
Chaos Devourer System

In a future timeline... Earth undergoes a heaven-defying transformation when an unknown forces shift the planet away from the Milky Way Galaxy to an entirely new and unimaginable galaxy. A cosmic energy known as Mana invades Earth, transforming its essence and shattering its regular norms. This Mana awakens new genes in humans, once thought mythical. The world’s rules change, placing paramount importance on strength and respect for those with powerful genes. As humanity grows stronger and more curious, they venture beyond Earth to explore the new universe, only to encounter advanced alien races, world-devouring entities, and boundless, unexplored worlds. The Universe is Simply Boundless and word "Impossible" Does Not Exist. The story follows Zeras Celestria, a young man from one of the Nine Families. Deemed trash for his inability to awaken the powerful A-grade Lightning Hammer Gene and instead awakening the F-grade Multi-colored Hair Gene, Zeras is sold to a dark force that experiments on humans. Left for dead among other experimental failures, Zeras’s life seeped away as he clenched his teeth tightly, a mad thirst for revenge flashing in his eyes with also a tint of helplessness. Untill... "Congratulations." "Host has been blessed by Chaos." "Host has successfully awakened the SSS-grade Chaos Devouring Gene." Armed with an SSS-grade Gene and an undying will for revenge. Zeras embarked on a path to becoming the strongest and dominating the limitless universe. A Path Many Has Embarked On But None Having Succeeded. **A Future Scene...** "Look into my eyes. What do you see?" A young man with hair as white as the purest snow, lips redder than blood, and a face of perfect beauty. Yet those eyes—no, they couldn't be called eyes. They were unending black holes of... "I see death, madness, pain, and..." "Yes, I am the last embodiment of Chaos..." -- -- -- Update Schedule: Update daily. Minimum of two chapters per day. -- -- -- [Also Check out My New Book: Infinity Guardian System]

Supreme_IQ · Ação
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752 Chs

Shocking The Crowd

Zeras slowly sat up from the bed he was resting on and looked around the place seeing h,e was strangely back in his room, at the colosseum.

It seems the man brought him back to his room after his injury.

He cracked his neck as he looked at the area on his stomach. Only a small scar was left in the space where a gigantic hole was present a couple of hours ago.

He was slightly shocked by the crazy recovery speed of his body. All thanks to him being part of Chaos Devourer.

"System..." Zeras called as the notification panel immediately appeared in front of him

[Quest: Defeat the Level 2 puppet has been completed.]

[+100 EXP gained.]

[Total EXP:200/400]

[Quest: Defeat the Level 3 puppet has been completed.]

[+100 EXP gained.]

[Total EXP:300/400]

[Quest: Defeat the Level 4 puppet has been completed.]

[+120 EXP gained.]

[Total EXP:420/400]

[Does Host which to Level up.]


[Congratulations, Host has now leveled up to Level 4.]

[+10 Attributes points obtained.]

"System Interface..." Zeras immediately called out intent on quickly improving his stats.

Name: Zeras Celestria

- Level:4


-Cultivation Rank: Early Star rank stage 




-Mana core energy:40/40.







{Attributes points:10}

"Add 5 attributes to strength, 3 attributes to agility, and 2 attributes to perception," Zeras ordered looking at his stats.

[Points successfully added.]

Zeras suddenly felt all his bones itching crazily within him, but he clenched his teeth and withstood the pain which slowly settled within ten seconds.

Looking at his new stats:







{Attributes points:0}

Zeras nodded satisfactorily to himself. Now his speed and strength were balanced completely. His perception was also not far off.

Although he didn't get any ability upgrade, he was still satisfied with the increase in strength.


The sound of a knock could suddenly be heard on the door and followed behind the knock was a voice Zeras understood well. 

It was Plank.

Zeras stood up from the seat as he moved towards the door before opening it.

"Haha. My good life-long brother...."

"What is it?" Zeras immediately called out quickly stopping Plank's booth licking.

"Umm. Your battle with Dyvan will take place in the next 20 minutes. Everyone is already here." Plank said shocking Zeras.

'Two days already passed so quickly. Just for how long did he pass out?"

"OK, I'll be present there soon," Zeras said as he directed his attention away from that but all he got was Plank looking at him strangely.

"Umm. Won't you dress up in armor for the battle? It's a life-and-death battle, remember. An armor might just be the dividing line sometimes, you know?" Plank said looking at Zeras with an almost pleading gaze.

'Tch, Does he think I'll be going to my death?' Zeras thought looking at the fatty, but he ignored him.

"I'll be fine. Just give me some minutes."

"BAAAAAAAAANG." Zeras slammed the door shut tightly on his nose as Plank stood there shocked and senseless.

Going to the stage without putting on armor, was probably the first time this was happening.

Besides, the way Zeras was acting surprised him, he wasn't a single bit afraid at all. Almost as if he wasn't going to a life-or-death battle in the next minutes.

Was he the one worrying too much? 

Plank quickly scurried away but his mind was now conflicted as he debated.

"Who should I bet on, Zeras or Dyvan."

-- -- --

Zeras looked around the room when he suddenly noticed something beside the bed, and there it was, a long silver trident. It was the one he used during his battle with the puppets.

Swinging the trident around with familiarity, a smile appeared on Zera's face as he discovered something. He was starting to like the trident as a weapon.

-- -- --

 In the Colosseum...

The roar of more than six thousand Athlantheans shook the water with force.

The entire Colosseum was filled to the brim with Athlantheas.

Most use this opportunity to make bets and earn some cash if lady luck favors them, but the majority are here more for the fight itself.

Not only are they curious about the new Athlanthean Soldier who defeated Roder, but they are even more surprised when they hear he'll be challenging the trial tester for the Atlantis King Battle Competition.

Although more than 12 Athlanthean Soldiers already fought with Dyvan and lost. There was still a small flame of hope which refused to be quenched in them. 

If the new soldier managed to defeat Dyvan, then it would do great in improving the image of Ligeris City in Atlantis if they had one from their city participating in the competition.

The cheers from the crowd grew extremely loud as a figure clad in dark armor appeared on the battle stage with a gigantic dark-colored trident held in his hand.

His entire body was covered in the armor even with his head which was covered by the helmet.

He raised his head as he stretched up his trident in a demonstration of strength.

The crowd roared even louder as they chanted his name feverishly.


Dyvan looked at the battle stage he was surprised his so-called opponent wasn't even here yet.

He also heard the news of the Atlantic soldier although almost nothing was known about him except that he defeated an outstanding soldier in the Colosseum and he was young. This also made him slightly curious, but his curiosity was dashed away when he heard the Soldier challenging him to a fight.

He was no longer curious, instead, he wanted to brutally mutilate him before putting him to death as people who dared challenge him were nothing but rebels and failures to Atlantis.

20 minutes quickly passed, yet there was no sign of the so-called soldier. The crowd was starting to get restless as they thought of something that should be quite impossible.

"Could he have chickened away?." Dyvan said to himself chuckling a bit.

Immediately after saying that, the doorknob to the battle stage suddenly made a clanking sound as the entire colosseum immediately went grave silent. When the door opened, the crowd was stupified.

A single thought recurring in their mind

"Is this young chap lost?"

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