
Complicated Destiny

In life, you always get this feeling, words whispered softly in your ear through passing winds, subtle signs left by forces beyond your imagination, dreams pointing you in a particular direction, it doesn't matter how it comes, it matters only if you choose to ignore the call, or if you accept it, accept the call and face, Destiny.

Mirabel_David_7630 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 2. Mate

|~ Life is a sexually transmitted disease

- Quotes by R. D.Laing


Kat's pov

"Please call me Cain" he said, voice smooth and captivating.

"Alright Cain" the name sounded foreign on my tongue and I tried to say it with utmost respect. "May I know why my presence is requested?" I had to be careful not to let the sarcasm I said those words with be heard. Requested? more like ordered. Someone really should have told me that I'm coming to this meeting today so I could at least wear nice jeans or something.

"You will know in good time. Please, let's go sit" he took my hand and led me to the vampire side of the council where his throne was located. He sat on it and gestured for me to sit on the throne like chair beside him. I sat.

I looked to the werewolves side and caught Ash's worried eyes. We knew nothing about the Vampire king apart from unconfirmed rumours so we don't know if he's bad news. Ash tried to reassure me with his eyes but I could clearly see he was worried. If the vampire king tried to hurt me he can't take him. The vampire king has lived centuries and is one of the most powerful supernaturals existing.

"Before the meeting commences I think we have to address the situation at hand, don't you think so Logan Heart" Cain said. Logan is a merman and our school's resident player. I hate his guts. Well usually I do. But suddenly I felt drawn to him and I couldn't stop my feet from moving toward him. It seemed he was having the same problem. We met in the middle of the impossibly large hall and everything else melted away. It was just me and him. He broke out of the trance first, cursed, then said those damned words.

"I, Logan Heart leader of the zeldan water tribe reject you, Katrina Kaif as my mate" he said. it took me a little while to comprehend what he said. I looked around and everyone seemed to be waiting for something. I thought for a while, then realized, according to cliche werewolf novels I was supposed to be broken right now. Well might as well put on a show while I've got an audience.

I clutched my chest and dramatically fell to my knees.

"No! please don't leave me, I need you! I can't live without you" I fell to the ground and gestured to my throat.

"Blood! blood! blood! and death!" I stopped moving totally for a few seconds. I shot up, balanced on the balls of my feet and used the momentum to straighten myself on my feet.

"That's a zootopia reference" I explained because everyone looked confused. I rolled my eyes when no one even smiled.

"Did you enjoy the show Logan? I don't take drama for nothing" Logan looked shocked, confused even.

"Come on you didn't really think that'd break me. But I do have a counter offer. I Katrina Kaif don't accept your rejection, I instead offer mine. I Katrina Kaif reject you, Logan Heart as my mate. BTW it's your loss" I finished, turned on my heels and sashayed away, ponytail swishing behind me. I prayed no one would stop me cause that'll kill my whole storming out bit. I just arrived at the door when Cain appeared in front of me.

"May I walk you out Katrina" it was worded as a question but it obviously was not. I took his hand once more. He gestured toward the door and it opened. We walked out and into the passage I and Karen walked through on our way in. I turned and caught Ash's worried gaze as the door slammed behind is. I took a deep breath and told myself that if Karen worked for him then he has to be good. But God I so do not want to be alone with Cain.

"I did not think my company was that displeasing" Cain startled me by saying.

"Did I say that out loud?" I asked.

"No, you did no't" he simply answered.

"You can read minds. Of course you can read minds" I said.

"Well it is usually easy for me to do so but when I try to read your mind you seem to be blocking me. Just now you were feeling strong emotions and it somehow dropped the block and let me in" he explained.

"But I don't have powers, how is that possible?" I asked.

"You tell me, although you are not completely without power. Your ability to sense things in the air"

"Do I want to ask how you know that?" I asked wearily.

"Well when I got into your mind I didn't just read your current thought, I read everything about you, everything that has ever run through your head, every wish, every emotion, every doubt, every worry, every insecurity" well that's unnerving.

