
Changes in fate

squid_28 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7"A coincidence?"

"so now what?" Serena said in a light tone and then joo pointed at the monster "it isn't dead yet!? "serena look at the monster it was still alive but unable to move then serena approach the monster,and kill it with one last stab after the monter died a message pop up in front of her "mission complete" suddenly a portal open in front of them,and the monster body vanished in the air leaving nothing behind,joo and serena both got out of there using the portal now they were standing outside a buliding serena look at joo " you think so too" joo said with Understanding tone serena nooded "perhaps that person is trying to help us? Or maybe trying to lure us into his trap what do you think" serena said joo paused a little then said " is it a coincidence? No it can't be it's just like the Person knew we're going to be there maybe you're right but i don't think he is good it's best to keep our distance from him and avoid him at all cost" serena nodded"I'll keep that in mind" suddenly serena notice something moving in her hand "oh! I almost forgot about you little puppy i was so lost in thought that i forgot I was holding you" joo face turned pale" you were holding that thing all along! how come i didn't notice!? Please get him away from me"joo said in a nervous tone" yeah yeah"serena looked at the dog ding! A familiar sound rang serena opened her system windows.....