
Chapter 8: First Day.

15 advance chapters in my Pat.reon.



(Billy's P.O.V)

Most of the day was spent learning which lessons were in which classes, prodding the suspicious cafeteria food (that's 3 dollars I'll never get back) and lastly dealing with the awkwardness of being the new student.

I couldn't wait for the week to end. The mission description on attending Midtown high had changed to reflect my own decision to give the place a week.

Now I had to wait that exact amount of time before I could decide whether to ditch or not. One week where I would have to sleep on the floor in liew of not having a bed anymore.

Peter introduced me to...huh... actually it was just him and Ned. There was also the strange and snarky Michelle 'MJ' Jones sitting at the same table as us during lunch period. She sort of waltzed in and introduced herself though.

"So you're the new guy."

A tray with a single apple on it was laid next to me as a beautiful brown skinned girl took a seat. She had frizzy chestnut hair and a bored but slightly curious expression on her face.

"The name's Michelle Jones, don't wear it out."

"Of course it would be so much easier to call you MJ, if there wasn't another more popular and better liked MJ."

Ned spoke without thinking.

Michelle narrowed her eyes while taking an aggressive bite off her apple.

Ned looked terrified for a bit.

"Uh, he saved Pete from getting his ass kicked."

The intimidated boy eagerly added, trying to change the subject.

"I wasn't about to get my ass kicked."

Peter cut in, stabbing into his vegetables angrily.

"Any minute and I would have had him."

"What?" Michelle snorted.

"Your quick mouth couldn't save you fast enough this time?"

Ned laughed at the dig.

Even I couldn't stop the smile that appeared on my face. I didn't join in the convo. And I was happy that they didn't press me too much for questions.

Only asking the bare minimum like where I was from, what school I went to before coming here and etc.

My mind was somewhere else.

I was studying the Cafeteria. At the crowds of students. All these people, they were as real as real can get. They weren't simple cartoon characters following a plot. They talked and thought like real people.

I learned a lot from their minds. It was still the surface thoughts though. I never pushed deeper. Although, the better I got at Telepathy the more I could see more without putting conscious thought to it. Flashes of images.

Solomon's Legacy was overpowered. The day before, while looking for the Sherlock Holmes books, I tried to read a few foreign subjects and voila, I could understand them.

Out of all the Psionic abilities I had access to, this ability was the most magical. It's not that I could suddenly read Mandarin, I just understood what the words meant.

I couldn't write in it which was a bummer. But I could at least understand any foreign language.

While on commute to the school, I sat beside a middle aged man in a suit speaking in Russian. His mother was asking him why he never visited.

It opened new avenues. There were magic systems like the one used in Elder Scrolls that invoked feats of power by uttering a few Draconic words. What if I could tap into that particular system and extend my ability to learn and understand any language?

Every minute, I was finding out so many uses for Solomon's legacy.

On adjusting to life as the new kid, I was glad that I'd met the main characters so fast. As stated previously, this stank of a plotline.

Peter, Michelle, Harry and Ned were in 11th grade, so Sophomores.

Flash, MJ and who I suspected was Liz Allen (I hadn't bothered to look into her mind) were Seniors. Another thing was that the characters slightly resembled the actors that played them.

Peter Parker resembled Tom Holland a little, only taller while slightly lacking a bit of Tom's muscular build. Ned was of asian descent and overweight, Michelle Jones shared the same looks as Zendaya, the beauty only dialed up to 11 to fit the comic book pretty image.

Harry had a different lunch period but were he here, their friend group would be full. Though I noticed he and the others weren't as close as I might have expected.

So far they all matched with the image I had of them in my mind. But seeing them joke around with one another, just like any normal teenagers served to remind me that this was all real. Somehow, I couldn't see myself getting over that particular sense of awe. I was in a fictional world, with superpowers.

"Hey, you okay?"

Peter asked in concern from across the table. Ned was showing Michelle something on his phone.

"Yeah. Sorry, I zoned out a little."

I replied.

Peter nodded but I could still see the questions on his face and inside his mind. He was wondering why he found me bleeding in an alley.

He was also thinking about the Ancient One. He had never seen her before. Maybe she was part of some secret Avenger's taskforce? One that dealt with the threats the Avengers couldn't handle? Even Spiderman had a few villains that were sometimes too much for him.

