
Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Before John could try to find out why Z was behaving like this everything seemed to shake, nothing fell though as the store seemed to be resistant to whatever caused the quake and keep the items in place but looking at Z the y seemed a mix of annoyed and pissed.

Rushing outside what greeted them was the sight of a large group of people numbering at least 60 with an extremely skinny person standing on the shoulders of what could only be described as the hulk on steroids, its muscles almost bursting It's skin with ugly pulsing veins, all he seemed to be clothed in though was a gimp mask and a pair of shorts which John felt thankful for as if it was full primal with its eggs and sausage hanging around he would probably either be sick or have trouble fighting, as for the skinny person, he had long greasy grey hair, narrowed almost closed eyes and a snake like face, his arms dangling at his side wearing extremely loose red and black scrap armour similar to the rest of the variety of people all standing infront of them, this showing they were from the Chaos Marauders, various weapons from pipes to knives to even a few swords, axes shields and some even seemed to have magic staffs, John though wouldn't put it past them to have a gun or 2 as well though.

"Gin? If his here where is Aizen? And weren't you a good guy in the end? And a Bane reject alongside you is definitely an odd choice" Ash began to quip seeing the figure but got no response from anyone around her.

"So there was a merchant here? Good good, it seems they were telling the truth. Hand over all the items you got from them and give us everything you have in this hovel of yours and I will consider letting you live. As for you merchant, I expect you to come with us and sell your wears to us at a good discount." The skinny figure demanded in a stuck-up tone clearly expecting them to do exactly as told only to be met by Alice laughing at him.

"And why the fuck would we Mr Gin? I may be having fewer mad moments lately but clearly you were dropped on your head as a baby, I mean you really think we will just do what you say?" She asks with a laugh infuriating him.

"My name is not Gin its- "He began to ground out only to be cut off by a very angry Z.

"WHERE YOU THE ONES WHO ATTACKED MY STORE!" There syntho voice sounding rather monstrous at this moment, only for 'Gin' to laugh now.

"And so what if I was? What can a stupid merchant do about it, or are you hoping this pathetic lot will be of help to you in facing my forces? Just surrender and save all of us the waste of time and come in irons and do what I say!" He says, practically yelling the final part seemingly still believing himself to be the superior one.

At this Z seemed to be shaking, there green eyes getting flecks of red.

Alice was the first one into the fray, once more letting her bloodlust and madness free to cause the utmost death and damage to the enemies infront of them, like a macabre dance she weaved through them, the scythe swinging in large arcs held firmly in one hand to cut down those she danced and weaved around well her dagger sliced and cut others splashing blood into the air.

Not wanting to be outdone Ash gripped a thin collar around her neck and seemed to press something causing it to seemingly dissolve into her with a physically felt pulse, her eyes glowing a dark purple as she muttered something under her breath well putting her fingers into a cross, what followed was 4 more copies of her poofing into existence with puffs of smoke, all with axes like her own, the 5 stormed into the battle, a whirl of ear axes cutting through the swords and armours alike in a brutish mess, those who weren't killed withering on the ground in pain wishing for death in there cut apart form, well Alice was nimble feather floating through them Ash was more like a bolder crashing through, 2 of the copies though seemed to poof away do to lucky hits being landed on them but the other 2 and the original continued to smash there way through till they stood in middle of the enemies alongside Alice, the grin on their faces rivalling the bloodthirst of Alices own. On the ground various bodies lay dead and others injured from storming into the fray groaning in pain and puddles of blood having made a visible impact on the enemies' numbers.

"Attack them you idiots! Theres more of you than them!" Screamed 'Gin' as he fished out an array of strange syringes and proceeded to throw them at his own men, batch after batch was thrown at those who hesitated and even at the half dead ones on the ground.

Alice and Ash didn't seem to notice or care though, achieving a strange equilibrium of balance as they fought, Alice using the new ribbon to block stabs from swords and daggers and Ash using brute force to knock away enemies well simultaneously cutting them in half.

John though was still hesitant, unlike the girls he still couldn't seem to bring himself to kill another living human yet but felt he wouldn't have to, the victims of 'Gin's strange syringes seemed to scream and struggle, Alice and Ash seemed to engrossed in their fight to notice but each person that was hit seemed to mutate, there skin tearing and there form expanding in various places, some now had spiked clubs for arms and others sharp claws, a few seemed to bulk up and grow slightly larger as if big brothers to the hulking being 'Gin' stood on with there own fists turning into grotesque hammers, there faces having completely melted away as well to become something that would make Voldemort seem like a super model, the ones on the ground who were cut apart also changed, they began to fuse into fleshy chimera's, various wriggling limbs, stretched out tongues, strange carapaces and bones jutting out, some even from its numerous eyes, there previous weapons melting into deformed limbs and even a few guns now almost flesh like where also visible in the groaning mass.

"Hahaha keep fighting, those who don't will get a shot, as for all of you, no matter how many times you cut them down I'll keep making them stronger till you eventually die under there weight!" 'Gin' screamed, his anger clearly overtaking him.