
Chronicles of Zetari

This young Saiyan loves to train and fight and encounters Goku who takes him under his wing to train him. he continues to grow in power and even participates in the Tournament of Power with his friends but soon after a great evil awakens that threatens the entire existence of their universe. Note: i do not own the cover photo

shola_noah · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs

How it All Began

|Zetari's POV|

I blasted through the sky with my best friend Toma sending a barrage of ki blasts my way. I flew through obstacles, but he followed and continued to fire at me. I'm a full breed Saiyan without my tail wearing a blue short sleeve shirt made of linen, orange and blue fingerless gloves, a blue and orange tank top sort of jacket with black lines. I also wear black baggy trousers with a red belt and green and golden boots. I'm lean in stature with a physique similar to that of Bruce Lee, slim but very muscular. I have six bangs of hair sticking up with four pointing to the left and two pointing to the right, I also have two facing down between my eyes and ears and three behind my ears on both sides. I've been living on a planet named Girt, not the best of names but I've called it home for the past eighteen years. I was born on this planet to my parents Binz and Cele with an elder sister Pea. Apparently they decided to leave planet Vegeta faking their death to start a new life on this planet and they didn't come alone. My father Binz moved away with his best friend and family which happens to be Toma's parents. My aunt Jade also followed but didn't fake her death but is a universe wide trainer owning gyms across our universe on different planets where she trains people. Under her guidance, Toma and I developed our fighting ascending to power levels well past our parents and are always looking for new ways to train and new places to spar though my father, who started an intergalactic delivery service wants me to stop fighting and work for him which I refuse too.

Toma continued to fire at me, but I tried my best to evade the blasts. Soon, everything went quiet, and I came out of the forest and found Toma charging up for his brawler beam move. He had two ki balls in his hands and shot a beam out of them heading towards me. I was quick to react flying fast avoiding the beams. I charged up for a move of my own as well, I call it energy beam. I placed my left palm over my right giving some space making a golden ki ball and charged it up with some energy of mine and unleashed a beam of my own at him and it almost hit him as he jumped out of the way. We charged at each other and went for a punch with all our strength. Our fists collided producing a large shockwave and cracks in the ground. We proceeded like how any other dragon ball fight scene would go with quick punches and kicks as we moved swiftly around the open area that we sparred in. Toma went for a swing, and I was quick enough to dodge and countered with a right hook of my own. My punch sent him into a rock, and I flew at him top speed to land another strong punch, but I was outsmarted as he baited me in and used his shockwave move, releasing volt of electricity from his body in a four-foot radius. I got electrocuted and he capitalized with a strong side kick to my ribs. We continued to throw punches and kicks as we both landed good hits on each other before we moved away from one another after we punched ourselves in the face and sent ourselves back. We skid across the ground and got back to our feet ready to go again.

"Let's finish this Zetari" Toma said.

"Yes Toma, it ends now" I replied as I charged up and a white aura surrounded my body.

"SURGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Toma screamed at the top of his voice with his arms to his side lifted up to his chest level.

This surge ability of his improved his physical abilities and the damage done by his moves my fifty percent. It's hard for me to keep up with him now but I'll have to give it my all if I were to stand a chance against him. I flew at him and him at me but with his speed boost he hit me first and sent me flying back. I charged up for my energy beam putting in more energy than before while Toma charged up for his Destructor Cannon. With aggressive looks on our faces, we unleashed our beam attacks and the yellow beam clashed with the read beam. The beams were at a standstill with none moving forward but remained in place. Soon Toma's surge ability started to come to play as he pushed Zetari's energy beam. He wasn't using it to even a quarter of its power and neither was Toma and his Destructor Cannon, it was just a friendly spar and he didn't want to kill him. Zetari tried his best as both began to groan loudly but Zetari's was louder as the beam edged closer and he tried to push back but that surge ability was just too much for him and blasted him back. A loud explosion happened with the beam sending Zetari into the ground.

Toma walked towards him slowly and lifted him off the ground after a well-deserved sparring session.

"That was truly an interesting match" Toma said lifting his friend up from the ground.

"Yeah, but it seems your surge ability really pulled through for you" I replied

"Yeah, I feel it getting stronger and stronger each time I use it and it's all thanks to training and matches like this"

"I just wish I had something like that to give me a boost during a fight" I said with a sad tone.

