
Code Geass: The Golden Prince of Britannia

Author's Note: I do not own Code Geass, it belongs to people who own it and help make it what it is. The last thing before I start the book the whole thing is going to be from Lelouch's point of view…I may add a few craw Point-Of-Views from time to time if needed…side note on Nunnally Vi Britannia she was just Paralyzed by bullet wounds on both of her legs which puts her into a wheelchair.

Howard_Nichols · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

-Chapter 4: Graduation, Knightmare Frames, and G-1 Base-

-Lelouch's Point-Of-View-

-Age: 15-

-Location: Britannia Royal Military Academy-

-September 10, 2015-

-6:02 am (0602 hours)-

As I woke up to the sunlight streaming through the window of our room at the Britannia Royal Military Academy, the familiar sounds of Knightmare Frames, ground vehicles, helicopters, and distant chatter filled the air. The date, September 10, 2015, marked a significant event—the day of our graduation.

Turning my head, I observed Kallen, her head resting on my chest as she slept soundly. She was dressed in her sleeping attire, a simple but sexy bra and panties. The intimacy of the moment served as a brief respite before the day's events unfolded.

The room felt charged with anticipation, and I couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led us to this point. The shared experiences, the challenges, and the unspoken connection with Kallen had become defining elements of our time at the academy.

Getting out of bed, I glanced at the clock. It was 6:02 am, and the academy was already buzzing with activity. Today wasn't just about receiving diplomas—it was about embracing the roles we would play in the Britannian military.

As I moved to get ready, the door creaked open, revealing Villetta Nu. Her expression carried a mix of pride and professionalism. She gestured for us to prepare for the day, and as we did, she began to brief us on the schedule.

"Today marks not only your graduation but also the unveiling of your Personal Knightmare Frames," Villetta stated, her eyes holding a glint of excitement. "Your achievements have earned you the privilege of commanding these advanced units. Lelouch, your frame is the RPI-14 Bedivere. Kallen, yours is the PRI-15 Crimson Valkyrie."

I exchanged a glance with Kallen, both of us intrigued by the prospect of piloting these advanced Knightmare Frames. Little did we know, there was another frame—P-02S Celestial Seraphim—assigned to Nunnally. The revelation awaited us later, adding an unexpected layer to the day's events.

As we made our way to the graduation ceremony, the academy grounds were abuzz with energy. The familiar faces of our peers, instructors, and fellow cadets filled the surroundings. The loyal members of the shadow Company, now assigned to security detail, nodded in acknowledgment.

The ceremony unfolded with precision, each graduate receiving their rank and assignment. When it came to Kallen and me, we were awarded Officer ranks. The testing we endured had clearly left an impression, and the ranks bestowed upon us reflected the trust placed in our abilities.

Amidst the applause and cheers, I noticed the familiar faces of those who had played a significant role in our journey—the ones who showed up in the previous chapters. Cornelia, Euphemia, Nunnally, Milly, Shirley, and Naomi were all there, their presence amplifying the importance of the day.

As the ceremony reached its pinnacle, Villetta took the stage once more. "Congratulations, Officers Lelouch vi Britannia and Kallen Stadtfeld. May you lead with honor and distinction."

The resonance of the ceremony lingered, and with the day's events still unfolding, the Knightmare Frames awaited their commanders, setting the stage for a new chapter in our lives within the Britannian military.

With our newly appointed Officer ranks, Kallen and I stood tall on the stage, the weight of responsibility settling on our shoulders. The crowd's applause reverberated through the air as we received our diplomas and accolades. The moment was surreal, marking the culmination of years of training and challenges.

As we descended from the stage, the familiar faces of our comrades awaited us. Milly, Shirley, and Naomi approached their expressions a mix of pride and excitement. Milly, with her infectious enthusiasm, hugged both of us tightly.

"Lelouch, Kallen, you did it! I always knew you two were destined for greatness," Milly exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with pride.

Shirley chimed in, "And now you get to pilot those incredible Knightmare Frames! Have you seen them yet?"

Kallen and I exchanged glances, acknowledging the anticipation that surrounded the unveiling of our Personal Knightmare Frames. The excitement in the air was palpable, and we could hardly wait to see the advanced units that would become an integral part of our military roles.

As we made our way to the designated area where the Knightmare Frames were stationed, the atmosphere shifted. The sleek and imposing frames stood in perfect formation, ready to be revealed. Villetta Nu, our trusted officer, gestured towards them with a sense of pride.

