
Choosing second to come first

It begins a bit rough but improves as it progresses just due to it being my first work, the world as everyone knew it changed, John though refused to bend or bow, well others seemed to be corrupted and changed by there choices John kept his sanity, or rather had no sanity to hold onto as the voices in his head that others beside his best friend dismissed as imaginary become more prominent, as he sets out to make his mark he learns the nature of the changes to the world, finding out more and striving to get stronger and to kill the so called gods who where responsible for it, but everything comes at a cost. So just a small heads up, it starts a little rough but I can promise it Improves as the chapters go on, a bit slow but it's my first real novel so hope you all enjoy it :-) Ps. This story is writing itself, so all the twists and turns are by its own choice as I'm just the one putting it on digital paper as odd as that sounds, share a stone if you like it and I'll also try to keep as consistent as I can with updates.

Coronis_Nocturn · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
97 Chs

Chapter 6: The Enigmatic World

Chapter 6: The Enigmatic World

"Here's a bit of advice since our time is almost up and those with special classes who got to chat with us also no doubt got info—firstly, try to establish your own little area. I'm not saying go crazy and become some kind of king or a savior trying to take in every Tom, Dick, and Harry—well, you can since it would be interesting to see you fall. No no, focus, okay? Territory, a little piece of land for yourself to control. Also, get food and water. Next, there will be 3 kinds of stores: the system store, traveling merchants, and special vending machines that are almost impossible to see or find. But if you do somehow find 1, take the entire wall or rock or whatever its mark is on; idiots seem to think they can't be moved. Lastly, there is going to be a new currency in the form of coins. They can be gained from achievements, selling things to the system market or merchants, being first in things, but that is something impossible for you though, along with donations from us if we find the person we're watching interesting or to try and get you humans to do something—like paying you for entertainment. Don't expect much of anything from me though. I'll be watching some of the top people and honestly doubt you will last long. Speaking of which, even if you do somehow last a long time in second paths, don't expect many of us to watch you. The rankings mean nothing to us; you're all just entertainment and a way for us to pass the time. Your world is now like a game but without visible stats and stuff. Skills work with triggers, and you can expect hell would be a paradise compared to some of what's to come. But seriously, how are you so calm about all this? You're actually freaking me out a bit," the blob says to him, bobbing up and down seemingly trying to get a good view of him for the first time now.

"Honestly? There's a saying of 'being careful what you wish for, you might just get it.' At the risk of sounding like a chuuni or some edgy teen, we've always wanted a change, for something to happen. We've never truly fit in the current world, and even though this isn't something expected, it's not entirely unwelcomed. I mean, we are certain we've managed to develop mind-scapes and that our dreams aren't dreams most of the time," John admits to the blob, rubbing the back of his head in a sheepish way.

"So I got a weirdo, great, but it means you could be fun to watch later down the line. Good luck, you crazy weirdo. Try to survive," the blob eye says as John slowly fades away. "And in the words from one of my dreams, 'Ya 'll fut coming gu'ilg jalu nge on'sr kind kov fhtagn gu'ilg on'sr fers' " John says as his final words as he starts to fade from the that world, the blob shakes, and the eye almost bursts in shock, understanding the weight of those words and its language that none from the lower realms, let alone a human, should know or understand, reaching out with a thick black tentacle from its blobby form only to narrowly miss grabbing John as he left its world. "Something is wrong, something is very, very wrong. How did he know that language? The hell is going on this time? None of the past worlds or realms had anyone like that. Report it! I need to report this now before h—" With a loud squelching sound, the entire form of the blob seemed to pop, the eye landing at the foot of a large humanoid figure in a black cloak, large crow wings behind his back, three swords at his hip, two of them on the right and the third on his left, an ornate porcelain crow mask on his face with two red eyes peering out from behind it, long thick black hair running down his back between his wings, and two bands in front down the sides of his face framing it. In a slow soft voice that somehow echoes, he spoke, "No, I am afraid we can't let you do that. You see, one who I have an interest in is a friend and ally to that man, so I'm afraid we can't allow you to do something troublesome. You lot chose this world, so there's no going back." He says, looking down at the eye on the ground that seemed to quiver either in fear or anger, possibly both. "B, b, but you're breaking the rules of the game, your kind aren't allowed to interfere, you aren't allowed to attack us like this either as it breaks our treaty! A, a and that human just now, he's too dangerous, he needs to be eliminated along with those he's in contact with, they're too dangerous! You and the clan won't survive doing this, and when the administrators and the rulers find out, your entire clan will be wiped out or worse for doing this!" The eye practically screams to the tengu person who has just destroyed his blob form.