
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs


At the camp, the soldiers were recovering and the person present at the time to watch them was a woman, dark in complexion, having a crimson coloured eye and putting on a black hoody coat. They were all surprised, noticing that they were as good as new.

"Mrs Lillian! What are you doing here?" Jade asked, looking surprised.

"All of you listen up, I've only healed you but you've lost too much blood, that would take a week or two to recover, anymore fight and you will go from dizziness to your death." Mrs Lillian said then stood, created a teleporter and left.

'How did she even know we were...(sigh) I guess that's what being a witch means.' Jade thought, walking towards the others. "Let's just hope we don't get attacked."

"Can someone tell me what that woman just did?" A Razeki soldier exclaimed.

"Sh...she teleported." Another stammered out.

"Can all Takekians teleport?"

"Alright, she's kinda special, so no. Back to the main thing. Since we're not much can we at least introduce ourselves."

"I'm Recks, the commander of Razeki army and here are my elites, Kings, Picc, Bruce and Dan" Captain Recks said, gesturing towards each one of them.

"I'm Brezz, the commander of Maneki army and my elites, Dill, Lisa, Naomi and Ham" Captain Brezz said, also gesturing towards his group.

"I'm Jade, the one in charge of the elites, Mark, Casey, Kell, Cindy, Peter and Billy." Jade said.

"Not to pry, but what about your commander?" Captain Recks asked.

"He and the king believes that we are just wasting our time out here, so I think they are living their lives to it fullest." Jade answered. "Anyway, let's make turns in scouting."

"Too bad."



The day went on with them just discussing with each other. Jade and the others went to one side and gisted away.

"Mark, I thought you said you knew their weakness I can't remember seeing any." Jade said.

"That's because, she's different. Remember my dad said he couldn't create an ability drug that will last forever, they actually didn't create an infinite one." Mark replied.

"So that means, their abilities have a duration!" Casey exclaimed.

"Bingo!" Mark commented. "Constantly using it will also reduce the duration. It's like using a fueled car but this time, let's say the fuel has an expiring date."

"Basically if we can withstand all their attacks we'll end up fighting a normal grogg." Peter summarized.

"Sorry to interrupt but did anyone know why the groggs didn't go for the village, I mean we were all lying close to death?" Cindy asked.

"Though I couldn't tell much but I heard their leader groaning before they retreated." Jade replied. "Maybe she was injured."

"One of my attacks got to her." Kell said.

"If she manages to get to their crazy scientist won't he find a cure for our attacks?" Casey asked.

"Then we'll be back to square one." Jade replied.

"With their commander dead it might probably take a while for them to strike back." Billy theorized.

"Or so they want us to think." Mark stated. "I'm sure immediately they find a counter measure they'll come for us and if that scientist is a genius, a week or two will be enough to find it."

There was a scary silence within the group.

"Hey come on, you are gonna jinx it. Besides, we still have our brains to think." Jade said, trying to cheer up the others.

"I think we're forgetting something. We need about a week or two to recover and the crazy scientist will probably figure out the counter measure to our attack in the same span." Kell stated.

"(Sighs) Maybe we should talk to those guys over their. They might have some ideas." Jade said referring to the other soldiers.

And the nine of them walked up to the others.

"Sorry to interrupt, can I ask you a question?" Jade said looking at Recks.

"Spit it out." Captain Recks replied

"That woman stated that we should abstain from fighting, if we get attacked within the two weeks span, do you have any idea of what we could probably do." Jade asked.

"I'm sorry, so far none of us have been able to come up with anything. The best thing is to live and fight another day." Recks replied.

"If only we had other strong abilities." Brezz commented.

"Damn! What else can we even do?!" Jade exclaimed, covering his face with his palm. "Wait! Other abilities... Aren't there other ability users apart from our three villages."

"Here he goes again, spitting crazy ideas." Mark mumbled.

"I mean, did any of you even know how we got our abilities, there are probably more people with different abilities." Jade said, still thinking deeply.

"Isn't your friend thinking too much? His head is gonna explode." Captain Brezz teased.

"Wait, isn't there any book that talks about ability history?" Jade asked.

"No, there's none."

"Never heard of any."

"Anyways, this is not the time to be investigating about our abilities instead we should be looking for a solution." Brezz advised.

"(Sighs) I thought maybe if we know the real secrets behind our abilities we might find something helpful." Jade said.

"There's no secret." Recks commented.

"The castle! The castle at the East... Rhen said they came out of a library. If those weapons are ancient as you said then the books will also be!" Mark shouted, waiting for a response.

"That's true! We need to go to castle and check for any link." Jade said, looking at the others.

"What! You guys want to leave the border for some unsure theory and hypothesis?" Captain Recks shouted.

"Captain... Recks,(clears throat) we have a week or two, we can't waste it on scouting here, we really need to get as much help as we can." Jade explained.

"Ehm Jade, weren't there groggs there the last time we went?" Peter asked.

"Yeah, there was and they won't be replaced untill their signals are weak. So the groggs presently their are non-ability ones." Jade replied.

"So we're basically still going to fight?" Kell asked.

"It won't be as intense, right?" Billy replied. "We can call it a practice spar."

"Aren't we going to get splitted again like last time?" Cindy asked.

"That's the idea! If we get splitted, we can search more places in the castle. There won't be any beast so once we deal with the groggs that are inside with us, we'll begin searching. Then we'll meet at the other side of the castle." Jade explained.

"Are you guys saying the groggs already inhabited the East?" Captain Recks asked.

"Kind of." Mark answered.

"We have a week to rap this all up." Captain Brezz said. "Tomorrow, we move."

"A week, alright." Jade confirmed, nodding his head.

They all gathered their things and prepared that evening. Jade, Mark, Casey, Kell, Cindy, Peter, Billy, Brezz, Recks, Kings, Picc, Bruce, Dan, Dill, Lisa, Naomi and ham were the list of the elites in total.

The elite squad were only thinking of the attacks the groggs and their leaders could unleash and had forgotten they had a king.

Maybe they'll realize just how dangerous the king might be when they encounter him.

At the dawn of the next morning, they all set out to find out the mystery behind abilities.



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