
Chosen of the Void

If you had a single wish, what would you wish for? And what would you be willing to do to earn this wish? Join Vladmir as he tries his best to survive and come out on top of a game of life and death where the prize is no other them a wish, one that carries his hope for fixing the mistakes of his past, and maybe, the means for a life worth living. But the road that leads to the top is not paved only with great achievements. For one to be at the top he must pile the bodies of the other participants, and earn the favor of cruel Gods that demand to be entertained. Can one that turned his back to such Gods come out on top and fulfill his wish? Or is the cold embrace of the Void the only reward that awaits him?

Dhylec · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

The Test Lobby

A cacophony of voices filled my ears after some steps, and I opened my eye trying to see where I was. In front of me, I could see a crowd of people, everybody looking around or talking to each other, some even seemed a little agitated since they were raising their voices.

I looked around noticing that we seemed to be inside some vast circular room with white-colored walls. I looked behind me, searching for the door of light I came from, but couldn't find a single trace of it.

"The hell is going on?" I mumbled looking around, a little uncomfortable to be surrounded by strangers.

Some people were looking around with the same lost and uncomfortable expression I was sure was on my face, some had chosen to get closer to the walls and kept their distance from the others, and almost everyone looking at their cell phones with frustration while trying to get them to work.

'Ah fuck, my cellphone' I thought, letting out an annoyed groan. I patted my pockets trying to find Daniel's letter, and it seemed like I also lost it after falling.

'I think I remember all his tips' I thought trying to recall them, and had my contemplation interrupted as a voice echoed throughout the room.

"Welcome dear potentials! WELCOME!" An overly excited male voice exclaimed, getting everyone to look around startled "We are incredibly happy to have you all with us today!"

I was looking around trying to figure out where the voice was coming from, but it just kept going on without any sign of revealing who was behind it.

"We know you are all very excited to just get it on and prove yourselves worthy of being a player, so lemme explain how the evaluation for this group will take place"

'The hell is this guy talking about?' I inquired, looking around, and was surprised to see most people in the room seemed a lot calmer than I was expecting. Didn't they get to this place as I did? How did I get here for starters?

"Soon you will all be transferred to the testing grounds, there you'll try to find one of the 63 badges that have been scattered throughout the grounds. They are hidden, carried by testers, are rewards for simple tasks, and can even be purchased from hidden vendors. All you have to do to be eligible to move for the next stage of the evaluation is to have at least one badge in your possession before the timer runs out."

"Each additional badge you have in your possession will award you 1000 points, these points will carry on through your evaluation and can be later retained as you become a player, or be exchanged for the currency of your selection on a 1:1 ratio."

'Wait, did I just hear that right?' My stomach got cold. 63 hidden badges meant everyone had a shot to pass, but a one-to-one ratio of any currency I selected meant one badge was the same as 1000 dollars or euros, for me that lived in Brazil that was the same as one single badge being worth around 5000 reais.

The voice talking to us was speaking in Portuguese, and from the fragmented pieces of talking I heard after entering the room it seemed like everyone around me was also speaking in Portuguese, so it was not a crazy notion to believe that everyone present was Brazilian just like me. If that were true there was no fucking way every single person in this room wouldn't do their best to get at least one extra badge.

"The rules for the test are simple: Killing other Potentials is extremely prohibited. Aside from that, you can all do whatever is necessary to come out on top"

"We wish you all good luck on your first test, and may we meet again on the next one"

The alert rang, and a giant bluish screen appeared floating in the air.




The mood in the room changed immediately, I could see people evaluating each other, some talking and forming groups as they seemed to reach an agreement, others moving away from everybody and seeming to take notes on who to target or be aware of.

A different sound rang throughout the room, and all around us various parts of the walls started moving, some bulging out, others retracting, forming doors, and before our very eyes, the once smooth walls were filled with all kinds of signs and counters with people in matching black suits behind them.

Some signs announce weapons, others miscellaneous items, armor, food, and all kinds of provisions. The doors opened and people in suits started coming out of them, talking to those that approached them.

I was completely stunned, but everyone else seemed to find this completely natural. Some rushed to the stores, others were talking to the suited people that walked amongst us now, and a few started talking to each other, apparently already forming groups.