"Lelouch, Kallen, allow me to introduce your Personal Knightmare Frames. Lelouch, the RPI-14 Bedivere, and Kallen, the PRI-15 Crimson Valkyrie," Villetta announced, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Approaching our assigned frames, we marveled at the cutting-edge technology and design. The frames exuded power, a testament to Britannia's military prowess. As I ran my hand along the surface of the Bedivere, a sense of connection resonated within me. It was more than a machine; it was an extension of my will on the battlefield.

Kallen, standing beside the Crimson Valkyrie, shared a similar sentiment. The frames represented not only advanced weaponry but a symbol of our commitment to protect and serve the Britannian Empire.

In a surprising turn of events, Nunnally's frame, the P-02S Celestial Seraphim, also stood among the ranks. The revelation left us momentarily speechless, unaware of the existence of this third frame. The connection between our Personal Knightmare Frames and Nunnally added a layer of complexity to our newfound roles.

The day continued with various ceremonies and celebrations. The loyal members of the shadow Company, now entrusted with our security detail, congratulated us with nods and smiles. The camaraderie forged during our time at the academy had evolved into a mutual respect.

As the day unfolded, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the challenges that lay ahead. The responsibilities of commanding a Personal Knightmare Frame and serving as an Officer in the Britannian military were not to be taken lightly. Yet, with Kallen by my side and the support of our comrades, I faced the future with determination and purpose.

The Graduation day marked not only an end but a new beginning—a chapter where the choices we made would shape the course of our destinies within the Britannian military.

-Kallen's Point-Of-View-

The sun hung high in the sky as the festivities continued. Lelouch and I, now officers of the Britannian military, navigated through the sea of uniforms and commendations. The weight of our ranks settled on us, a reminder that our roles had evolved beyond the academy's training grounds.

The unveiling of our Personal Knightmare Frames, the Crimson Valkyrie and the Bedivere, added a layer of excitement to the day. Standing beside Lelouch, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and responsibility. These advanced machines were not just weapons; they were extensions of ourselves, tools that would shape the battles to come.

As we moved towards the P-02S Celestial Seraphim, Nunnally's frame, a sense of awe enveloped us. The connection between the three frames hinted at a strategic depth we hadn't anticipated. Villetta's knowledge and involvement in this revelation left lingering questions, but for now, the celebrations took precedence.

The loyal members of the shadow Company, now assigned to our security detail, approached with firm nods of acknowledgment. Their loyalty, tested in the crucible of the SERE training, formed a bond that transcended the traditional hierarchy. Together, we were a formidable unit, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us.

Amidst the ceremonies and congratulations, a familiar face caught my attention. Cornelia li Britannia, with her authoritative presence, approached with a congratulatory smile. As she extended her hand, I couldn't help but feel a mix of honor and humility.

"Officer Kozuki, Officer Vi Britannia, congratulations on your graduation. Your performances during the training were exemplary," Cornelia commended, her gaze shifting between Lelouch and me.

"Thank you, Your Highness. It's an honor," I replied, conveying my gratitude.

Cornelia's eyes held a glint of intrigue as she continued, "The future of the Britannian military rests on shoulders such as yours. Make us proud."

With those words, she moved on, leaving Lelouch and me to absorb the weight of her expectations. The path ahead was clear – our roles as officers and Knightmare Frame pilots were now intricately woven into the fabric of Britannian military operations.

The day continued with a grand banquet, a celebration of our achievements and a prelude to the challenges awaiting us. As the night sky enveloped the academy, I found myself looking toward the horizon, contemplating the uncertainties that lay ahead.

-Lelouch's Point-Of-View-

-Age: 15-

-Location: G-1 Base "Knights Castle"-

-September 10, 2015-

-10:30 pm (2230 hours)-

The night settled over the G-1 Base, its imposing figure standing proudly in the darkened landscape. As we stepped onto the balcony, the lights of the base illuminated the surroundings, creating an ambiance of strategic prowess and military precision.

In the quiet privacy of the night, I gathered Cornelia, Euphemia, Milly, Shirley, and Naomi. A sense of unity filled the air as I expressed my gratitude through kisses, symbolizing the unspoken bond forged during our journey. With the night sky as our witness, we faced the uncertainty of the future together.

