
Conqueror Otsutsuki

A mob hit man dies and gains three wishes; follow his story as he goes to different worlds gaining as much powers as possible. current world Game of Thrones This is going to be pure wish fulfillment with some plot. MC will be traveling to anime and T-V worlds. Trigger warning the mc is going to be super evil there will be rape, slavery, etc. so if your sensitive just dont read it.

Stevemeh · TV
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8 Chs

Set Sail

Chapter 4

"The God Tree…" I mutter ignoring Henry and Oliver's curious glances. The God Tree is one of the most powerful living creatures I've ever created and is one of the main ways the Otsutsuki go from overpowered to complete Gods. The God Tree is a tree that when planted absorbs the blood soaked into the ground over a millennium slowly draining the life force slowly killing the land and its people. Every thousand years the tree produces a chakra fruit that gives god like power with extended youth and longevity. 

Members of the Otsutsuki clan in Naruto would travel world to world looking for sapling's of the God Tree but if I can produce them myself I have unlimited potential. I tried to produce the chakra fruit itself but it did not work so I was forced to settle for the tree but that's ok I'm a patient man. 

Pushing the seed into the earth I cover it with dirt before my attention gets drawn to the Stark men all sitting comfortably by their fires. Going faster than any man can see I call upon my chakra forming a blue vibrating katana. Speeding to a group of four Stark men I chop through them spilling their blood as their lifeless bodies fall. Activating my byakugan I watch as all the men quickly react drawing their swords.

"Leave one alive!" I shout more to myself than my men disappearing and reappearing in front of another Stark soldier whose face morphs into one of fear as I plunge my chakra blade through his gut.

Opening my mouth I deeply inhale watching the small amount of chakra inside the man transfer into my body. As his body shrivels and greys I kick his lifeless corpse sending him flying across the battlefield a small bit of my mental fatigue going away.

The Stark's mean nothing, four of them will be dead by the end of the show, the other is a cripple and the last will be on the wall for most of the time. What will they be able to do to me? No one on this planet can even lay a scratch on my skin.


Decapitating the head of a Stark soldier I look across the battlefield littered with bodies of the Stark men only one remaining with my men still a hundred strong but none of them matter. They are replaceable fodder; the only ones I'd be disappointed in losing would be Henry and Oliver because I put a small bit of effort into their creation. 

"Bring the survivor here!" I call walking to where my men have him tied meeting them halfway. Looking at the young boy no older than fifteen his hands tied behind him fear and shock etched onto his dirty face stained with blood and mud. Gripping the boy's chin I raise his lowered head bringing his gaze to mine as I gaze into my eyes I release a portion of my power causing the ground to shake. As the boy's body begins to shake his gaze looks anywhere but my face, the smell of urine reaching my nose. Tightening my grip on his chin to the point where I can feel his jaw bone begin to buckle at the grip I stop right before it breaks.

"Listen closely boy you will go to your Lord and tell him what happened here. Give him a message for me, tell him Damon Otsutsuki will return to Westeros and when he does he will paint the lands red with blood." Releasing my grip on the boy he collapses to the ground still trembling struggling to stand.

"Y-yes my Lord," I hear him say meekly as I wipe the muck off my hand glaring down at him.

"I am no Lord boy, I am an emperor." I say before looking at my men some injured from battle. "We leave in fifteen minutes, cut off the Stark soldiers' heads and put them on spikes. Those of you who are too weak to travel stay here and prepare for the Starks to come kill as many as you can when they do; do not let them take you alive and if they do bite out your tongue!" 

Flying into the sky after creating large piles of spears I look down at the soldiers all hopping onto their horses around twenty being left behind to ambush any of the Stark men who will come to examine the remains. Flying off into the sky I make sure I remain in sight of my eighty troops we had traveled three days down the Kingsroad and now I'm leading what remains of my men into the BarrowLands. The BarrowLands is a hilly region that I used to travel to at night. In my exploration I found that there's a castle called Castle Cerwyn who are a trusted house to house Stark. Although we have to double back no one would expect us to go back towards house Stark and we will be traveling through the forest using the trees as natural cover.

