
Chronicles of the last Akashic

The Akashics. A powerful and ancient race that have their end cause of the King of Gods. In revenge they created the system, and article that would control all universes restrict the king Gods and all the races to damage the universes. But war has no ended. The new goal of every ruler of one of the main universes is to merge them and become the supreme ruler of the Multiverse. Our protagonist Mathew ledger, the last Akashic will be fighting against the difficulties of ruling a Universe and trying to take advantage from the system while he defend his Main World from many threats. “Why is so frustrating to make a powerful hero!? All of them appear to be suicidal! Will he stand up upon his enemies!? Will he manage to protect his universe!? Remember! This is a war between universes, Not between individuals! … Who will win if the magic and cultivation and cultivation face each other!? When the advanced technology and the gods meet face to face! This is the Multiversal War! The Nine Main Universes will face each other in a dead fight, but just one will remain and will be crowned as The One True Ruler Of the Multiverse! …… The cover is not mine, if its yours please contact me and I will change it. Remember this is Fiction. Any similarities to real persons, places, or events, are purely a coincidence.

Secrets_Guardian · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Heaven’s Battle (3)

" [Angelika Volum] "

When I pronounced that words, the energy that flooded my body suddenly stopped flowing.

The world around me froze as if time had stopped, then I felt how my thoughts emptied my mind, leaving me in a totally calm state.

I couldn't feel nothing. My five senses disappeared, I couldn't feel or heard nothing, my sight and my taste and smell faded in nothing.

A state of absolute serenity caused by liberation from the material and spiritual world.

A serenity caused by the absence of interior And exterior disturbances.

A deep state that leaves You alone with you and only You.

Just peace and silence…

A darkness darker than the darkest darkness, A space as peaceful as a calm lake in the dark.

But then, in the deeper darkness of the calm lake, I found something.

This "something" was a light, a little light as a tiny light ball, the light was floating in the deep darkness.

A tiny little light so small that it's light didn't reach very far in this darkness, like a firefly flying over a sea of darkness.

I approached to that light, feeling drawn to it.

At the moment I touch it, the light started to shine brighter than the sun lighting up all the dark space, then a sea of feelings flooded my mind.

All my senses where overloaded with information, Allowing me to feel a lot of things I couldn't feel before.

But the most amazing thing was my mind, in my mind Memories of all my life bloomed like flowers in spring, memories from the moment of my born and creation until today played in my mind simultaneously, but not only that.

Memories that I did not recognize also played in my mind, these were memories not from my past but from my future, memories of many future possibilities mixed in mind, and then the possibilities mixed together with my own memories, showing me the infinite possibilities of the destiny and the time line and the possible lives I can get in the future.

The secrets of the universe whispered in my ears, telling me many things that I could not understand and many others that opened my eyes as if I were blind all my life.

This was slow to describe but it happened in the blink of an eye.

The overwhelming feelings ceased, leaving me with a sensation of great power.

I flew towards my enemy at a speed he couldn't react breaking the limits of space and time, and then…

I hit it, a chain of hits that broke the barrier of time came from me, every hit overlapped with the previous and the next to that in a chain reaction.

This time it wasn't the crudest hit that broken the barriers with only strength and energy, this time I manipulated the power of the Law in every hit and every movement with an almost any effort.

The other part shot out towards the other extreme of the Heavens in a blink, crashing like a meteor and leaving a hole in it.

He seems surprised with my new power, as he unexpected as I could even touch it never.

the angry was evident in his face, and like saying He wasn't playing this time,He finally showed his powers.

A black light like a black lightnings were swirling in his Hands, the power they exude like they can destroy everything in the World and return it to nothing.

Then we fight.

A mortal dance fought in Heaven, I can't let him touch me, but I can't let him escape.

I dodged every single hit from the other part with a speed that exceeded anything I can think about, we wrapped in a battle that exceeded the limits of reality.

A battle in a totally upper level than me.

