
Collecting Stats

I found myself in a forest with odd creatures and a lack of people. now a screen keeps popping up annoy saying I'm gaining stats.

Tacoma12 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

The last beast and new home

As I watch the sun set I hear a squawk. As the night comes I see a glow floating through the air. Soon when it came into view I readied myself. I quickly threw the spear unlike what I expected though it went through it.

Summoning my spear back I watch as the beast falls from the sky.

'That is to easy.' I think waiting for something to happen.

As I wait suddenly the night sky lights up seemingly like the sun had risen again. Soon the shreek of a bird rang out. Then the glow flew up into the air rapidly. It raced towards much faster then before.

Soon I could see the creature, this one was a large bird with eight long tail feathers. It was bathed in a golden flame. Finding me it stopped and hovered high in the air. Then an firmiliar fire shape appeared.

It created countless fire spears in the air. The sky now was cloaked in these spear. Then with a flap of its wings they rained down. They pelted the area destroying it.

I weaved through the attacks getting hit once or twice. My new armour withstood the hits. The force of the strikes also was stopped.

The armour was starting to crack from the hits. So he feed it some of his flames. The cracks quickly sealed up as though they never exsisted. But they were being replaced as quickly as they disappeared.

Looking up I went to see they had all been spent yet. As I looked up I noticed the sky was still flood with spears.

'What?!' I ask in confusion while staring at it.

I quickly saw one of the spears fire at me. Then while still in midair a new one replaced it. It fired ten or tweenty at a time then quickly replaced them. It was a sky that rained never end fire.

Stopping to take the hits I threw my lance again. It hit the bird causing a large hole in its body to appear. It was thrown back from it spot but soon the hole closed it self.

During all of this the hail of fire didn't stop. I felt the force soon due to standing still to throw my spear. My armour had been broken due the attacks.

Feeling the attacks I stumbled back. As it continued to come I back peddled. I looked back at the phoenix its tail seemed diffrent then when it first came. It now had seven tail feathers.

Looking at a spot in the air I could see a delicate tail feather floating down. Maybe its important I think. I turned around and began to pour fire into the armour. Summoning my spear back I turned around mid step, and threw it at the wings.

The spear struck true. Having the wing crippled it fell from the sky landing on the ground. The attack stopped making it easier.

I raced to the downed bird. Now in front of the phoenix I brought my lance back and stabbed it through its skull.

As I pulled it out I saw its wounds heal. Then when its head reformed it lost a feather leaving six.

'Six more lives huh.' I say. Looking to the reformed head. With my foot setting on it chest it couldn't escape. When it came too it tried to escape. When it realized it couldn't escape it scratched at me wit its talons. Seeing this I destroyed its head again.

I repeated the process again and again. By the time it had only two lives left it had given up. Quickly I killed it two more times. The last kill instead of reviving it turned to ashes.

[Killed third beast

Phoenix of Sunset, Solarias killed


Mark of dawn- a tattoo made of the ashes of a phoenix. It lets the user revive once every three days. 150% increase to fire bending.

Skill earned

Suns wrath- the air is filled with flaming arrows that move at lightning speed piercing and explodes on impact. It can be altered to how many can be shoot. The more shoot the more control and chi is needed.

Due to new skill old skill fire projectile is intergrated.

Suns lancer 3/3 armaments equiped

Peircing sunlight- Capable of tuning into a braclet

Suns mantel- Capable of turning into a necklace

Mark of dawn- if mark is unused for one month it can be stored and new feather will be added(max 9)

Mark of dawn- you can produce a tear to heal or revive individual using two feathers

Class quest

Three beasts of flame- completed


Class change

Sun lancer

Skills added

Following light- create four construct soldiers made of fire

12 movements of the sun (spear art)

Beast of flame- create one of the three beasts for tweenty minutes a day.

Sun beam- shoot a concentrated beam of fire.

You may leave tutorial area. Closest human town south]

'Was I trapped?' I questioned. Ignoring this I began headed towards the south. It lead back to town and passed the dried lake. I followed the cracked river bed.

'I went the wrong way.' I realize.

Soon I got to where I started 4 or 5 days ago. I kept running for hours until the crack of dawn. As the rays of light filtered through the leaves I saw a town.

Putting away the spear and armour I approached. I soon arrived near the entrance. As I got near the two guards at the gate suddenly got into an attacking stance.

"Stop there outsider!" The one on the left yelled at me.

Hearing this I stopped. As I began putting my hands up this seemed to freak the right guard. They suddenly punch out with a blast of flame.

Seeing this I brought my hands out and took bended the flames around me. Seeing this the first gaurd calmed down.

"Oh your a fire bender. Sorry to stop you." He apologized to me stepping out of the way. He went to the other guy who had shot the flame and whacked his head.

Smiling I nod to him before entering through. I saw people walking around coming in and out of stores.

"Welcome to little rock." I heard from behind me.