As we turned our attention to the horizon, the night held the promise of new challenges and triumphs. Officers of the Britannian military, we were prepared to navigate the path destiny had laid before us. The transition from cadets to officers marked not just an end but the beginning of a chapter we would face united.

The next morning, our exploration of the G-1 Base "Knights Castle" commenced. We navigated its massive frame, accompanied by the loyal members of the shadow Company. Each section of the base unveiled its purpose and significance in Britannia's military operations.

Entering the command room, I took a moment to absorb the impressive setup. The holographic projection system offered a 3D representation of the battlefield, enhancing our understanding of complex scenarios. Seated in the command chair, I felt a natural connection, as if the chair itself understood the weight of command.

The communication room, a vital hub, showcased advanced technology. Multiple screens displayed real-time feeds from various sections of the base. Our unified communication system allowed seamless interaction between tanks, infantry, and Knightmare Frames. The external communication links established connections with broader military units, ensuring coordination in operations.

Moving to the armory, we observed the meticulous organization of weapons. The advanced armory management system kept track of inventory, maintenance schedules, and real-time status monitoring. Various firearms, from pistols to sniper rifles, were securely stored. The room exuded readiness, a testament to the G-1 Base's commitment to preparedness.

As we explored the VIP room and Nunnally's bedroom, a sense of personalization became evident. Each space was crafted with attention to detail, reflecting the personalities of the occupants. From personalized items to the Britannian Imperial Family symbols, the rooms stood as a blend of comfort and allegiance.

The security room, housing the dedicated royal guard, showcased both functionality and aesthetics. Bunk beds for rest, surveillance screens for monitoring, and quick access to weapons reflected the preparedness of the guards. The room bore the Black Knights Emblem, a constant reminder of the allegiance we shared.

Our journey continued through the corridors leading to the Knightmare Frame hangar. The massive frames, including my RPI-14 Bedivere and Kallen's PRI-15 Crimson Valkyrie, stood as powerful symbols of Britannian military prowess. The upgrades to the frames would come as the book progressed, evolving alongside our experiences.

The G-1 Base's outer appearance, adorned with Britannia Imperial Family symbols and the Black Knights Emblem, radiated both authority and rebellion. The modification, extending its length by 57 meters, offered versatility in weaponry and defenses, giving us an edge in strategic options.

Finally, our exploration concluded in the Command Center. As we settled into the night, the various sections of the base intertwined seamlessly, forming a cohesive unit. The reserved spot for Princess Nunnally's Personal RP-13 Sutherland model served as a reminder of her absence, sparking a curiosity about her role in future operations.

The G-1 Base, "Knights Castle," stood as a testament to our journey, from the Britannia Royal Military Academy to officers entrusted with commanding this formidable asset. The choices we made and the challenges we faced would shape our destinies within Britannia's military.

-Kallen's Point-Of-View-

As we navigated the G-1 Base, the sophistication of its design and the attention to detail became apparent. The command room, with its advanced technology and holographic displays, showcased the base's capabilities. I observed Lelouch taking command in the central chair, a position that seemed tailor-made for him.

The armory impressed with its organization and variety of weapons. The presence of specialized equipment, from sidearms to heavy machine guns, reflected the readiness of the base. The security measures ensured that the G-1 Base was fortified against potential threats.

Moving through the VIP room and Nunnally's bedroom, a sense of personalization and comfort prevailed. Each space echoed the personalities of its occupants, creating a harmonious blend of individuality and shared allegiance to Britannia.

The Knightmare Frame hangar, housing the powerful machines, was a sight to behold. The anticipation of upgrades and modifications added a layer of excitement for the battles that awaited us. The base's extended length showcased strategic foresight, offering flexibility in weaponry and defenses.

The G-1 Base's outer appearance, adorned with symbols of authority and rebellion, reflected the duality of our roles. The modifications symbolized our evolution from cadets to officers, entrusted with commanding this formidable asset in Britannia's military.

As we settled into the night in the Command Center, the reserved spot for Princess Nunnally's Personal RP-13 Sutherland model lingered in our thoughts. The absence of her frame sparked questions about the future and her involvement in our missions.

The G-1 Base, "Knights Castle," stood as a symbol of our journey, a transition from the academy to officers with the responsibility of leading this powerful unit. The unity forged among us and the challenges we faced would define our roles within Britannia's military. The night held the promise of not just battles but the triumphs of officers committed to Britannia's cause.