
Code Geass: The Golden Prince of Britannia

Author's Note: I do not own Code Geass, it belongs to people who own it and help make it what it is. The last thing before I start the book the whole thing is going to be from Lelouch's point of view…I may add a few craw Point-Of-Views from time to time if needed…side note on Nunnally Vi Britannia she was just Paralyzed by bullet wounds on both of her legs which puts her into a wheelchair.

Howard_Nichols · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: A New Dawn

-Lelouch's Point-Of-View-

-Age: 13-

-Location: Britannian Royal Hospital, Pendragon-

-Date: September 10, 2013

A month had passed since the orchestrated attack on the military base, and my recovery had been surprisingly swift. The scar on my upper right arm, a stark reminder of the attempt on my life, served as a testament to the resilience of the Britannian royal family.

The medical team at the Britannian Royal Hospital had worked diligently to ensure a full recovery. Now, as I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting the collar of my newly tailored military uniform, I couldn't help but reflect on the tumultuous events that had unfolded.

The lovers and supporters, including Cornelia, Euphemia, Guinevere, Villetta, Miya, Milly, Shirley, Nina, Kallen Kōzuki, Monica Krushevsky, Dorothea Ernst, and Cécile Croomy, along with Nunnally, Charles the Emperor, and Colonel Phillip Graves, awaited my release in a private room.

As the door opened, revealing the familiar faces that had stood by me through thick and thin, a mixture of gratitude and determination welled up within me. The room buzzed with subdued conversation as I entered, my gaze meeting those of the individuals who had become my pillars of support.

Nunnally, her eyes filled with warmth and concern, wheeled herself over to my side. "Big brother, I'm so glad you're finally out of the hospital."

I smiled at her, reaching out to gently pat her head. "Thank you, Nunnally. It's good to be back."

Charles, my father, nodded approvingly. "Lelouch, your recovery has been remarkable. The Britannian medical team has done an excellent job."

"Indeed," Cornelia added, her stern demeanor softening slightly. "You've proven your resilience, Lelouch."

Euphemia, always the optimist, beamed at me. "We were worried about you, but seeing you up and about is a relief."

Guinevere's eyes conveyed a depth of emotion as she spoke. "The bond of family is unbreakable. We will always be here for you."

The lovers and supporters echoed sentiments of relief and support. Milly, ever the organizer, handed me a small bouquet of flowers. "A symbol of new beginnings," she said with a smile.

As I thanked each of them, Kallen Kōzuki, a fiercely loyal friend, stood beside me. Her presence, a constant source of strength, was something I had come to rely on. Today marked a new chapter in our lives.

-Villetta's Point-Of-View-

-Age: 22-

-Location: Britannian Royal Hospital, Pendragon-

-Date: September 10, 2013-

Villetta Nu, former Royal Guard turned military officer, observed the reunion from a corner of the room. Her gaze lingered on Lelouch, noting the resilience and determination etched across his face.

She had been assigned to oversee his security, a duty she took seriously. The events of the past month had intensified their connection, a bond that went beyond duty.

As the group prepared to leave the hospital, Villetta caught Lelouch's eye. A silent understanding passed between them. The road ahead would be challenging, but they were ready to face it together.

Colonel Phillip Graves, a trusted figure in the Britannian Special Forces, awaited our departure from the hospital. The familiar emblem of Shadow Company adorned the armored military vehicles that would accompany us.

"Lelouch," Graves greeted me, his gaze piercing. "You've shown remarkable strength. I have no doubt that you'll make a formidable addition to our ranks."

"Thank you, Colonel," I replied, acknowledging the significance of his words. Joining the military and aligning with Shadow Company marked a commitment to securing the Britannian throne and uncovering the threats that lingered in the shadows.

Kallen, standing beside me, exuded confidence. "I'm with you, Lelouch. Let's face whatever comes our way together."

The convoy set forth from the hospital, the hum of engines resonating with a sense of purpose. The road to the Britannian Royal Palace stretched ahead, a symbolic journey toward a new destiny.

The days that followed saw Lelouch and Kallen undergoing rigorous training within the confines of the Britannia Royal Military Academy. The shadow of the recent attack lingered, propelling them to hone their skills and fortify their resolve.

Members of Shadow Company, vigilant in their watch over Lelouch and Kallen, accompanied them every step of the way. From infantry to aircraft, the elite forces ensured their safety and prepared them for the challenges that lay ahead.

As the Britannia Royal Military Academy came into view, a subtle mix of anticipation and determination filled the air. United States military Light Armored Vehicles, transformed into Britannia-made vehicles, joined the convoy. The familiar silhouettes of the Striker and a model of the HMMWV, Britannia's own creations, seamlessly integrated into the procession.

The emblem of the Britannia Armed Forces adorned our uniforms as we entered the academy. In recognition of the strength displayed in the past month, a single emblem of Shadow Company was added—an acknowledgment of the trials faced and the unity forged in the face of adversity.

