

The story involves a 19 year old named Jake who has been born as the Death Celestial, a powerful being able to command the powers of death he is accompanied by his girlfriend Abbie, their actions cause a Celestial Imbalance to the very universe itself.

alex_wind · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Running away

The man began leaving as he saw Jane running toward us, before he walked away I had a lot more questions running through my mind like:

'Why did you come to warn us?' 'Are we going to be punished for what we are doing?' 'When are the High Celestials coming?' 'Are you coming back?'

but the only question I managed to ask was "What is your name?!" the man stopped and thought for a moment before saying "You wouldn't be able to understand my ancient language, but you can call me Morgan"

The man then walked off and dissapeared similar to how Ben does when he teleports, Abbie's mom came back and told us to go back into the house, I took Abbie's hand and lead her back inside and into her room, she sat on her bed and looked about ready to pass out.

I could see from Abbie's window that the house fire had come to a stop thanks to the many fire fighters, so I turned to Abbie and asked "Are you okay? You used way too much Celestial power than you should've." she looked at me and said faintly "I'll be fine don't wor-".

Before she could finish her sentence her eyes rolled back and she passed out cold, she completely drained herself, I took the blanket that was at the end of her bed and lay it over her so she wouldn't get cold.

I sat down at a chair I had found in the corner of the room and inspected my arms and legs, the burn marks had luckily healed in the time that we had spoken to Morgan, I though about the things he had said

'The High Celestials' 'Killing Life and Despair' 'Using our powers together'

It was way too much to process and before I could start to come up with a plan I fealt a familier presence, it was of another Celestial, it was Ben.

I looked up to see him standing in the middle of the room with that same smug smile on his face, I jumped up and shouted "How did you get here!?" he chuckled and replied "Do you not know? Anything the ligh touches I can teleport to." he gestured toward the window in Abbies room that was letting in the rays of sun from outside.

"What do you want Ben!?" I argued, he couldn't have come for Abbie could he?

"I've come to tell your little toy that I do not need her for I have come to the conclusion that you are both too weak to even challenge me."

I grit me teeth and protested "You do not call her that you asshole!" Ben let out a joyful laugh and said "I find the insults of todays dialect fascinating, I do not wish to waste my breath on you Celestial of Death, enjoy the time you have with this women while you can.".

Before I could argue back Ben slowly glimmered away into the light and vanished before my eyes and it was just me and Abbie in the room together, I decided to start figuring out what me and Abbie are going to do, we couldn't just up and leave could we? I mean we both have school and she still has her mom to worry about, but what other option do we really have?

I decided to start packing Abbie a bag so that we can leave as soon as night falls, and search for The Celestial of Despair.