The idea of approaching one of the suited people started forming in my mind, surely I could get some answer from them, right? But before I could start walking in the direction of one of them someone grabbed my right wrist.

I looked to my right side, being greeted by a small suited figure with blonde hair glaring at me with anger in her blue-colored eyes.

"Why the hell are you planted there like a complete imbecile?" She complained in a whisper while looking around and pulling me away from everyone "Do you think we have time to waste?"

"Wh-What?" I stuttered, genuinely caught off guard by the situation.

"Great, a slow one" She grumbled letting go of my wrist

"Look, I don't really have time for this, so pay attention"

"Don't draw anyone's attention, don't talk to the hosts or their assistants, and don't form parties with the other Potentials until you finish the test and get accepted as a player"

"La-lady, I think you got the wrong person"

"I sure did" She sneered looking around, and moved so she was completely in front of me, probably getting out of sigh from everyone else "Lucky me you're so big, which makes this easier"

Before I could even open my mouth to ask anything, she shoved her right hand into the air and pulled out a black colored backpack. Just like that, puff, hand disappears, hand reapers with a backpack, like a magician making flowers appear by a twist of the wrist.

'You gotta be fucking kidding me' I thought, dumbfounded 'Am I dreaming? Is that it? If not what? I got inside one of the games I like so much?'

"Here you go, don't mess this up" She growled, handing me the backpack, and turned her back, walking away.

I had a moment of brain fart as I stared at the backpack, and at the girl moving away with rapid strides, and in a panic, I was moving as fast as I could, grabbing her by the shoulder.

"Wait, just wait!" I snapped "What the hell is going on? Where am I? What is this?"

She turned around, slapping my hand away as she did so, and glared at me with so much animosity I was afraid she would pounce at me.

"Are you fucking crazy?! Do you want to get both of us killed?!" She hissed in a low voice while looking around with a worried look.

"Look, you can't just say everything you want to say, and just walk away" I whispered, not really sure why.

"There's nothing else to say, what's your problem?"

"What's my problem?! My brother just stabbed me in the chest and I woke up amidst all this! That's my problem!"

She glared at me and crossed her arms.

"You really don't know what's happening? Your brother really didn't explain things to you?"


The girl laughed, and despite the situation, I found her laughter to be rather cute.

"Oh man, this is priceless! When he said he wanted to personally take care of your transfer we thought he would let you know what's going on"

She looked around once more and seemed to indulge me with a look of disdain on her face.

"Long story short, your brother sold you out to save his ass."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean exactly what I said. Your brother sold you out"

"To what?"

"To the game"

"What game?!" I blurted, frustrated, holding back the urge to shake her by her shoulders.

Her expression was starting to get annoyed again but changed as she really looked into my eye for the first time, seeming to finally notice me.

"Wait... You really don't know?! Seriously?!"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you! I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know what the game is, I don't know this place, why I am here, I don't know anything!"

Her expression slowly changed to one of pity, and despite the situation, it annoyed me more than anything.

"Your brother must really hate you…"

She looked at the timer, and focused back at me, glaring at my scars, my eye patch, and my left leg.

"Please tell me the limp and all this..." she says waving her hands in the direction of my scars and face "is just a very elaborate way to hide your identity"

Before I could open my mouth her hand was already raised in the direction of my face, interrupting me with a heavy sigh.

"Your expression says it all"

The girl glanced at the timer again and angrily scratched her head, mumbling something I couldn't hear.

"Look, I don't have time to explain everything, so I will give you the basics" She stated, crossing her arms in front of her chest "Just pay attention, and don't interrupt me."

She let out a long sigh and started talking.

"There's this game that was created and is hosted by beings beyond our comprehension. Call them gods, aliens, spirits, eldritch monsters, whatever you want to. All we know is that they are powerful and that the limits of reality don't really mean anything to them."

"The only way to be a part of this game is if you get an invitation from the organizers, or if you get referred by an active ranked player"

"Everyone that is referred must go through a test, rings any bells?" She scoffed "But your situation, my unlucky friend, is a little special"

"You haven't been invited, nor referred by a ranker. Instead, your brother made a deal, and we smuggled you inside."

