
Apart From Home 2

Over at the group of Sirens, their commander, with a much more brighter skin ordered, "Take out your bows and arrows!". Meanwhile, a guard quickly swam into Mermaidia and blowed a horn very loudly.

At the dining, they heard a strong blow of a horn. "What's wrong?", Addie frowned. "We're under attack" Oceana answered and after that, she swam away with Aquarius. 'Attack?', Addie thought in her mind. She started followed her parents and soon after, Amber followed suit. 

Back at the gates of Mermaidia, the Sirens, without remorse, continuously shooted their arrows at the guards but the Mermaids meant no harm, so they only used their shields to protect themselves, and also their Kingdom. The arrows were of no more use to the Sirens, so they unsheathed their swords. They took down almost all the guards and started making their way into Mermaidia. Addie and Amber followed the King and Queen to the top balcony. Addie observed what was happening outside the Kingdom and out of curiosity, she asked her parents, "Whoa, are those another version of Mermaids?". "No, those are the Sirens" The King answered with worry plastered on his face. "You must go get Hydra before it's too late. Go!" Oceana asked Addie and her friend so they quickly rushed out.                                               Hydra was Addie's older sister, who knew nothing but herself. When they arrived at Hydra's room, the Mermaid was busy sleeping, unaware of the evnts taking place. "Hydra! Get up!" Addie screamed as she threw a pillow at Hydra,making her to wake up forcefully. "What the heck! What is this nonsense?!" Hydra yelled as she glared at Addie. "You just need to follow us!" Addie said. "And why do i need to do that?" Hydra bombarded. "Just come with us", Amber spoke and they pulled Hydra to the balcony, together with them to the balcony. " Mom, can you believe these girls?" Hydra huffed. "No time for arguing, Hydra. We're under attack and you guys need to follow the secret escape in the library and go to the human land", Oceana ordered them. "But why aren't you guys coming?" Addie asked, worriedly. "We have to take care of the matter ourselves. Now hurry!" Oceana spoke at the top of her lungs. "We're under attack? Is this some sort of a prank?" Hydra rolled her eyes. Addie saw no hope in Hydra going with them so she took Amber and they ran out. "Hydra Lynn!" Aquarius shouted as he hit Hydra on her shoulder. "I must have committed a sin in my past life to give birth to a stubborn girl like you" Oceana said after a long sigh. 

Meanwhile, Addie and Amber escaped through the secret escaped that was behind an old bookshelf which was no longer in use. They made sure to put on some human clothes before arriving at the surface.                                                                                                         ~TAMPICO, MEXICO:~~~.                       There they saw people in bikinis, some applying sunscreen, some resting on deck chairs and some taking pictures. "Wow, is this what they call a beach?" Amber murmured in amusement. "Of course. Ms. Pearltails told us when we were in 9th grade" Addie recalled. They got out of the water and their tails transformed into legs. Luckily, the people their were busy to even notice them. They put on their shoes and they were startled when they saw an old aged man right in front of them. "Welcome, fellow Mermaidians", the elderly man greeted. "What?" The two girls looked horrified at the thought that they were busted. " His majesty, King Aquarius sent me here to guide you" he answered. "Oh hello, mister" Addie greeted as she bowed, and Amber did the same. "I'm Ernesto" he introduced himself. "I'm-" Addie was about to introduce herself when the elder cut in, "Princess Addison". "That's right" Addie smiled. And Amber smiled awkwardly at the thought that the man didn't even know her. 

"Please, let me show you to where you'll reside during your stay here" Ernesto offered as he lead the way, and they followed. After a taxi ride which made the girls think they were in a different world, they arrived at a two- storey house, which was average in size. After getting in, thay swa that the house was fully furnished with two rooms, the closets even had clothes in them. Food was also stocked. "So, dad already prepared for this?" Addie asked Ernesto while Amber's mouth was still open in amusement. "The King prepared for this, but you are the one to save your Kingdom. Nice meeting you, Princess" Ernesto answered and with that, he took his leave. "Then how am i supposed to save the Kingdom when no one explained anything to me?" Addie said to herself.

The next morning, Addie was still in bed snoring when she heard a sharp knock on her bedroom door. "Rise and shine, Addison. Time to get ready for school", Amber rolled her eyes. Aquarius already got them enrolled in school. "Ugh! Fine" Addie frowned. Amber was an early bird so she got up since 6:00am and was already set to go.