

The decisions we make, cause a ripple of effects. Those effects may be good, they can also be devastating. So then how do you know which decision is the right one to take? You don't, you just live the moment, and take the most tangible decision for you. that is how the world moves. That is how a single man's decision can cause prosperity and destruction at the same time. What will the decisions I will make influence the people around me and the world? I at least hope it is fun!

LI0NHEART · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


The cries of the newborn heir filled the already bustling castle.

I remember it used to be a quite peaceful place with flowers and the warm sun rays on my skin in the company of all the other souls in my generation, who were yet to be born. We were going about our normal routine, going about preparations when I blacked out and appeared in this confinement in a hand of a bearded man. I was trying to tell him to let go of me, but all that seemed to come out was loud screeches from a baby. I was startled by the sound I made myself and ended up screaming even louder like a banshee right in my head. In the midst of all my confusion, and cries, I realized what had happened. I had finally been born into the world of the living but, for some reason, I had retained my memories from Paradise.

The next thing I know, I'm in the arms of a beautiful young woman and I couldn't help but think, "is this a goddess?". It turned out she was my mother. Compared to the bearded old man, I was glad I was born to this home. 

I laid in my crib that night staring at the golden stars imbedded in my ceiling, alongside song diamond one. Another thing I was grateful for. I could tell I had been born into nobility for sure. I was contemplating as to which kind of world I had been born into. I needed to find out quickly so I could get a head start since I still have my memories from Paradise.

The next morning, I tried to gather as much information as possible from the conversations my mother had with my father, and other conversations the maids and other attendants had. I couldn't get much information but, I at least deduced that, politics was an area which I wouldn't be entering since it's too boring. Another piece of information I got was that everything wasn't peaceful, which means I have to get strong in the future to stay alive...probably.

That evening, I decided to check which kind of power flowed in this world. I read a few books in Paradise on various awakening methods for almost every kind of power you could think about. unless it was a power that only manifests by itself at a particular point. After trying out a few methods, I found out that I was in a world of magic. Quite the interesting world I was born into. I just had to figure out some basic things essential for my growth such as how big my mana pool was, how strong my mana veins were, and if there was any abnormality that would hinder my growth in any way.

I realized that I couldn't really tell the depths of my mana pool because, at some point I would always be cutoff. I am sure there must be a seal on me or a curse, the former is not much of a problem but, if it's a curse, I have a lot of trouble on my hands. Some of my mana veins or circuits had been blocked off but the channels that were open as of the moment were okay. For now at least.

I decide to get some sleep first and think of what to do latter when I wake up.

I wake up in my mother's arms the next day full of energy and ready to get into "training" A smile forms on my face when I see her face unknowingly. She heads to the dining hall where my father was already seated with another man whom I'm seeing for the first time.

"I wonder if he's a sibling of mine" I think to myself but, I quickly dismissed that thought when my father called him " Mr. Strategist". They were having a conversation which made the atmosphere of the room very heavy. From what I picked up from the conversation after I arrived with my mother was that we had to move from our current residence.

I don't know what happened next because I wake up my room later on. I must have fallen asleep in the middle of their conversation. I turn to find the maids moving with urgency which makes me think it's a routine for the place to be this busy on a daily basis. The sky was still dark, so I wondered why the place is in such chaos when a voice I recognize towers above the rest saying, "we leave in three hours".

The footsteps start getting closer, then Mr. Strategist enters the room and orders the maids to move out, then he locks the door behind them. he has a weird grin on his face as he pulls out a dagger from the strap on his waist. I'm instantly overrun with fear as no one is around to protect me. I also can't protect myself as it is now. Seriously, who pulls a dagger on a three-day old boy?

I have no choice but to use the only weapon I have in my arsenal as of the moment, the cries of a baby. I let out the loudest screech I've ever heard. The man rushes towards me covering his ears. The door's handle turns quicky almost immediately when my screech ends but it doesn't open. the handle turns again and this time, it flies open. 

My father and mother stand in awe at the sight before them. My father recovers in a split second, drawing out a blue Damascus patterned Akrafena, except, this Akrafena was not your regular broad sword, it was rather a slender one. I was relieved for the fact that someone had come to my rescue but, I was also tensed to see how the battle will unfold. Will my father end up victorious or will Mr. Strategist be the victor?