I chuckled inwardly, he had no idea how close his guess was. The Sorcerer Supreme and the rest of her mystical practitioners did in fact deal with threats the Avengers couldn't handle.

Still, I wasn't ready to answer any of those questions.

"Can I ask you something. About physics class."

So the alternative was to change the subject.

Pete perked up.

"I'm mostly into Bio-chem but go ahead."

Back in Physics class, the lesson had been on Magnetism. And that had gotten me thinking.

"What is easier? Controlling an object or controlling an object's magnetic field?"

I questioned.

Peter blinked. It was a strange question, all things considered. I had an idea I wanted to pursue but I would have liked to hear a genius's thoughts before proceeding.

"Umm, well In general, it is usually easier to control the movement of an object directly rather than manipulating its magnetic field to move it."

He started, grabbing a pencil from Michelle's notebook. The girl glared.

"Break it and I break you."

Peter shivered, placing the pencil before him on the table. It's side facing him.

"And that's because directly controlling the movement of an object can often involve simpler and more straightforward mechanisms, such as applying a force or torque to the object."

He demonstrated by pushing the pencil and watching it roll a bit, only stopping because it wasn't perfectly round, only hexagonal.

"Whereas manipulating the magnetic field to move the object can require more complex and specialized equipment."

I completely understood what he was saying. Either as an effect of him simplifying it or my own enhanced mental acuity.

"However, there may be situations where manipulating the magnetic field to move an object is more practical or efficient. For example, in certain industrial processes or medical procedures, magnetic fields can be used to move small objects or particles with very high precision and control."

He rattled off.

"And Additionally, some scientific experiments or technological applications may require the use of magnetic fields to manipulate objects or particles in ways that would be difficult or impossible to achieve through direct physical manipulation."

He concluded.

Telekinesis was a powerful ability. However, I only had one good example of someone using it the right way. By the right way, I mean evolving from basically moving objects around, to moving objects on the micro-scale. Manipulating molecules and atoms. And that one example was Jean Grey.

It could be argued that the only reason she could do all that was because of the entity inside her. The Phoenix Force. Which was also the cosmic hub for all psionic abilities. Meaning all telepaths, telekinetics or people who could manipulate psychic energy got their powers from it. It was kinda like the Flash and the speed force. Only the former category got their powers from the Phoenix Force.

Regardless, manipulating molecules was currently out of my reach. My control was not at that level yet. However, there was a closer goal. Manipulating the Magnetic field of an object. Like Magneto.

The Mutant Supremacist had a very useful X-Gene. Among Earth's most powerful mutants, Magneto's abilities were basically limitless.

He could manipulate all forms of magnetism, summon force fields and shoot electromagnetic pulses that can disable electronic devices.

Magneto could mess with the Earth's polarity.

Magneto could extract the iron contained in someone's blood.


Me want!

Of course I had to be realistic. It would take years to reach his level in magnetic field manipulation alone. Luckily, I wasn't going to simply be another version of him.

I only needed to pick up what could be useful to the current me. Once the other legacies kick in, I will be more well rounded. So anything that I would eventually get was currently off the table. No super strength or lightning manipulation. Oh and also anything that TK could do was also out.

It didn't leave me with a lot of options though. I mean I could train myself to better repel bullets shot at me but TK could do that too. And it provided better options. Like a protective hard coating of Psionic energy over my skin.

The only useful avenue for Magnetism manipulation would be to restrain criminals once I started going out. Maybe by controlling metal wires to form cuffs. Or simply controlling the metal contained in their blood stream.

Regardless, I needed to set aside time to pursue this path as well.

"Thanks. That helped more than you know."

I smiled at Peter.

The day seemed to slog on slowly. It wasn't accurate to say I was bored but my initial thought of this being a waste of my time was right. The lessons were almost a rehash of my former life's except maybe the history part.

The History teacher was deeply interested in Captain America's exploits during WW2. He gave us an assignment to write a comprehensive report on the Howling Commandos.

Which meant, I had to hit up the Library again. Could I get the info I needed by using my phone? Yes. Was I using this as an excuse to go to the library again? Definitely.