The training that awaited us was a crucible, shaping us into the soldiers Britannia needed. As we stepped into the hallowed halls of the academy, the echoes of the past mingled with the promise of a new dawn. The path ahead, though uncertain, held the potential to redefine our destinies.

-Lelouch's Point-Of-View-

-Age: 13-

-Location: Britannia Royal Military Academy-

-Time Skip: 2 months-

The halls of the Britannia Royal Military Academy buzzed with activity as the next phase of our training unfolded. Kallen and I immersed ourselves in every facet of military education, determined to excel. The first two months flew by, marked by rigorous courses that tested our limits.

-Knightmare Piloting Class-

With a natural affinity for strategy and quick thinking, I quickly became adept at piloting Knightmare Frames. The simulation battles became a playground for tactical experimentation, earning me the highest scores in the class. Kallen's agility and combat prowess propelled her to the top, showcasing her skills in maneuvering the formidable machines.

-Leadership Class-

In leadership class, Kallen's assertiveness and decisiveness shone through. She effortlessly took charge of team exercises, earning the respect of her peers. My strategic mind allowed me to devise comprehensive plans, guiding my team to victory in various simulations. Together, we set a precedent for leadership excellence.

-Ground Vehicle Training-

Mastering the intricacies of ground vehicles became a joint endeavor for Kallen and me. From unarmored transport to artillery, we navigated the challenges with precision. Our synchronized movements and tactical coordination impressed both instructors and fellow cadets.

-Weapons Training-

As we delved into weapons training, our marksmanship skills surpassed expectations. Kallen's proficiency with firearms mirrored her agility, while my strategic approach translated into precise shots. Whether it was rifles, pistols, or heavy weaponry, we excelled in every discipline.

-Aircraft Piloting (Optional)-

For the daring few who opted for aircraft piloting, Kallen and I soared to new heights. The sky became our canvas, and the roar of engines our anthem. Navigating helicopters and planes, we demonstrated not only technical prowess but also an intuitive understanding of aerial combat.

During our intensive workouts, Kallen's physical transformation astonished many. She embraced a powerful, athletic physique, exuding strength and confidence. Her once slender frame evolved into that of a sexy, big-breasted muscular woman, captivating attention wherever she went.

As for me, the training sculpted my physique into that of a tall, imposing figure—a beast of a man standing at 6'09" with a muscular build reminiscent of Special Operations soldiers. The physical transformation reflected the strength and resilience required for the challenges we faced.

-Time Skip: 4 months-

Our journey through the Britannia Royal Military Academy continued with unwavering determination. Kallen and I maintained our positions at the top of every class, setting a standard that garnered both admiration and rivalry.

-Urban Warfare Tactics-

In the urban warfare tactics course, Kallen's instincts for close-quarters combat shone brightly. Her agility and quick reflexes allowed her to navigate complex environments effortlessly. My strategic mind complemented her skills, creating a formidable team dynamic.

-Cyber Warfare and Intelligence Gathering-

Delving into the realm of cyber warfare, Kallen showcased a natural aptitude for technology and code-breaking. My analytical skills came to the forefront as we deciphered intricate encryption and devised counterintelligence strategies. Our synergy expanded beyond the physical battlefield into the digital realm.

-Diplomacy and Negotiation-

In the diplomacy and negotiation course, our combined charisma and communication skills set us apart. Kallen's straightforward approach and my eloquence forged a diplomatic prowess that transcended military strategy.

-Time Skip: 6 months-

The challenges became more intricate, demanding a synthesis of our abilities. The amalgamation of physical prowess, strategic thinking, and diplomatic finesse elevated our performance.

-Advanced Knightmare Frame Combat-

Mastering advanced Knightmare combat techniques became our forte. The intricacies of the battlefield unfolded before us as we seamlessly coordinated maneuvers, demonstrating an unprecedented level of synergy.

-Strategic Military Planning-

In the strategic military planning course, our collaborative efforts outshone even the most seasoned tacticians. Our ability to anticipate enemy movements and devise intricate battle strategies solidified our reputation as unparalleled military minds.

-Counterinsurgency Operations:-

Navigating counterinsurgency operations required a delicate balance of force and diplomacy. Kallen's hands-on approach and my strategic finesse allowed us to quell dissent while fostering a sense of stability.

-Time Skip: 8 months-

Our journey reached a critical juncture as the final stages of our training approached. The relentless pursuit of excellence had forged an unbreakable bond between Kallen and me.

-Coordinated Military Exercises-

In the culminating military exercises, we led our respective units with precision and finesse. The simulated battles mirrored the intensity of real combat, testing the mettle of our leadership and tactical abilities.

-Joint Diplomatic Mission-

A joint diplomatic mission showcased our diplomatic acumen. Kallen's direct approach complemented my ability to navigate intricate political landscapes. Together, we presented a united front that resonated with both allies and potential adversaries.

