- NCT - {JohnJae}
"Jaehyun...are you asleep yet?"
"No what's up?"
I used to watch a bunch of movies...cheesy ones. I liked watching love stories, I used to be obsessed with the thought of love. I wanted a cheesy love story with my boyfriend. butt even though I loved all of those movies there was one thing that I really hated between all of those movies. some stupid phrase...one stupid phrase really.
'I let you go because I love you '
hated those words, only because I didn't understand. I mean, bot till now the only way I can explain it is like this anymore.
{That, more than my own feelings, it's about wanting to prevent the other person from getting hurt...because it'll be more difficult to watch the person from geti=ting hurt...because it'll be more difficult to watch the person that I love go through struggles.}
'So don't feel sorry for me and don't go through hard times. No matter what you chose, I will never hate you or resent you. Just like you, I was happy and felt warm with safety like a blanket'
After I figured that out myself I would lecture myself like that.
"Jaehyun I think we should break up."
"W-wait why?"
"Because I love you..."
And this is the new johnny...