"Well enough about me, how have you been?" I said, trying to avoid talking about the information he got from my head. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly grabbed me and moved to the right.

"What the he.." I didn't complete my sentence because an arrow wheezed past us, right where my head was seconds ago. Cain caught the arrow midair. He observed the arrow.

"Tranquilizer, they meant to capture you, not kill" he said.

"Oh thank God, that makes me feel so much better" fear made me say.

"Hold on" Cain said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. More arrows wheezed by and we were suddenly airborne.

"Oh, you can fly" I said more than asked. He seemed to be heading straight for the roof of the cave which looked really hard. I tried to duck my head because my skull will not heal if it hits the wall of this cave. I squeezed my eyes shut and when we didn't hit for a long time I opened one eye, then the other. We're in the air, going up still.

"How did we get outside?" I asked in a panic.

"The ceiling of the cave is an elusion to those who know of the illusion. If you are unaware that it is an illusion it seizes to be an illusion" oh, ok then. I looked down and immediately regretted it. We were so high up in the air that I was starting to fight for air.

"Can we go back to the ground now?" I asked.

"I have to make sure that the danger has passed"

"How the hell are you going to do that from up here?!" I screamed, again squeezing my eyes shut.

"I'm a vampire Katrina" I shut up after that and concentrated on keeping my lunch.

"Can we please go lower!" I begged, despite my enormous pride.

"You are being attacked by djinn Katrina and among them there are jinn of air. They arenot powerful enough to reach this high but if I go lower then they'll get you" Jinn. I'm being attacked by jinn. My God.

"They are gone, no need to fear anymore" Cain said as we slowly began our decent.

"Take a deep breath Katrina" I didn't ask, I just dragged air into my lungs. Suddenly we were zooming towards the ground. We landed just as fast as our speedy decent. Well he landed. I on the other hand practically climbed him so my feet wouldn't hit the ground when we landed. What, I'm a self preserver ok!.

"You can let go now" Cain said. I mumbled an apology and quickly let go. I looked around and we were behind my school.

"Thank you Cain" I said. He nodded.

"Take care Katrina" and with that he was gone.

I sighed and prayed a jinn won't attack me on the way to class or something. I started towards school but shrieked when two figures appeared in front of me.

"Jesus!" I calmed down when I realized it was just Jan and Chris.

"Goodness Kat where have you been?, we looked everywhere, what happened?!" Jan said.

I threw myself into their arms and hugged them both. And right here in my friends arms, I let the fear that I was keeping at bay wash over me.

"Why so dramatic Kat, jeeze!" Chris said. I chose not to mention that she's hugging me just as tight as I'm hugging her.

"What period is this?" I asked them.

"We have recess now" Jan answered.

"Let's go to our spot, I'll tell you guys everything"

We arrived and thankfully none of our friends were there. I told them everything as promised in accurate detail and at the end, Jan hugged me again.

"I'm sorry Kat, I know how much getting a mate means to you" I smiled softly.

"You totally deserve better Kat, I mean a merman? not nearly powerful enough" Chris said.

"It's fine guys, besides Logan is the least of my worries right now" I said.

"Yeah let's talk about the vampire king who's definitely up to something with you" Jan said.

"He wants something from me, I know it but I can't figure out what" I mused.

"Maybe he has a crush on you" Jan teased.

"Jesus Jan he has over a thousand years on me age wise and I'm pretty sure if he were to crush on someone I wouldn't even make the top fifty" I said.

"Oh come on" Jan insisted.

"If we don't get to class now we're gonna be late" I said. Jan quickly jumped up while Chris took her time. When we told her to hurry she said and I quote 'beauty can't be rushed'.

"We started back towards school when Jan grabbed both of us and stopped us from moving. She gestured for is to be quiet and look around carefully. Because my sight is better than the average human I am able to spot the eyes behind the bushes and trees. There must have been fifteen people altogether. They stepped out and I gasped. Not people, jinns, we're surrounded by jinns.