-Graduation Approaches

As graduation approached, anticipation hung in the air. Our physical transformations had become emblematic of the arduous journey we undertook. Kallen's muscular prowess and my towering stature reflected the strength of character forged through trials and triumphs.

-The Last 4 Days: Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE)-

-Day 1: Survival-

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Kallen and I found ourselves in the heart of a dense forest, armed only with basic survival gear. The first day was about adapting to the environment, navigating rough terrain, and finding sustenance. We relied on our training and instinct, forging a path through the wilderness.

As night fell, the forest came alive with sounds—rustling leaves, distant howls, and mysterious echoes. We huddled together, a team forged by shared challenges. Little did we know, our ordeal had just begun.

-Day 2: Evasion-

The following morning, we received word that our simulated enemy forces were closing in. Our task was clear: evade capture while making our way to the designated extraction point. The forest concealed us, but we could feel the eyes of our pursuers on our backs.

The tension heightened when an unexpected threat emerged—an instructor with a personal vendetta against me. Memories of the invasion resurfaced, and I realized this instructor was among those who had once pursued me and Nunnally.

Under the cover of darkness, the instructor attempted to strike, but two shadowy figures intervened—members of the elite Shadow Company. Their swift and silent intervention saved me from harm, and the instructor disappeared into the night.

-Day 3: Resistance-

As we ventured deeper into the forest, we encountered challenges designed to test our resilience. On the third day, the scenario shifted to a simulated enemy encampment. We faced capture and subsequent interrogation.

In a cruel twist of fate, the same instructor who had harbored ill intent towards me resurfaced. This time, he wasn't restrained by rules. The screams echoing through the forest were real, a chilling reminder of the darker aspects of our training.

Little did we know, the tortured cries were orchestrated by Colonel Phillip Graves, the enigmatic leader of Shadow Company. Graves, aware of the instructor's past transgressions, saw an opportunity for justice. The screams were a ruse to turn the tables on the tormentor, and justice was served in the shadows.

-Day 4: Escape-

As the fourth day dawned, the pressure intensified. Our task was clear—to escape from the clutches of our simulated enemy forces. The forest seemed to close in around us, and every rustle in the leaves triggered heightened alertness.

The forest echoed with the distant thud of approaching helicopters. Relief washed over us as a fleet of M1127 Strikers and Blackhawks descended from the sky. The dual insignias on their sides, combining Britannian military and Shadow Company logos, signaled our salvation.

Colonel Graves emerged, a stoic figure amidst the tumult. He revealed the orchestrated events of the past days, explaining the instructor's past and the clandestine intervention by Shadow Company. The rescue force was not only a symbol of salvation but also a revelation—a revelation that the shadows could be allies in the face of adversity.

With a final nod, Colonel Graves extended a hand, welcoming us into the next phase of our journey. As the helicopters lifted us from the forest floor, we left behind the echoes of our trials and embraced the unknown that awaited us in the annals of the Britannia Royal Military Academy.

The final five days of our training held a sense of anticipation and reflection. We saved them for something special—a culmination of our growth and camaraderie.

In the Aftermath: A Tender Moment

As the helicopters carried us away from the dense forest, the tension of the past days began to dissipate. Colonel Graves, the orchestrator of our unconventional training, sat across from us, his gaze holding a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation.

Kallen and I exchanged glances, our shared experiences forging a bond that transcended the challenges we faced. The helicopters touched down at the Britannia Royal Military Academy, signaling the end of our survival ordeal.

With a nod from Colonel Graves, we disembarked, the cool evening air of the academy grounds a stark contrast to the forest's wilderness. The academy's emblem loomed overhead, a reminder of the structured life that awaited us.

In the aftermath of our shared trials, Kallen and I found ourselves alone, standing in the dimly lit corridor outside our assigned quarters. Our eyes met, conveying a silent understanding that went beyond words.

Without speaking, Kallen reached out, her hand finding mine. The touch was reassuring, grounding us in the reality that we had endured together. Amid danger and uncertainty, our connection had deepened, evolving into something beyond camaraderie.

With a shared glance, we entered the room. The door closed behind us, shutting out the world beyond the academy walls. The room, while modest, held an air of intimacy—a sanctuary where the echoes of our shared challenges lingered.

In the subdued light, Kallen and I faced each other. Our eyes spoke volumes, articulating emotions that transcended the chaos of the past four days. There was a quiet understanding, a connection that defied the boundaries of the academy's rigid structure.

As we embraced, the weight of our shared experiences melted away. The tenderness of the moment spoke of a love that had blossomed amidst adversity, an unspoken promise that together, we could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the soft glow of the room, the world outside ceased to exist. It was just the two of us, finding solace in each other's presence. The academy's emblem may have marked the end of our trials, but in that quiet room, a new chapter unfolded—one defined by the strength forged in the crucible of shared hardships.