
Cloud Age

In the edge of the world within the skies a cloud was born. He met a reincarnator and lived his memories. The cloud first desire to make one big clan began to spur.Clan of every kind, clan of family and clan of freedom. This decision unknown to the cloud has changed the fate of many. Join the cloud in making a sky kingdom full of dreams.

Star_Link · Fantasia
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44 Chs

Ch.17 Thundersons

In the main building of Thundersons, all elders looked at Green,waiting relentlessly for the family head to arrive. Everyone knew that Green was someone that didn't take anything lightly and was calculative.For someone like that to suddenly initiate an emergency gathering.


All the elders were anxious and someone even asked Green what it was about but Elder Green didn't budge and waited patiently for the family head or so it looked. Green himself was the one who was the most anxious among everyone. Hoping to overcome this predicament as soon as humanly possible.


The door opened awakening everyone from their thoughts. The one to arrive was the family head that was supposed to be middle age man but in the eyes of everyone, he was around 17 old. The one next to him was middle age man which the outside consider as the current head.


This was one of the family secrets, The one who was currently leading the family was the youngster in front of everyone. Laving the old family head and his father to retire peacefully without having to worry.


Considering who has called everyone. The old family head came to support his son,if his assistance was needed. He sat down with the elder leaving his son to sit at the family head seat. This was to make sure everyone knew, he was fully supporting his son even on this serious day.


After sitting down, the young family head looked at everyone sitting around. The calm pure black eyes gently looked at everyone before landing on elder Green. This was why nobody could object despite his young age. The maturity, calmness, and natural aura that came with him as a leader.


We greet the family head !


Everyone greeted the young family head Zion, making everyone that was in the assemble to be truly united under one roof. Family head Zion satisfyingly nodded and asked Green


"Elder Green, please tell us the reason that an emergency meeting was commenced"


Zion politely asked elder green even when on the hierarchy chain,he was highest. One of the reasons elders respected Zion. Not letting authority and power muddle his mind and become one of those young haughty masters looking down on everyone.


" I have found something that may bring extinction to our family, if pieces of information were to get out from us" Just imagining what would happen made him shiver from the horror.


Zion showed a frown because he knew it was probably too late considering there were spies everywhere, ofcourse outside the family household. His first move after becoming a family head at age of just 14 years old, was getting rid of all of the spies in the main household. It was just that outside of the household ,where normal people lived under the family territory. It was almost impossible to discrete who was a spy.


Elder Green told everything he saw and did before arriving here. Everyone's expression got paler and paler as the story continued. When the artifacts were mentioned, there was sweat on every forehead that was present,including Zion's father.


Zion was also shocked by the raw power of the information. Before he let this consume his thoughts, he closed his eyes while everyone else had unfocused eyes staring on the ground . After a moment that felt like an eternity, Zion opened his eyes before giving orders.

"Summon every family member inside and outside of our territory. Get carriages and horses ready outside of the city. Everyone here will leave as soon as possible and those who arrive at the latest in 3 days,will be directed towards carriages. Carriages will leave towards the forest"

Everyone couldn't almost process what was said. Leave the city? The foundation of the family? Heading towards the dangerous forest full of monsters? Even the old family head was silent, if it were anybody else he would be against it too. Zion's father Val opened his mouth to say something for the first time since coming to the meeting.


" Is this for the survival of our family"


"Yes father, this is the only possible option for the family to survive," Zion said confidently


Other may not know but Val knew that his son had a power that let him see the possibility of the future. The moment Zion told him about this power when he was 9 years old, he told Zion not to tell another soul, even within the family. The other family who knew nothing were in doubt of this suicidal decision.


" Family head we are not yet in danger and if you lead us to the forest, that is the same decision as throwing our life. I think this decision made with haste should be reconsidered" One of the elders said what was on everyone's mind


Zion knew the elder didn't mean any harm as all of them treated him warmly and that was before he even was the head family. He knew no matter what explanation he made, they wouldn't be truly convinced but will still follow. He decided to trust the family that trusted him and told them about his power.


Instead of the surprise that he was expecting, he instead got "I finally understand nods". They finally seemed to understand when he always did unexpected actions resulting in something good for the family. Everyone in the room had at least lived twice Zion's age and had experienced the vast world. It was just that power Zion had was rare than the others.

" Family head, we will fulfill your orders to the best of our ability" Elder green said and was followed by all.

" Good but the one leading you into the forest will be my father. I will be the last one to leave, I have something i need to do " Zion who was just 18 years old was preparing to struggle for his life.

Everyone was against him staying behind, especially his father Val. Everyone knew the danger of staying behind. No matter what they said, Zion was stubborn in his decision to finalize it. Val was the most anxiousbut he knew Zion wouldn't budge anymore. The meeting ended with everyone sighting as the future looked dim.


The sudden plan had loopholes but considering it was either act on it or die, the decision was easy to make. Before leaving, Val hugged his son and especially weighed on leaving as soon as he felt any danger. Val was still not satisfied but he knew sometimes man needed to make tough decisions.


After three days of slowly moving members outside of the city ,not to draw much attention to themselves. The moment everyone was ready, Val gathered a few strong men and carriages full of stone. This was to make the carriage heavy enough to leave trails and lead the pursuiter to think that it was heavy due to humans inside the carriage.


Elder Green received the order to lead the family into the forest while Val led them into a different but safer path into the forest. The reason for the decoy heading to the forest and not the opposite is to make the enemy give up. If they were to go anywhere else, they will be chased until they were caught on. The forest was a different case,unless they didn't care about their life.


-------- Back to present


Moon was still sleeping above Claustar and didn't budge hearing the rumblings that were going under him. When the sun rose ,Moon opened his eyes. He was feeling refreshed, now he knew why sleeping was good for you.


Looking down at the building made by Raiz. They could be considered bad at the best, Moon didn't know whether it would last even for one week. Moon felt like he was forgetting something and tried to remember but alas nothing came to his mind and decided not to continue the futile effort.


As he descended to the city, he saw the lone wolf and decided to tag along with the wolf who was going to hunt. Nero was happy to have some company on the way. Hunting was more fun that way. As Nero was excited, he hunted almost everything that came on his way. Leaving further and further away from the Claustar.


Looking at the sunset, Nero was going to end the hunt but a prey jumped out, changing Nero's mind. As he was chasing his last prey, suddenly something caught his nose. Moon who was following right behind him also noticed when Nero froze." What is it, Nero?"" It is faint but i think i can smell humans "

Nero said as he was stupified. If he wasn't confident in his nose he would think, it was a mistake. This was far from the border of the forest and humans usually stayed out of it. He only saw once humans, once in his life and that was when he was just a little.


"Lead the way, where is it"


Nero was confused as to why Moon would want to associate himself with humans but he still led as he sprinted toward the location. The scent was getting stronger with every jump he was taking. Nero finally arrived at the scene.


The humans were surrounded by orcs. There were 19 humans and they surrounded by 7 big orcs. Nero didn't really care much for the humans, but he hated orcs to the core. He looked at Moon asking for permission to attack.


Moon looked at the pleading eyes of Nero and said simply" Do what you want, i am behind you"