"Look at all the other Potentials wrists," She said pointing at them with her head "They all have some kind of bracelet on one of them, don't they?"

"Yeah…" I agreed after confirming the fact.

"That's not only proof that they are Potentials, but it also represents how they got here, and you, my friend, don't have one."

"So if you get found out before the test is over, you're dead."

"Yeah, dead." She said after reading my face "Despite how you got here you're not dead, so don't get any funny ideas. You will die if you mess up."

I looked at my wrists, and back at her, and she let out a little chuckle.

"There's a replica inside the backpack, you scared cat. Just make sure you don't let anyone too close to it"

"All that out of the way you just need to know that the gist of the deal is that you have to pass the test and keep the backpack with you at all times."

"You can use or keep whatever is inside it, but don't lose or damage it!"

"Got it? Great! Good luck!" She said, starting to turn around

"What happens if I don't pass? Or if I lose the backpack?" I blurted, and she glared at me over her shoulder.

"Your brother and his family pay the price"

I stared at her, my blood boiling at the implication.

"Don't look at me like that, your brother was the one to accept the deal and sell you out" She said, turning around and staring back, unflinching despite the difference in our sizes.

"Anyways, once you pass the test one of our contacts on the inside will approach you and you can inquire him about what comes next"

"Wait, there's more?"

She scoffed

"You're in for one hell of a ride, big guy"

"Why don't you take this damn backpack yourself? Why do I have to do this?"

She let out a chuckle, and turned around, walking away

"I would if I could. Just worry about staying alive and doing your part, ok?"

I followed her with my eye as she entered one of the doors, which was quickly devoured by the wall, making the place where it was smooth again.

'Daniel… what the hell did you do man?' I thought, looking at the backpack.

I let out a heavy sigh, trying to absorb everything I was just told and looked at the timer. Only 10 minutes before the test would start. I walked away, sitting on the floor while resting my back against the wall, and opened the backpack. There were two things inside: the bracelet, which I quickly put on my right wrist, and a disposable lighter.

The bracelet was a simple smooth one, apparently made of iron. A little tight, but nothing that would be a problem. I pocketed the lighter, and closed the backpack, feeling disappointed. I wasn't expecting to find anything too incredible inside it, but anything else that was useful would have been nice.

'Beggars can't be choosers' I thought looking at the other Potentials, feeling a knot in my stomach as I noticed most of them had formed groups and were really geared up for whatever was ahead of us.

"We are still accepting new members!" Someone shouted amidst the group, and I looked in his direction.

He was a tall and strong guy, with a bald head, shaven face, and piercing brow-colored eyes, looking confident as he addressed the people around him. Behind him, I could see ten other muscular guys. They were all clothed in what for me was the closest I'd seen of full tactical gear. Headgear, tactical vest, military shirt, pants, boots, knee and elbow pads, and reinforced gloves. The only thing they were missing was firearms, but as substitutes, they all carried what seemed to be clubs.

'Did they purchase all that from the stores? How much money did these people have laying around?'

"We will make sure every single member of our group gets a badge, and if we get extra ones we will share the points amongst the group members," The bald dude said smiling, and that made a lot of people start flocking to them.

'Well that sounds too good to be true' I thought while looking at the other participants. Some had chosen to stay alone, others formed small groups or simple pairs, but there was another big group on the opposite side to the bald dude one.

A skinny guy with tattoos all over his arms, neck, and face was talking to eight other Potentials, men and women alike. None of them was wearing any kind of protective gear like the military dudes, but they all had clubs. One thing that got my attention was that they were all also carrying backpacks.

"Last call for anyone that wants to join us!" The bald guy said aloud when the timer got to the one-minute mark. His team had around thirty members now, most of them being the strongest men among all the participants. The fact that theirs was the biggest group bothered me, if they decided to go around taking badges by force would anyone be able to stop them?

Probably not.

All stores and doors started to disappear as the timer got shorter, and soon it was just us Potentials inside the room again. I got up as the timer reached 30 seconds, put on the backpack, and took in a deep breath trying to prepare myself for whatever was about to happen.

