

It had been years since I last stepped into the Department of Mysteries yet I and many others has been called to the same place which once housed numerous prophecies yet now was used as a conference room.

I glanced at the attendees once my classmates now my colleagues as we took our seats and Ron took to the stage.

"Hello everyone"he spoke

The few years he had spent as the Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Magical Monster Protection committee had made him a decent public speaker.

" I have called everyone here as a well known magical race has been confirmed to be extinct as of this morning"


"Which one?"

" Might be Dragons those are becoming smaller and smaller every year"

"Silence" Ron spoke up halting the discussion on the floor.

" it's the house-elf's"

" You called us all for this, you could have sent an ordinary owl not sent a howler to be physically present ?" A man with a dark brown robe spoke up.

"Yes I had a holiday today"

" I was meant to question a few witnesses for magical disappearances of enchanted objects case"

" I had a meeting with the French Magical Ambassador"

I frowned it had been years since I last remembered Dobby but knowing that his species had gone extinct didn't fill me with a sense of righteous indignation but over the years I had become more accepting of their treatment in the magical world, Hermione who had become an activist for magical creatures didn't factor house elfs as something necessary and was far more worried about Centaurs and Unicorns who were losing land day by day.

"Guys it might look like I called you all for a frivolous reason but all your issues are interrelated. Andrew you have a holiday because the Theastral seasonal migration has been delayed, Kevin the magical objects which you have been looking for has been a dead end because majority of them were made by magical creatures, the French Ambassador wants to talk about the recent scarcity of magical plants all over the world"

I stood up and spoke " Ron then why hasn't the minister called us no offense but if all of this is related it is a big issue"

Ron looked at me " Believe me when I say that the minister is facing a much more serious issue at this moment, whose details I am unaware of he would be here if he could Harry"

As he stood up and tapped the desk with his wand.

A man entered with an unspeakable robe carrying small crystal balls as big as a thumb as he proceeded to give everyone a crystal ball with an envelope.

"Alright the details of the task assigned is written inside do not share with anyone not even your loved ones.

This meeting is dismissed."

As the rest of the participants left I locked eyes with Ron who motioned me to stay back.

As the others left and only Ron and I remained I waved my wand and muffled all sounds as Ron approached me.

" Buddy, we messed up"