And a battle… that I know I can't win.

[Angelika Volum]

A prohibited power that is believed to be lost, A power that was lost with the passage of time.

The Volum is a power that is only able to the First generation angels, or in other words the angels of the "First creation" of god, the ones who born at the beginning of all and have been serving to god since the true beginning.

Right now, I'm the only first generation angel left, the others already died or fell from Heaven, some others even reduced their existence to the level of a mortal and entered in the reincarnation, leaving me alone.

Alone with my loneliness. That's the reason why I took the work of guardian angel, to make me feel alive and with a purpose, to make company to my children and to feel me less alone. So for me was a great happiness to have as friend one of my children, so, when Richy reached the Heaven he was the most close to me as a family or a friend, I felt so… complete, so I have no regrets in using the Volum.

The Volum let you have a great power by unifying your whole life and existence in one single moment, but that is not enough to be in the same level of that being.

The True power of the Volum is to convoke the God's Will that lives in the core of the first angels, then, with all your existence being unified you imbue yourself with the God's Will, letting you exert a fraction of the power of god while changing the purpose of your existence.

But for that, all your existence and your whole being needs to be agree with it, both your past self and your present, and even your future self to come, You need to be sure without the slightest bit of doubt or the process will fail killing you in the process.

Many angels died trying to do it without a strong determination and dying on the process.

In my case the purpose I choose was to have enough power "To Protect".

I've always believed that if I was enough faster I could be in any place the people need me, and I will have enough speed to run from any danger.

But in front of the power of that impossible being, Even the speed I always been so pride of was not enough at all.

Even the energy I had accumulated since my born wasn't enough at all.

The power to protect everything I want and anyone I want , from anyone and everyone.

Thats the new purpose of my existence.

And my existence is the price that I would pay for this power.

Our battle dragged by a while, with the same mortal dance starring by the two of us.

But the course of the battle changed in the blink of an eye when someone hit me in the arm, Then I felt a Great pain from the deep of my soul.

My arm wasn't there.

He smiled as if it was the funniest thing in the world seen my pain and saw me with that eyes that said me that he thought all is over.

But I refused to lose just like that, so I clenched my teeth and continued the battle.

An arm.

A leg.

A wing.

I started to lose parts of my body while my speed started to slow because my tiredness and pain.

"These was fun while it lasted, but is time to say bye bye my little angel" He said.

Then I lose my Head and the world turned off.

I was reduced to a floating Halo and with the last part of my strength I teleported to the side of Richy.

In the distance, the little monster was screaming something about a trophy that escaped.

" A-Angelo, Are you?"

"Yes…" I said weakly.

"Don't worry if you lose, you do your best, Angelo, as always "

" Thanks… But… I win…" I said with a pinch of happiness.

I felt his bewilderment and I complete my phrase.

" I never… Said I will kill them… I was just gaining time…"

When I ended my phrase, a light descended from the sky, lighting up all the Heaven.

In the center of the Light the silhouette of a women was shown.

Anyone can see her clearly because of the light, But The power and presence she exuded they didn't leave any bit of doubt.

She was god.

" You did it, Angelo… You really did it! We are safe!"

I heard Richy celebrating, but I couldn't gather the strength to give him an answer.

Because my purpose was fulfilled and my time was over, my mind gradually faded until ...


A black crack appeared in the Halo, marking the end of an Angel.

" I think, is better that someone remembers me by a name that he gives me and not as one more angel of the Heaven that was a Hero, because no matter what, I'm grateful because in the end… I have at least someone to cry for me, And that is a luxury in a Place where the tears are doesn't exist "


The angels of the Heaven aren't able to have a name, because the names are given by god when they born or when they get a great achievement, and a lower angel never is gonna be able to get a name by themselves. They are the servants of God but they aren't able to be remembered as nothing more than that when they die. That is the sad side of being an angel.

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And remember to enjoy the reading!

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