
Complicated Destiny

In life, you always get this feeling, words whispered softly in your ear through passing winds, subtle signs left by forces beyond your imagination, dreams pointing you in a particular direction, it doesn't matter how it comes, it matters only if you choose to ignore the call, or if you accept it, accept the call and face, Destiny.

Mirabel_David_7630 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3. Jinn

|~ The scariest thing in life isn't that evil step mom, its final year exams.

Quotes from Kat.


Kat's pov

I breathed in and out. I think maybe I'm having a slight panic attack. We're surrounded by fifteen Jinns. All men. The way their bodies are intwined with the air give them away as jinn of air.

"Jan what do we do?" Chris whispered looking ashen.

"Kat when I say run, you run ok, don't look back" Jan whispered.

"Hey what about me!" Chris whisper-shouted.

"We're going to stay and fight, Jan will go get the council" Jan replied.

"I'm not leaving you guys!" I said. Funny. I always laughed at those people in horror or thriller movies that say they won't leave their friends and end up being killed.

"You have to. We'll keep them at bay for as long as we can and you'll.." "You know we hear every word you're saying right?. Succubus, Fae, stay out of this. We don't want to hurt either of you but we will of you get in our way. We're here for Katrina, nothing more" one of the Jinns said. Jan squared her shoulders. I know she hates confrontation so this must be hard for her.

"We will never give her to you" she said.

"Yeah, you can't have her!" Chris said.

"It doesn't have to come to a fight, I'm giving you an easy way out, take it before someone gets hurt" the same jinn said. Chris was just about to say something when I interrupted.

"The her you so carelessly speak of is right here and she's requesting permission to speak" weather they were shocked or just plain amused, they let me keep talking. "Right thanks. I don't know what the hell you want from me but you're not going to get it so scram" I know what you're thinking. I have no power whatsoever, to defend myself and I'm still making threats instead of begging for mercy but you have to understand. My brain is not like the other brains. Whenever I feel cornered or threatened or scared or even hurt my mouth opens and I talk. I think my brain tells my mouth that since I can't hurt them physically then I can hurt them with my words but clearly I'm very much excluded from that conversation.

"Well you sure do have a mouth on you. Now I know your Succubus has activated her manipulation and if we touch her we will be under her control so we'll do it this way. I just learned this new trick. You see I can bend the air to compress and eventually break someone and well, it's the air, how can you fight what you can't see, I'll give you a demonstration" the jinn who has been the only one talking, said. He stretched out an arm and Jan started screaming. I tried to touch her but it was like a wall was around her. I couldn't reach her. Chris pounded against the wall of air, looking the most disorganized I've seen her.

One of the jinns, I noticed, turned to the forest, a curious look in his eyes.

"Stop, please! I'll do what you want" I screamed, tears running down my face. The Jinn stopped and so did Jan's ear piercing screams. We lightly hugged her in relief.

"I'm so sorry Jan. Are you ok?"I asked. She coughed.

"I'm fine but Kat you can't go with them, we don't even know what they want with you" Jan wheezed out.

"I can't let them hurt you" I told her. "Let's go" I said to the Jinns.

"No!" Chris screamed. "You can't go with them Kat" I just smiled and hugged them both. I walked towards the leader guy.

"Finally, jeeze that was so dramatic. It was like a live soap opera!" one of the other jinns said. I glared at him. He shrugged and raised his hands in mock surrender.

As soon as I stepped in front of the leader the illusion Jan created melted away and we were in front of school, leaving the baffled and angry Jinns to wander what happened. We quickly ran into the school.

"That was awesome Jan" I congratulated in excitement.

"I can't believe they fell for the illusion, that was totes epic!" Chris said. We giggled and ran into our next period. You may be wandering what just happened, this should explain it.


Back to when the Jinns first arrived at their spot....

Jan gestured for us to be quiet and look around. I spotted all the eyes and faltered. We looked at each other and Jan nodded. It was small, almost indecipherable. She changed an illusion spell under her breath. When the spell was complete we were invisible, the real us I mean. We could hear everything the illusions of us were saying, after all we're the ones muttering them.

We had to be quiet because invisible didn't quite mean we couldn't be heard, one wrong move and we'd be caught so we snuck through the bushes towards school.

