaving him alone but she hoped that he would find happiness in his life and not feel burdened to never have a relationship again.

Omari cried for days after her death. He never truly understood though, why would someone refuse to become immortal? When he asked Asim and Sadiki they told him that they live to serve him so for them they would preferably live as long as their master to serve him. Hearing this answer Omari was even more confused. So his guardians chose to live on to protect him but why didn't Sara decide to live on too?

He pondered on this for years but got no answers. He concluded that maybe she felt that she wanted to never feel their love fade over time? Maybe that was it...Sara was silly like that...

After concluding that and respecting Sara's decision to die he eventually recovered and decided to spend more time on his business empire. He made a grave near Sara's and marked it his and placed it as a gesture of saying to himself that Sara's Omari also died and was buried beside her.

He then decided to divide his business empire among the group of helpers that Sara was originally a part of and their families for those who had died and then he packed a few of his belongings and a few photos that he had taken of Sara with a camera that he made with his powers back in the days when they were young.

Taking a deep breath, he gave a final look full of emotion to his old house where had met Sara for the first time, he turned his back and slowly walked towards the desert with Asim and Sadiki by his side...




A/N: I am not crying you are! ;( btw what do you guys think? Would you choose to be like Sara and refuse to be immortal or would you take the chance to be with your love? Obviously, Sara's choice is unique and I can't say whether it was too heatless or cuz of deep love. Who knows? We should respect people's choices I guess. I personally would choose to become immortal though. :D

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