
Chronicles of the last Akashic

The Akashics. A powerful and ancient race that have their end cause of the King of Gods. In revenge they created the system, and article that would control all universes restrict the king Gods and all the races to damage the universes. But war has no ended. The new goal of every ruler of one of the main universes is to merge them and become the supreme ruler of the Multiverse. Our protagonist Mathew ledger, the last Akashic will be fighting against the difficulties of ruling a Universe and trying to take advantage from the system while he defend his Main World from many threats. “Why is so frustrating to make a powerful hero!? All of them appear to be suicidal! Will he stand up upon his enemies!? Will he manage to protect his universe!? Remember! This is a war between universes, Not between individuals! … Who will win if the magic and cultivation and cultivation face each other!? When the advanced technology and the gods meet face to face! This is the Multiversal War! The Nine Main Universes will face each other in a dead fight, but just one will remain and will be crowned as The One True Ruler Of the Multiverse! …… The cover is not mine, if its yours please contact me and I will change it. Remember this is Fiction. Any similarities to real persons, places, or events, are purely a coincidence.

Secrets_Guardian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Heaven’s Battle (4)

Richard Pov:


A being that transcends all the limits.

Many people think that God is a "man" but the truth is that God is a being that transcends the concept of genre.

Something as inferior as genre cannot tie to god, She is a she if she wants to be a she or he can be a he if he wants to be a he.

Angelo told me that a long time ago, god took the form of a woman because unknown reasons.

Since then, the form of god has changed with the pass of the time, alternating between many forms.

But that doesn't matter at all, because the fact is that she is god.

She is both, the Mother and Father of all the beings in the universe.

And right now, my last hope.

She looked to me looked at me from his position high in the sky.

And then, a whisper sounded in the deep of my mind.

"Do you want to save him?" She said.

She didn't had the need to explain her words. I understood what she was trying to say in the same instant she said it.

"Yes, please!" I begged, holding on to the last thread of hope I had.

" Are you ready to pay the price of your petition? " She asked me.

" Yes! I'm ready to pay any price!" I said crying in my own determination.

I'm ready to pay any price, and I know god wouldn't fool me.

" So be it " She said.

Then, a light covered me and the Angelo's broken halo.

" Your friend is already dead, the purpose of his existence has already ended and his origin as an angel existence is damaged without my Will"

" He can't stay as alive as an angel anymore"

"To save him, he needs to change itself from the base, in other words, cease to be an angel" God said.

"This is where you enter, an ex-human who ascended to the Heaven and an habitant of the paradise, not to say the nearest person for him"

" You are the only person who meets the requirements to save him".

"And what I need to do?" I said, pretty anxious for going to the point.

" Is simple, all that you need to do is to reduce your existence level, and for that you will sacrifice the positive energy inside yourself, that is dyed with your past as a Human being thus staining their existence and guaranteeing a smooth reincarnation, that way he would no longer be an angel and the problem would be resolved"

"The problem is, that if you sacrifice the positive energy inside you, you will be also reduced to a white paper, and forced to enter to the reincarnation another time as a human with just a stronger soul than usual "

" Are you Ready to that kind of sacrifice? Or you will -"

" I'm Ready, please go ahead " I interrupted.

" as you like " She said.

Then the light covered us and I lose my senses.

I didn't even have time to question myself why god will accept my petition, but that doesn't matter, maybe in the future I will regret of my decision, but I also know that I will took the same decision if I am in the same situation again.


And there it was.

The light Pilar around she gradually faded, revealing her true aspect.

Her skin, all his being was white pure as falling snow.

From her withe jade skin, to her hair as white silk.

Al his body was perfect if it embodies the perfection itself.

All his body was too perfect for be real, as a kind of doll made by Heaven.

Even if you try to find any imperfection in her was impossible.

But then she opened her eyes, And the world seemed to stop.

Her eyes were not deep as the abyss or were full of infinite wisdom and meanings.

They were not eyes full of chaos, nor full of compassion and love.


Her eyes were pure white as all his body, an empty and pure white and without any stain.

As if she was blind.

But in the moment she opened her eyes, all the laws and concepts lost their meanings as they were too insignificant to be in her presence.

They didn't show their true self, nor did they move around her as servants in front of their king.


They returned to its base form, to the nothing.

Everything lost its importance, even time and space lost their meanings as if they never mattered at all.

Right now, rules and laws of the universe are like blank sheets ready to be rewritten in any moment.

Because the being right here was in another different level, she was the creator and the destructor, The beginning and the end, the Alfa and the Omega, And every single thing that exist, existed or will exist ever know it.

She didn't say any word, but when she raised her hand the almost destructed Heaven returned its previous state as if nothing had happened.

Then, the ones who fallen in the battle returned from the dead and the wounded ones recovered in an instant.

Even the two leaders of the enemy side hesitated a littlein front of such overwhelming show of power without any effort.

But before they begin to talk and before they unleash some great battle that probably will destroy the Heaven (another time).

God wave her hand and the setting changed.

They were no more in the Heaven, they were in a black and empty space on the outskirts of the universe.

Where the battle will not affect the universe for the most part and the universe will be safe before the system finishes its linking with the universe.

Already in a suitable place, she opened her lips for the first time.

" Show yourselves"

She said with an authoritarian voice that resonated through the void.

Then, three powerful beings accompanied by an army bigger than the one who invaded the Heaven showed.

By the reason they can survive in the void and the big amount of beings showed their identity.

The army was compounded by gods and they are only a few beings that can mobilize such amount of gods.

" What are you doing here, Inanis !? It was supposed that the only Pilars that will came are Evertsor and me! " Iginulm asked to the one who seems to be leading the group.

" Well… because 'She' told us to be careful and we didn't believe that something that can do that she get so nervous is something that you might can't beat" The being named Inanis said.

" And we were right " He said while he looked in God's direction.

God looked back at him and then to the other two beings with him.

In total they were 5 Pilars in the same place right now, something unprecedented if we count that they are all something similar to last bosses of the Divine Clan that extends their authority through many universes.

In other words is like finding 5 supreme dragons in the same place working together.