

The decisions we make, cause a ripple of effects. Those effects may be good, they can also be devastating. So then how do you know which decision is the right one to take? You don't, you just live the moment, and take the most tangible decision for you. that is how the world moves. That is how a single man's decision can cause prosperity and destruction at the same time. What will the decisions I will make influence the people around me and the world? I at least hope it is fun!

LI0NHEART · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


Mr. Strategist chuckles, then he pulls out another dagger similar to the one he tried to attack me with earlier on. They are both made of black glass-like material just like the ones he offered to me as a gift on the day of my naming ceremony. My father stands before my mother on guard making an expression I've never seen since I was born. 

The look he has in his eyes sends shivers down my spine. Even though you could tell he was enraged, he still had a calm and composed demeanor. He exudes suffocating killing intent as he asks what the strategist is trying to do. every word he utters holds a heavy presence behind it as if telling you to bow to him. It was just for a moment, but Mr. Strategist flinches and shakes in fear. 

With blinding speed, my father moves towards the strategist leaving the trail left by the blue glow of the sword. The strategist takes some time to respond, barely avoiding a fatal blow. He starts to bleed from right below his left eye and he takes a long leap backwards distancing himself from my father. "...As expected of the king, I never knew simple strengthening magic could be used in such a vicious way..." the strategist says to my father. What he said eludes my mind for a moment, then I come to a realization. My father must have used magic in his attack, but I'm sure the strategist has also been using magic.

My father turns to face the strategist once more, taking a stance again. The strategist also gets to his feet and takes a stance, holding the two daggers before him. The strategist takes the initiative this time, moving fast with purpose. My father also lunges forward, and they clash in the middle of the room, holding the clash for a split second, then they start dishing out waves of slashes at each other, each aiming to kill the other. They clash and hold once more, then they both retreat backwards. At this point, I dint know who had the upper hand because their movements were too fast to keep up with the human eye.

My father lunges towards the strategist again, this time with the sword sheathed, and him holding unto the scabbard with one hand, and the hilt with another. He was going for a classic unsheathe move. For some reason, their movements which I couldn't follow before was now clear as day. I could now see that the strategist had a clean, stable light film around his blade. That must have probably been mana. 

The strategist takes a stance, ready to defend against my father's charge, focusing solely on him. As expected, when my father gets into striking range, he quickly draws the sword, slashing horizontally at the strategist. His sword's blade a fierce red translucent film surrounding it, extending the blade by about five centimeters. The strategist focusses both of his strikes at on spot, trying to block the attack.

I hear my mother recite some lines I haven't heard before, then three magic circles form on top of one another, causing a wave of mana to engulf the room. My mother then says to my father, " I'm done casting the barrier. You can tear him apart now." My father doesn't say a word, and rather responds with a nod. His hair starts to set ablaze, yet never burning him, his eyes are now a fierce crimson, different from his usual blue eyes, and his overall aura had become even more fierce than before.

The strategist finally speaks again, saying, "...as expected of divine and demonic magic, both are mesmerizing. You don't get to bear witness to such sights easily but, what's even more mesmerizing than both of you and frightening at the same time, is what they become once they're in harmony and the fact that they're in perfect harmony in that child behind you. That is the more reason why that child should die." My father's flames rage even fiercely than before and he says, "...this child has not done any harm to you. We even went ahead and sealed his power as a precaution. So why eliminate him? Who put you up to this?"

"...you're right, he hasn't done any harm to us, you and your wife are the ones we should get rid of, so you won't be able to give birth to such a monster ever again. that is why, I will be killing you along with that child today..." the strategist says in a low and soft voice. Another voice comes out of nowhere from the shadows, then a man in a dark red cloak steps out and tells the strategist that he can never defeat both my father and mother alone, especially if they are together. The strategist reluctantly sheathes his daggers and turns to the new guy.

 The new guy glances at us, and then turns back to the strategist and tells him they have to leave. Hot winds engulf the room all of a sudden leaving steam everywhere, which makes my throat go dry almost instantly. I can hardly keep myself from going unconscious. The steam clears out a bit soon afterwards and I'm finally able to catch my breath. I see the body of the strategist on the floor, perfectly sliced in two, then the cloaked man screams in agony as his left arm went flying to the side. My father immediately follows through with a stab to the abdomen of the clocked man making him finally fall to his knees screaming in agony.

My father pulls the sword out and sheathes it neatly, then he steps forward and pulls the hood off the man's head. His facial expression changes instantly in disbelief, then he whispers, "...Lucious?" My mother moves closer to them, and her expression also changes instantly. She asks the cloaked man they're calling Lucious why they tried to kill me, and he replies to their question with regret saying, "...with an heir who possessed both demonic and divine magic in harmony within him, your Kingdom had become a threat to my kingdom so, I conspired with your strategist who was originally from my kingdom to eliminate you and the heir..." The friendship between the two kingdoms had gotten to the point where they almost seemed like one kingdom so my father asked why they would ruin such a relationship.

He replied saying my father would never understand since our kingdom had many talented individuals in addition to my father himself and my mother and his kingdom was hardly keeping up. Therefore, now that I had been born, the power balance would have tipped in our kingdoms favor and their kingdom will have to live in constant fear, hoping we wouldn't decide to conquer their kingdom. Such are the lengths fear can drive a man after all. "...but it's not over yet..." he whispers. A weird grin forms on his face, then a large magic circle that seemed to extend as far as the eyes could see as if it was never ending forms in the sky outside, then again, he says, "...if no one knows he existed, everything will go back to how it was..."I black out immediately when the spell is activated, and a blinding light engulf the whole place.