The BarrowLands has a large lake in it that connects to a river leading out to the open sea which we'll use to leave the land of Westeros.


Landing in the soft sand I look out over the calm water the rays of the morning sun peaking over the tree line. It took another day with periodic stops to reach the lake but now it's time it's time to build my army in another land then come back and claim the iron throne for myself. I could single handedly conquer this world but where's the fun in that? I already know I can do it with absolutely no difficulty to myself so why not try and learn to be a general. 

Holding out my palm I summon nine life rafts each able to hold ten people.

"Leave the horses we travel by boat from here on out!" Climbing into one of the rafts Henry and Oliver follow closely behind me each picking up an oar beginning to row out to sea.


Looking back at the land of Westeros that's but a mere speck in the horizon now I float up from the small boat. Flying in front of my men I picture one of my favorite ships from the Pirates of the Caribbean Queen Anne's Revenge trying to remember each part of it perfectly so there's no flaws in the design that would lead it to sink only changing some of the cosmetics of the ship.

Watching as the massive three masted ship appears from thin air it crashes into the sea sending out large waves of water. Flying around the ship I examine the exterior of the ship making sure that it doesn't take in any water. 

The ship is over thirty meters long painted all black on the outside with intricate golden designs on the outside depicting massacres, tortures, and multiple different forms of execution. The sails are made from a fine black silk the middle most sail having a silver moon etched on either side of it. I've removed all the cannons because I simply do not need them. I wish to test my war strategies until I grow bored of this world and that means I am to be on even grounds with the people of this world so that means no cannons and no guns.

On the mast of the ship instead of there being a dead body I replaced it with a golden nine tailed fox stretched out under the mast with red rubies where its eyes should be. 

When it becomes clear that the ship won't sink I fly to each of the life rafts flying the men to the boat. Allowing the men a chance to get settled we quickly set sail after I gave them all clothes suitable for sailing.

Walking across the wood dock the cool sea breeze brushes against my skin as we sail towards the sunset, no land in sight as the boat rocks against the waves. Looking over at Oliver who's steering the ship staring at a map and Henry who's directing the men on the main dock making sure everything is running smoothly.

"Do you understand where we're going?" I ask Oliver who looks up from the map.

"Yes my King we are to head south for until we pass Westeros which we will change direction to East southeast towards Basilisk Isles."

"Good," I say while tossing him a golden compass.   "Then I will be in the captain's chamber do not bother me unless it is absolutely necessary." We will be sailing through the Sunset sea that is on the west coast of Westeros until we hit the Summer Sea where I plan on going to Basilisk Isle visiting some of the islands to begin my plans. The travel to get to the islands would take over a whole year if the ship was going full speed the whole time with absolutely no breaks but that will not do. I could just fly to the island and skip the sailing process but I would like to spend at least a little bit of time at sea. I'm currently thinking of ways that the ship can go faster that won't involve a constant drain of my chakra and I already have a few things in mind.

"Understood my King." He says with a short bow.

Walking down the wood steps of the platform I go into my quarters admiring the finely crafted black and gold oak desk with a large a large cabinet filled with scrolls detailing everything about the Game of Thrones world that I know of closed with glass doors. On the right side of the room is a large king size bed with black sheets. 

Sitting in the chair behind my desk I link my fingers resting my elbows on the armrest and my chin on my fingers. It's time to create real powerhouses, this world is relatively weak and they may not be of any use now but I won't always be in this world and I'd rather be prepared in advance then not be prepared at all. I am no fool. I am not the strongest person in existence and I need trusted advisors at my side, not mere foot soldiers like the ones outside. 

The question is what powers should I give them?

Hope you guys enjoyed please comment and review

Next chapter will have a lemon.

I have some people in mind for who the MC's ladies will look like. The potential options are

Sommer Ray

Gal Gadot

Scarlett Johansson

Margot Robbie


Let me know if you guys want anyone in particular

Stevemehcreators' thoughts