As the timer reached zero the message alert rang, and the text on the screen changed.



Another notification rang in my ears, and to my surprise, the room got darker and colder, and I soon noticed the reason as water started falling on me. The ceiling was opened up, shooting up into the sky as if it was breaking down and floating away.





Most of the others started turning on flashlights as we all gathered in the center of the room, everyone was spooked as the walls around us crumbled down and disappeared on the vortex of debris that was forming above us, and to our surprise, we now found ourselves amidst what looked like a vast cemetery. Various types of tombstones, statues, and mausoleums surround us on all sides. Everything seemed as if it was neglected for decades.

"Things just get crazier by the second" I whispered looking around, still unable to accept and comprehend what was happening. But the stench of wet earth filling my nostrils, the feeling of each fat raindrop hitting my skin, and the cold that seemed to reach my bones proved to me that even if my mind couldn't accept it, everything that was happening was real.

The rain started coming down hard over us, and after the powerful roar of thunder shook the skies above our heads, people started moving. Each group screamed so they could be heard over the sound of the rain.

I started moving, cursing my luck as the rain seemed to get stronger with each passing second, drenching me to the bones. I looked around, straining my eye as the rain, the mist, and my lack of a flashlight made seeing anything even harder and tried to focus on moving in the direction of what seemed to be the mausoleums. The first and second ones I reached already had people inside them, and their looks made it clear they would not let me inside while they were searching for a badge.

'Fuck the badge' I thought, feeling my teeth chattering 'I just want to get out of the rain!'

"God, please don't let me fall inside an open grave" I prayed as I walked without being able to see anything a few meters ahead of me. My bad leg was starting to give signals that it would fail me, and frustration was building up inside my chest as I hugged myself, fingers completely numb at this point, and looked around with no idea of where to go.

I had the lighter inside my pocket, but it would be of no help right now, maybe if I found one of the mausoleums and anything to burn…

My thoughts were interrupted by what seemed like a scream. I strained my ears hoping to hear it again, and sure enough, a scream found its way to me, apparently not too far away from where I was. I looked around trying to fight off the fear that was slowly embracing me, but failed as I heard another scream, this one seeming closer.

"You gotta be kidding me" I groaned looking around, and decided that my best course of action was hiding behind one of the tombstones that were around me. Sure, someone of my size trying to hide behind a tombstone was the same as an elephant hiding behind a tree, so I was betting everything on the combination of rain, mist, and darkness to help me hide from whatever was responsible for the screams.

The screams got louder and closer, and soon I could make out a figure shambling some meters away from where I was hiding. I focused on the figure, trying to understand if it was someone that needed help, or someone dangerous, and my blood ran cold as it shambled a little closer to my hiding spot, giving me a clearer vision of it. Whatever the hell that thing was I wanted to stay as far away from it as possible.

It was humanoid, but the resemblance to humans ended there. It had sickening pale skin, with dark veins underneath it. Its head was completely bald, with no eyes, nose, or anything aside from a ginormous mouth that was dangling open, revealing rows of long sharp teeth. It had ears, but those resemble more bat ears than anything else. Its arms were long, with big hands that ended in sharp talons. The legs also seemed long, but I couldn't really tell due to them being mostly hidden by the mist.

It stopped shambling a few meters from me, placing both hands on one of the tombstones and pressing it with so much force that it started to crumble. I could see its skinny chest expanding to the point it seemed like it would burst, and moved its head from left to right as it let out a long and piercing cry of distress that sounded just like a child in pain.

Its ears twitched after it stopped screaming, and I was biting my right hand to keep me silent. Could that thing hear my beating heart amidst the rain? If it could I was surely fucked because right now it sounds like drums inside my own ears.

I stared at it as it moved its left ear in my direction, twitching it as if trying to listen to something. Then the right, it stood in place for a few seconds, and turned its mouth exactly in my direction, starting to shamble my way as a smile formed on its hellish face.

A rumble of thunder shook the skies, and the thing screamed in glee as I got up and forced myself to run.

Thank you for reading my story, and please let me know what you think about it in the comments.

Every single piece of feedback is incredibly helpful and highly appreciated.

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