
chilling in Pokémon

Just for me if you read you can read. I’m writing since I’m stuck on my other series. Only own the main character don’t own the others. They belong to their respective authors. This is inspired by rough start in kanto fanfic. if you haven’t read you should read it is a good Pokémon fanfic.

LunarWolf121 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The Orphan of Viridian Ruins

A young malnourished boy was pulling a cart with a bunch of random things inside.

He was moving through a ruined city. Always looking around keeping constant vigilance.

He made his way to a abandoned industrial warehouse. The warehouse was rundown on the outside, but it was still pretty much intact. After opening the door of the war house it was lose things inside. From some rocks, wooden planks, dust, etc… anything you would normally find in a abandoned warehouse. The walls had painted falling off and they seemed to be worn out, but the child didn't seemed to care.

He got to work by picking up the wooden planks and the large debris in the warehouse. After moving everything into a corner he had to stop. Going into his cart he took out a few pieces of beef jerky. He sat down while eating the beef jerky. Though he seemed to throw up he swallowed it back down. After a quick sip of water he went back to work. Taking of a old broom from the cart. He began sweeping any of the debris that he didn't pick up. He seemed to be spent. He move a empty can from the side to by where the cart and the rest of his stuff was. Not to close, but not to far.

He took out a camping knife from his jacket and started cutting small holes into the bottom of the can. Once that was done put some small planks and saw dust inside. Once that was done he took out a lighter a light a small twig and placed it into the can. Soon a bonfire was created. The young boy seemed to be spent.

It took him a while before he could stand up. He was already breathing heavily. He took off his clothes and dragged himself over to where some pipes were and unscrewed a nob which after release a pipe sprayed water over him. Though he was to tired to notice the cold. Once he was done getting hosed off he made sure to hurry back to the corner otherwise he might get sick. He put some warm clothes on and placed a few more planks into the can before getting in a sleeping bag and dozing off.

1st pov

I wake up to find I am in a cramped space. I try to get out punching and kicking with all my might, but I'm the end it is all useless. How I miss my previous body. Even though I couldn't do much I was still more fit than most. The only thing that was good in this life was when I was able to find a building with water and electricity in the abandoned Viridian City. That was the only time I was lucky. Though when I was beaten half to death for stealing I awakened aura to save myself. Though I am pretty sure that was mostly my body need for survival that awakened it.

That reminds me I went to sleep in the sleeping bag. I look around and try to find the zipper. After moving around I see it and use it to open the sleeping bag.

When the sleeping bag finally opens I am greet with cold air. I guess I have been sleeping for a entire day. As when. I went to sleep I figured it was only a couple hours before day break. The fire should have lasted until daybreak. How I wish I had the nice comfortable life of most transmigrations. Though I end up as a orphan kid named Trystan in the Pokemon world. Which by the way is not so nice as it seems. The orphanage I was at seemed to be a recruitment site for team rocket.

Though that is to be expected as the gym leader is team rocket boss Giovanni. The first week I found myself in Pokémon I was thinking it would be a easy life. Then I found the cold truth. People don't care about you if you are at the bottom.

The orphanage was run by the old lady that was not kind in the least. She was often beating children for even breathing wrong. When she was to tired or bored we would have to go get groceries and cook. Though there were other adults they acted the same as the old lady.

I was one of the favorites of the old lady as I knew how to cook. So I often cook while taking a bit for me. That only got be ratted on by one of the little brats. I was beaten black and blue. The old lady also left her Pokémon to watch me. That was when I stopped caring about the people in the orphanage.

I remember one time the old lady asked me to get a some wine for her to drink. She didn't give me enough and I stole it. Though my then I was already planning my escape. I was able to steal five thousands thousand poke dollars, few bottles of wine, and some cigarettes. I was not a fool and buried the things before running off. I made sure to keep a hundred on me just in case.

The shop keeper found be with his Mightyena. That day I barley survive. In the brink of death a protective barrier protected me. Though it broke after only slowing down the the attack. As I was bleeding out no one came to help me. People watched and walked away. That was when I knew that it was a dog eat dog world where no one gave a crap about you.

I was no genius or prodigy in aura. I can only use it to sense the aura of those around me. This helped me find a new spot to stay. With my aura I was able to successfully avoid Pokémon. Even if that doesn't work I toss a bag of food in the opposite direction and get away. That is how I lived day to day. I almost forgot I killed the old lady and burned the orphanage down. Though I made sure to start the fire on the opposite side where the kids were at. They may be rats but I still have semi morals.

I get over thinking about my past and start making another fire. I still have to spread bleach around to stop Pokemon from wandering in. I learn from selling a pack of cigarettes that Pokemon with a good nose don't like the smell of bleach and it acts as a Pokémon repellent when you don't have one.

I make the fire first as it gets cold in a warehouse. After restarting the fire I eat a few pieces of jerky and drink some water for breakfast. I get to wprk by spreading bleach around the warehouse cleaning it.

This takes a couple of hours and my the end of it I couldn't breathe so I left. I went to a abandoned department stores and began gathering supplies. I plan to start by fixing up the warehouse. I don't have any plans yet to catch a Pokémon. The main reason being I can't possibly catch on as I am just walking bone with a little beat on them.

I plan to start by walling off the bathroom area and turning it into a actual bathroom. I plan to install a water heater, but that will take some time as it is to heavy to carry without exausting myself. I am glad I watched all those diy YouTube videos in my past life. The department store was mostly filled with old things. Just because they are old doesn't mean they don't work.

While I was grabbing tools that were left I grabbed some cans of paint. It would be better to add a fresh layer of paint to the warehouse house interior. I am only elven years old. Meaning I have five years before the age on can become a trainer.

As I go down the street avoiding pot holes I can't help, but think about what caused this. They say a decade ago a nest of Gyarados went wild. By the time the tried of Gyarados was taken down the city was destroyed.

Instead of fixing the city they decided to rebuild the city and little while away more inland. Having Pokémon does make it easier to build things than to fix things.

I travel by the sea for this reason. It seems like the Pokémon are afraid of being near the sea. Though with my aura sense I can know if anything has a strong aura near me. Allow me to move safely through the zone, and water Pokémon rarely comes on land. Though there is a few Pokémon that live on the beach youu have to look out for like krabby and staryu.