
Changing Fate(Harry Potter World)

What will you do if you can see the fate of others, will you change it? or just let them suffer because they can’t control their own fate because of others.. Lets find out..... Authors Note..... Pardon my grammar.. English is my not first language. Please be patient and enjoy.

Otsutsuki_D_Isaiah · Filmes
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33 Chs

Dirty Business

Fatum Mansion

I woke up early this morning because today is the day, the day that Harry Potter will go to Diagon Alley to get his supplies. I read his fate and the others and find out that the weasleys didn't buy a new set of supplies for Ronald, I think they cant afford it so they didn't buy him a new one. Hermione is the same day as Harry with her parents, Dan and Emma Granger. They didn't meet because Hermione's first destination is the the Flourish and Blotts while Harry is in Gringotts.

I finish setting up my "house" for the public but I only stay here if necessary. I still let my Elves manage the business.

My world is still under development, for magical plants they are all complete but the magical creature is still lacking. I will start inviting the merfolks when I get to Hogwarts.

I will venture the forbidden forest for other magical animals that I can get to live in my world.

By the way, I have my own pet or familiar more precisely. Phoenix, yes a phoenix. A snow white with snow like feather and some ice like streak in feathers. One day it just appear in my ring world, first I panic because if he can enter in my world, others can too like Dumbles phoenix fawkes.

But after reading its fate in the book O find out that Fate gives him to me as his Champion a Herald of Fate to be exact. Its his way of saying thank you for representing his name.

I name my phoenix Hermes. I name him from greek god hermes the herald and messenger of olympus.

I make him a ring for his talon that serve as a glamour that even the magical glasses of dumbles cant see through it and the eye of mad eye moody. I make it that if you look into him you will only saw a snow white owl but more beautiful compare to hedwig.

I finish eating breakfast that is prepared by my maid elf Lisa. Yes I name them a normal name not like dobby or winky. She is a beautiful elf that serve as my personal assistant. with him is Sebas, my butler and bodyguard. he have a strong build and domineering aura around him that looks like saying to others that 'you move, I will kill you'.

(Isaiah) Lisa were going prepare my things.

(Lisa) Yes young master

(Isaiah) Good. I will just take a bath. When I finish, we will depart.

(Lisa) Yes young Master.

A few Moments Later...

(Sebas) Young Master everything is ready.

(Isaiah) Good. Lets depart now. Lisa stay here and Sebas don't follow me just watch from the shadow if someone has a bad intention in me. I don't want a commotion.

(Sebas & Lisa) Understood Young Master.

(Isaiah) Good. Lets go Sebas.

I wear my other ring for magic protection. It will absorb any magic that fire to me, its always ok to be careful in your surroundings. It also has an enchantment like a glamour that will mask my real appearance to the people that I don't want to know me or to those that dont know me.

I silently apparated to leaky cauldron then enter to it. I see many people already and cast myself a notice me not charm for to not be known. I see tom the creepy bartender and Quirrellmort in the side with a turban. Ugh, with magic sight I can see through the turban, its disgusting to see.

I continue to walk to the back and see the entrance to diagon alley. I press the correct pattern then enter to it.

Diagon Alley is already pack with wizards and witches. Mostly those with their children to buy their stuff. I continue to walk to my first destination, Gringgots, its still early so harry and hermione is still not here.

Your asking why i am going to Gringotts where I already have a safe place like my ring. Well its because goblins can be a very hard enemy but a good business partners.

This is my first time meeting them but I know how to talk to them and their traditions so its cool.

I continue to walk their and saw a bank like house but mostly open with a goblin in an armor standing like a guard in the side of the entrance. Is they really a goblin? Their build is more big than a regular goblin. Hmm I think they are evolved goblins, Hobgoblins, and wizard doesn't know that. What a morons.

I enter without looking at the guards with dignified walk and the first thing that I notice is the signboard that a word? Sentence? Riddle? on it that saying....

"Enter, stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn,
Must pay most dearly in their turn,
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned, beware
Of finding more than treasure there."

Hmmm so domineering, I like it.

I continue to walk to the goblin in the middle and ask,

(Isaiah) Good day Mister Goblin. May your vaults overflow and your enemies cower under your feet.

(Goblin1) Hmmm, how unusual, a wizard with manners. What can i do for you today young wizard.

(Isaiah) I am here to withdraw to my account and open another account for personal use Mister Goblin.

(Goblin) What do you want to do first young wizard? Open an account or withdraw?

(Isaiah) hence i am already here so I will open an account first Mister Goblin.

"Good good, so what is your name young wizard?" The goblin asked with a grin.

"Isaiah.. Isaiah Fatum" I answered with confidence. Goblins know when your afraid and they will use it to their advantage so you need to always be confident.

"Howww a Fatum you say. How wonderful. The enigma that even goblins not know the identity of the family. Just depositing with servants." the goblin stated.

All the goblins nearby stop working and look to me.

"Well what can I say Mister Goblin, everyone has a secret" I said with a grin.

"Hahaha... true true. So young fatum. What vault you want to open." The goblin asked.

"I want an investment vault that I can use to make investments and all the profit of my investment will go there and open my another for buying some stuff {wink}" a said while winking with a smirk.

"Hahaha interesting, Opening an account cause 100 galleons for normal vault and 1000 for the more secure vaults." The goblin said with a glint in his eyes.

"I agree here is my key and also get me a two way mirror to contact you for my future investment. And also get me already 10000 galleons worth with 100 sickles and 100 knuts." I said pleased with making a connection to a goblin.

"Hahahaha wait for 10 minutes and your money will be here." The goblin said.

"Please making business with you mister goblin." I said offering a hand.

"Pleasure indeed". He said taking my hand.

What a long chapter(^∇^)

Hope you all like it..:.

I will try to post more tomorrow.

Otsutsuki_D_Isaiahcreators' thoughts