

The story involves a 19 year old named Jake who has been born as the Death Celestial, a powerful being able to command the powers of death he is accompanied by his girlfriend Abbie, their actions cause a Celestial Imbalance to the very universe itself.

alex_wind · Fantasia
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20 Chs

Road trip

I was with my family, which consisted of my older brother and sister, my Mom and Dad, and myself, it was no perfect family but we loved each other none the less. We where driving across the country for a road trip since we enjoyed going camping, well everyone besides me that is. My sister was on her phone as usual and my brother was playing hand drums on his legs, while I was trying not to throw up in my dads new car as I easily got motion sick. "Owen," my dad was referring to my brother "your beat is way off my boy." my dad was a professional musician and could tell my brothers rhythm was completely off the song that was playing on the radio. "Ha ha, very funny, you know I'm barely even trying right?" my brother played the drums so he was most likely telling the truth. "Jessica, can you please put that phone away just for a little bit and enjoy some well needed family time!", my mom hated my sister constantly being on her phone, so much so that she actually used to hide it during road trips when we where younger and tell her she "found it" when we got back home. "As if!" Jessica screeched "I have to keep my boyfriend updated, besides I'm 23 and the only reason I agreed to go was because you said me and Owen need to spend more time with you guys since we moved out.". They both had moved out a couple years ago but they decided to tag a long since we don't really get to see each other all that often anymore.