If even for one second the jinns stopped believing the illusion, it would seize to function and we'd be busted. We had to hurry because although Jan is a very strong succubus, she's still young and cannot maintain the spell too long. We were almost out of the woods, quite literally, when I tripped over a root and fell. Damn roots!. I noticed through the eyes of my illusion that a jinn looked this way so I urged my illusion to dramatically surrender. We were all relieved when the jinn didn't come to check out the noise. I got up and we tiptoed and were already in front of school when Jan groaned and the illusion fell.


After a boring English class during which Ash still didn't show up, it was time for lunch.

"Come on guys, do we really have to?!" I whined. I hate sitting at the popular table without Ash present because I feel like I simply don't fit but both Jan and Chris are insisting we do.

"Yes please" Jan answered at the same time Chris said; "Duh".

I sighed and we made our way to the table. It was in the middle of caf and the center of attention. I plopped my ass beside Jason who smiled at me and turned back to rejoin the conversation. Jan and Chris sat opposite me and we dug into our food.

I was just about done eating when I heard a crash to my right. I looked over, cursed and jumped to my feet. The cause of the commotion was of course Julian, a ker- a species kinda like vampire cousins- was standing over Maria-Lourdes (pronounced Maria Lords) a human whom I actually like. He had shoved her down and in the process, knocked down some tables. I pushed him away and crouched down to Marie's level on the ground.

"It's ok Marie, I'm here" I told her as she cried in my arms.

"Who the hell gave you the right to play hero Kat?, get away from my girlfriend!" Julian screamed.

"Get away Jules, you've hurt her enough for today" I said. He growled and grabbed my hair. He pulled.

"Listen to me you bitch.." "No you listen! let me go and walk away asshole!" I said. He yanked again but was pulled off me by Jason who held him up by his neck.

"Touch her again and I'll rip out your arms and beat you with them" Jason, ever the gentleman, said. And he meant it too. Julian nodded enthusiastically. Jason let him go and he glared at me, then left.

"Thanks Jase" I said.

"My pleasure" he said and strolled off. Jan helped me get Marie into an empty classroom where we instructed her on breathing exercises to calm her down. You see Marie has phasmophobia, a fear of the supernatural. She literally fainted when Julian told her that not only were the creatures of her nightmares real, she's surrounded by them. Marie should have left this school but I'm pretty sure he's making her stay.

I clicked with Marie because she was just like me. Bullied, hurt. We of course became fast friends. Since then I have tried to find ways to break Marie and Julian up so she can finally be free. Obviously I've gotten nowhere with that.

"You need to stop angering Julie on my behalf Kat,one day he's going to hurt you and it'll be my fault" Marie said and brought me back to the present.

"I'll be ok" I told Marie. Before she could no doubt try to get me to just leave her to suffer the door burst open and Karen rushed in. She hugged me tight.

"The vampire king told us what happened, are you ok?!" Karen fussed.

"I'm fine. Um please tell me you guys didn't talk about me and Logan in that meeting" I pleaded as I broke the hug.

"What you did was disrespectful and actually punishable, but the vampire king chose to pardon you" Karen said. I sighed in relief.

"You're sure you're ok" she asked again.

"I'm fine!" I said and waved her away.

"Right. Oh I'm sorry hello Janice, Maria-Lourdes" Karen said, only just noticing the presence of my friends.

"Hi" they chorused.

"I'm gonna be home by the time you get back and we can talk about this" Karen gave me one last hug and was gone.

"Let's be off to our next class, shall we?" I proposed.

Few hours later we were done with by fary weirdest day ever. I was in Damon's car on our way home, thinking.

Why on earth would the jinn want me?! last I checked I was pretty useless. And vampire king Cain, why save me from being kidnapped, spare me punishment. There's certainly more to this than meets the eye.

"Sis have you been listening to me at all?" Damon asked. I snapped out of my trance and stared at him in confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"I was talking about how I found my beloved today" Beloved is to a vampire what mate is to any other species. Their beloved is literally made for them in every single way.

"Oh my God Damon that's so great! tell me who is she?" I asked in genuine excitement.

"Oh she didn't tell you, it's Chris" he said. My smile fell from my face.


