
Changes in fate

kdj_mxtx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 8 " New skills"

Reward? Serena mumble " what?joo asked serena didn't move her head from the screen and said"it's giving rewards maybe it's for killing the monster it says accept or decline "serena then push the accept button" fate sword,a high class fable and 2000 coins"serena said joo jaw dropped"A high class fable!? you gotta be kidding me how is that possible it's very rare damn!" Serena can't help but be surprised at his words "oh is that's so maybe my luck is blooming from the moment i entered this world " joo chuckle he couldn't help but think serena is cute " yeah yeah sweet serena you're very lucky" serena blush from embarrassment " haha is that so anyway so now"serena pull out the sword from the system window" cool i didn't expect it to work" serena eyes sparkle"now then hiyah" serena swing her sword and boom! With a loud sound a hole cracked on the ground both people stand there speechless " y-you s-see that I didi it!? Serena said in excitement "holy God is this a dream!?everything feels so unreal!oh my god i think i will faint Joo said while looking very surprised serena garb joo by his waist "a-are you ok why would you faint?serena tone was filled with worry joo flushed"n-no you get the wrong idea I mean it in another way so can you please l-let go of me"joo shutter serena then blush" o-oh sorry I'm very sorry they both stand there with flushed look suddenly a loud sound came from there opposite direction serena look at joo ,she nodded her head and joo also did after that they run in that direction to see what was happening?

what do you think is happening whatever is that better not be a danger!

kdj_mxtxcreators' thoughts