"Don't beat yourself up about it, you would get stronger. You'll get so strong that my surge ability one day wouldn't be strong enough to keep up with you" Toma encouraged his friend.

|Third Person POV|

The two proceeded to walk back to their homes with Zetari forgetting that his father wanted him at his office building an hour ago but got caught up in the fight. It was when he got home and laid on his bed for about thirty minutes after showering that he remembered. Straight away, he darted to his father's building hoping that he won't be too angry.

"Zetari! Why can't I trust you to do one task, you should have been here ages ago but I'm sure you went off to train like you always do. When would you finally listen to me and give up fighting. Starting today, I don't want you to engage in anything related to fighting" his father said angered by his lateness.

"Dad please" Zetari pleaded.

"I'm not hearing it. Starting today, you will work for me and finally earn some money for once in your life"

"Dad, I don't want to, I want to fight, compete in tournaments, it's what I live for, it's why I am alive"

"No son, I can't let you. Who's going to inherit this multimillion company too?"

"You could always leave it to Pea. I mean she's always wanted to impress you all her life"

"Forget her. Starting today, you work for me. See my secretary, shell suit you up and you WILL make those deliveries"

"Dad wait-"

"No Zetari, my word is final" his dad said with a stern tone. He knew it would be useless to try and talk to him once his father's mind was made up.

He did as he was instructed and got ready to make the deliveries assigned to him. He got in the space van that he had learned to drive so many months ago, it's what he used to practice until he got his license. He flew out of the depot to the first planet assigned to him, planet Fruprock.


He had delivered most of the goods assigned to him and had one last planet to go too, Earth. He had only heard the name but didn't know what to expect from the planet. He landed at a house and got into the back of the van to remove the parcel for the person who ordered. He got to the front door and rang on the doorbell and a woman with turquoise hair came out to receive the parcel.

"Here you go ma'am, sign here and here" he told her handing her parcel, his clipboard and pen for her to sign.

"Thank you very much" she replied and penned down her signature. He departed to the van and took his ship to a forest and covered it up the best he could as he wanted to explore this strange planet.

He went into the streets admiring their culture and their food. He wanted to try some but didn't have their type of money on him. All he could do was take free samples of food wherever he found a vendor offering and it was delicious. He continued to snoop around until he got tired of wondering around the planet after filling his stomach with their cuisines. He walked back to his ship and was about to enter when he heard an explosion in the forest. Any normal person would want to get away or get startled, but he was lured by the sound as it repeatedly went off. He creeped towards where the sound originated from and peeked through the bushes to find two people sparring. A green being sat down and watched the two who fought. One was wearing an orange robe or whatever it's called with a blue belt and blue inner shirt while the other wore a blue long sleeve shirt and trouser with white gloves, boots and armor protecting his chest. The one in orange was taller than the one with armor and they continued to fight, and the explosions came from ki blasts that got deflected. He continued to watch learning new moves and techniques he could go and practice when he got back to Girt. He continued to watch setting his hand down and touched something cold and it hissed at him. He quickly withdrew his hand from it. It was a snake but since he wasn't from around here, he didn't know what it was and marveled at it. It was green with black dots on its back, and it hissed at him baring its fangs at him. He tried to pet it, but it lunged at him, thankfully, he had fast reflexes and dodged it last minute. He moved back stunned by the animal and he fell back rustling leaves and making mg some bushes shake. This got the attention of green alien and the other two who sparred.

"Heh guys, I just heard something move in the bushes over there" The green alien said.

"I didn't hear anything" the one in orange replied.

"How would you hear anything Kakarot when you're engrossed in the fight" the short man in white armor replied.

"Is anyone there?!" The green on called.

"Goku, see if you can sense anyone's energy around"

"Okay Piccolo" the one in orange replied to the green alien.

The one card Goku placed to fingers and closed his eyes and focused with his eyes closed then opened his eyes to speak.

"Yeah, I sensed someone behind those bushes over there with a decent enough power level" he said with a more serious tone now.

"There are two things, either the person came to spy on us or to attack us and neither is good" sort man stated.

"Last chance come out now" The green one said

Zetari hesitated and blasted off back to his shape trying to get some distance away from them.

"He's getting away" the short man said angrily.

The three flew after Zetari wanting to get down to the bottom of things while he flew for his life not wanting to get beating by them. He flew as fast as he could avoiding obstacles, but he could feel that they were gaining on him, so he powered up and put his foot to the floor going as fast as possible. The three sensed and heard him and powered up as well and pursued him.