
chapter nine:the first deal

Monica's POV

i wore a black suit with jeans and packed my hair in a pony tail

"fill me in on everything"I told the assistant

"I don't know why Mr Kim gave this to you ma'am,we have been trying to seal this deal between the Korean and Chinese for a long time,it seems that they both agreed that it isn't very important and have decided to not take this deal seriously,and the people you will meet today don't respect women at all"

I frowned

"go on"

"they believe they won't go beyond sixty percent,they want to see who we favor the most,I think they have been in an argument about it for a long time,they both have other business deals with us and believe they are important,which they both are"

"the representative always deal with this conferences,right?"

"yes ma"

"Get me all the latest news on the owner of the company,even personal informations...I want everything,can you do that for me...right now"I said as I placed my hand on the table

three hours later


I wanted to witness her first meeting,I wonder if she would be able to secure the deal for our company,but the problem has never been the deal,its the people involved....choosing one over the other is ultimately bad for the decision but they both won't agree together,I laughed forgetting I was in a meeting,everyone stopped to stare at me,it was the first time ever I had ever laughed in a meeting....I tried to cover up with a cough but nobody was fooled,

"did you hear sir,do u agree with the terms?"someone asked politely,but I wasn't even listening to what they had been saying...I was thinking of Monica

"Ethan....what time does my wife's meeting starts?"I asked in front of everyone not really caring

"in ten minutes sir"he replied

"this meeting has been adjourned"I decided

they stared wide eyed and open mouthed,apparently I have never post poned a meeting before,I stood up and walked out but I heard someone say

"love does change people"

love?...ofcourse not!!!.....I don't love her,its impossible,I just wanted to watch,we are friends after all....I shook my head, I can't wait to see her

I walked to her meeting room,the representatives were there,they were waiting for her,she was late?.....she must be joking....is this part of her plan?.....I sat and waited for her,a few minutes later she walked in....she looked absolutely stunning,I wanted to gut the representative for looking at her like that,she wasn't smiling though,she sat down and smiled a little but she was obviously faking it,after her failed attempt,she stuck with her frown...she didn't cast me a second glance,her assistant was beside her in an instant,looking so confident

"morning Mr kung"she said

"Mrs Kim....

"lets get to business right away"

"humm....of course"

"I want hundred percent of all profits"she said

I didnt show any reaction,in fact I pretended to be doing something on my pad,but I was shocked....hundred percent?...how will she do it?...Mr kung on the other hand seemed to be angry and eying her

"I don't think you understand,sixty percent or no more"he told her almost as bluntly as she told him

"no deal"she said and stood up "meeting ended"she said,I was totally shocked right now

Mr kung furiously stood up

"listen here you stupid bitch,you might be new around here but you better start learning how thongs work,I make the deals and you agree,a stupid woman like you won't understand,why don't you go back to your kitchen and try to be useful somewhere" he shouted

I was angry,in his anger he seemed to have forgotten about me,I wanted to punch his face,but Monica remained calm,if anything she seemed happy

"I don't think you understand"she shook her head "by no deal,I meant no deal....I've cut all your business ties to us....don't be stupid Mr kung,we are the producers and your are the buyers,you think we need you to sell...in reality you need us"she smiled

Mr kung was speechless

"impossible...you can't do that...you can't...you need us"

"no,we need someone to sell to...its you who needs us,by buying and selling our products you became popular,it can be the same for everyother companies like yours in your country,good worthy companies with smart people,don't you see,you are just leeches...file" the last one she had asked of her assistant

A set of files were placed on her hands and she threw them on the table at Mr kung

"if you don't agree to this business,everyone of those companies are your competitors,I would not only sell to them but tell them all about your company"

"this is blackmail,I can sue you"

"but will anyone believe you?"she sneered

"I have been working for three years now,I have lots of insurance little bitch,one word and all the fools I know will believe me and the stupid court will be on my side...its your word against mine,little bitch"

"actually Mr kung,its your word against yours"monica smiled coldly

she had that same look of mine in her eyes, cold and distant,the same look I reserved for business ,her assistant gave her a little box I didn't recognize and she pressed something

"listen here you stupid bitch,you might be new around here but you better start learning how things work,I make the deals and you agree,a stupid woman like you won't understand ,why don't you go back to your kitchen and try to be useful somewhere"

she pressed it again

"ive been working for three years now,I have a lot of insurance little bitch,one word and all the fools I know will believe me,the stupid court will be on my side....its your word against mine little bitch"

monica had recorded it,Mr kung was shaking

"you can't do this"

"you have been coming here for almost three years so you know this is a private room and no cameras are here so you wanted to use it to your advantage,didn't you....poor you,now it is to my advantage,you absolutely have nothing against me,I will sue you for insult to my rights,you insulted women rights,you insulted my right to freedom of jobs,you even told me to go to my kitchen and called me bitch....let's say I tell the court am very emotional"she said as she tilted her head like she was thinking "I could say I wanted to kill myself,I could sue you for depression....but not only that now Mr kung,what of your business,since your deals have been cut from ours,you will suffer loss big time,and after the court session,no one will do business with you,I almost feel pity for you...then even in your own country you will suffer loss,because I will personally make sure that other companies surpass yours....and poor you,I heard one of your companies caught fire last year,I wonder how you will cope....and the boss,the poor poor CEO,after all his accusations in court,I wonder how long you guys will last,I think not up to a few months,certainly not a year" she was almost talking to herself,she was sitting now...with her legs on the table,not professional at all....I wanted to smile....Mr kung on the other hand was sweating even though the AC was on

"Mrs Kim....p-p-please.....I b-b-beg of you,don't do this.....hundred percent,exactly as you wish,so please"he was stammering now

she looked at me finally,she was looking reluctant like she really didn't want to do the deal then she bit her lips and shook her head as if reprimanding herself

"deal....now get out before I change my mind"she said not looking up,Mr kung practically flew out the door

her assistant was looking at her warmly

"congratulations Mrs kim"her assistant said

she only nodded,she didn't look happy at all

"wait outside"I told the assistant

she left,monica was still on her chair

"congrats,not the way I thought you would handle it"I teased

"me neither"she said coldly and left

I went outside but she almost looked like she was crying from behind

"what's wrong with her"I asked her assistant,this deal went amazingly,she should be celebrating....she's awesome

the assistant looked down,not sure weather to tell me

" A young girl fired allegations against Mr kung and his CEO for rape...she was only fifteen and they....they....they both raped her,but they won the case because the girl was poor.....Mrs Kim wasn't joking about sending him to jail"she said and quickly walked away to meet up with her boss

I was left standing alone

"oh" was all I could say in my misery