
chilling in Pokémon

Just for me if you read you can read. I’m writing since I’m stuck on my other series. Only own the main character don’t own the others. They belong to their respective authors. This is inspired by rough start in kanto fanfic. if you haven’t read you should read it is a good Pokémon fanfic.

LunarWolf121 · Anime e quadrinhos
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Pokémon system

This is the system that I will be using.

Beginner - F (baby Pokémon)

Novice - D (starters)

Average - C (trainer who trained their Pokémon though don't reach the level of elite)

Elite - B (Pokemon ranger, veteran trainer, etc…)

Gym leader - A (adult misty, Koga, etc…)

Elite four - S (Lorelei, Bruno, Agatha, etc…)

Champion - SS (Adult Lance, Adult Cynthia, etc…)

Legendary/Master - SSS (Ho-ho, Mewtwo, etc…)

God - EX (Arceus, Mew)