
Apart From Home

In the Human world, where Mermaids and other supernatural creatures are believed to be nothing but ordinary myth.

Under the Gulf of Mexico, Addie swam in the deep sea with a tiny Goldfish following her lead. As they swam, the Goldfish was driving away the seaweeds that were covering their path.                                           "Princess Addie, it's too late now. I think we should head back to the castle before the King sends the guards to come and search for you", the Goldfish pointed out. " You're right, Mother and Father are overly protective", Addie complained. After ten minutes of swimming through the seaweeds, they finally stood in front of the gates of the Kingdom of Mermaidia. "Holy waters! Princess! We were going out to search for you" a Merman who seems to be a guard with an abrupt- looking brown tail shouted. "Just as expected, so let us in", Addie ordered him. Afterall, she was the Princess of Mermaidia so her orders must be followed. "Yes, my Princess", and the guard opened the gate.

Through a distance, Addie could spot her Mother, who was always easily recognised because of her unique golden brown hair and of course, Addie got that hair color too. Addie had a petite appearance with round face, big brown eyes, and golden brown hair that cascade down her back. "Oh Addie! Thank goodness you came back" Queen Oceana, Addie's Mother, said from the distance. "Yes, I was just taking a walk out of the castle but it was getting late so i came back" Addie replied when she swam towards Queen Oceana. "You should invite Amber to come have dinner with us" Oceana said and Addie without reply, proceeded to the castle. She swam theough the garden where beautiful flowers bloomed. "Good evening, your highness", a maid greeted Addie while watering the flowers. "Evening. Can you go to Amber's house and call her please?", Addie requested. "Right away", the maid answered as she bowed then quickly left. After a while, Addie heard a voice call out, "Addie! You called me?" It was her bestfriend, Amber. "I don't know but for the first time, mom asked me to invite you to dinner" Addie answered. "Let's go eat. I'm starving here", Amber and Addie went to the dining room Aquarius and Oceana already seated. "Good evening, your royal majesty" Amber greeted while slightly bowing her head. "Good evening, dear. Please have a seat" Aquarius greeted back and the girls took their seats and started having a bite of the crab crackers. But the King and Queen looked worried. "Mom, dad, are you okay?" Addie worriedly asked. "Of course we are" Oceana lied.                                                                 Hmm... The Sirens. The greatest enemies of the Mermaids since the beginning of time. Spending all their lives planning on how to attack the Mermaids while the Mermaids spend their lives sharing happy moments with friends and family. The King and Queen had a gut feeling that the Sirens were going to attack very  the soon.Outside the gates of Mermaidia, there sat the guards having their own dinner. Not very far from were they were, a guard spotted a group of Mermaids but with dark- skinned. It finally hit him that those weren't Mermaids, but Sirens, then he quickly stood up. "SIRENS! Everybody get your swords!"