

Jillyanna and Savannah went back to the company first before Shein and Jackie went to J Entertainment to find Riley. He was making a fuss earlier just to see her even though Jillyanna already planned that to happen, she still likes teasing him.

"Ehh? Miss Riley? Why are you still here? Aren't you suppose to have a shoot?" It was the chief security guard who asked her when she came inside with Shein beside him. "Who is this young man?"

Jackie really wanted to roll her eyes at him but she kept a straight face to stop herself. Shein didn't shut his mouth though.

"Chief, this ugly hag beside me isn't Riley." Shein told the man which stunned the person. As quick as he said those words, he quickly step out of Jackie's attack range before she could give him a kick or a punch.

Jackie finally rolled her eyes and it was towards Shein. Since they were still at the entrance, many artists saw them and was surprised.