
My Season Of Love

- EXO - {KaiBaek}

I used to be obsessed with cherry blossoms. Not only because they were such beautiful trees, but cherry blossom season was known for love. The years of spring meant the prettiest things would Bloom and love would stick to people like the dew droplets on fresh grass. Spring would make everybody fall in love... But me. My friends would always get new boyfriends or girlfriends, not specifically for spring, but when they would lose their spouse they would always wait until spring to find someone new. they say finding love in the spring was good luck in any relationship, but I've only dated two people ever. Started in spring, ended in spring. Both of them. Now every time I see someone I might like during spring I push it off, go home, and then watch Love series is on Netflix because it makes me somewhat feel better. that's how my life worked and how I plan to keep it though. Plus than one person I ever really liked it all....(no spring included), I'm pretty sure he's straight. So no chance for me.

"Beakhyun?" I shake my head out of thought and look at my friends.

"S-sorry..." I spilled only to hear Chen chuckle at me.

"Yeah whatever, just pick one. Kai wants sweet and sour pork, D.O. wants chicken." 10 stated as I scratch the back of my neck. Love of my life, or scary dad creature with the wrath of a fucking Viking...hm?

"Can we just eat Skittles?" Sehun said sarcastically staring me down.

"I'm sorry you didn't like your Skittle birthday gift, okay?" I said shrugging my shoulders while Sehun shoots me a death glare. Then I turn my attention back to Chen and smile.

"Pork sounds good." I cock my head to the side and smile innocently.

"YES!" Kai said jumping out of his chair and excitement while a few people groan. I smile as Chen stands up and declares.

"Pork tonight, chicken tomorrow. Got it?!" He yells and everyone nods. Kai comes around the table and attacks me and hug.


"Of course, now let me go before I die." I said with my last bit of breath. He let go and laughed awkwardly.


"It's fine." We stayed in silence for a second but before I could break it Kai spoke.

"Hey, could we talk in your room real quick?" I hesitantly nodded and he quickly grabbed my hand dragging me to my room.

"I know it's fall and whatever, but spring is too... Stereotypical. So Beakhyun...date me...please." Kai's words completely stopped my heart. I loved it, but I was so scared. What if I lose him. I didn't though. For god-forsaken years, Happy ones, and nothing changed. I know this is cheesy and typical, but honestly I love it. Spring, summer, winter, and fall... Now, I really do have it all.
