
Chapter 11


The doors to the large room burst open and a small frail girl is standing in the doorway. Her eyes are filled with terror and her flowered dress, that I assume was once white, is covered in dirt, blood, and is torn to shreds. She screams again, over and over, while everyone is stunned into silence. The room stops moving for a brief second when I see Zaneon calmly stand up and walk to the girl.

I watch as she flinches from his touch and he’s not fazed one bit at her reaction. He just cocks his head a bit and calls for his guards. He gives them orders in a whisper so low I couldn’t hear as the girl is carried away. He walks back in as if nothing major happened, however I can't help but wonder if that girl is one of the missing. Was Zaneon really behind it all? I look at Shikari and I can see the truth in her eyes. He is involved and that girl is destined to have a horrid fate bestowed on her.