

Nathan, a boy with whose race was not determined , a race that is a result of the greed of a few demons and celestials alike,but in Nathan's situation, his was totally different. A soul that's not complete yet is strong enough to make creatures and powerhouses beyond the immortal transcendent plane to be wary of his existance. He retrieves and restores the lost fragments of his soul as he fights with his life always on the line. Existances with the power to anihilate a whole universe in just a single breath without using even 20% of their power were forced to be wary of a boy whose lineage and origin was unknown to many with an aura of a pure peerless Monarch, whose presence and words alone can make gods cower in fear of uncertainty. He had the power to become an existence with unfathomable might and power. An existence that laws that bind the universe can be bent at his will. An absolute powerhouse who chose to forge his own path and destiny with his own hands, blood and effort from the ground up. Who would dare challenge him when mere powerhouses who claim to be gods will be vulnerable against him. Not even powerhouses beyond the god realm. ......... "You carry the blood of a Celestial god, the blood of The Demon Queen and yet you die in this pitiful manner. Pathetic, with those two powerful bloodlines you could have ruled all seven realms and realities yet look at you" Said a voice deep within Nathan's being.It resounded again. "Rise, celestial warlock and rule like the true Monarch you are!! ..... [ Skill unlocked Skill name: Devine Monachory{ level 1} Description: You are the first existence to achieve a skill of this magnitude. You have forged a path only you can walk with pain and hardship...... ...] [ all skills have undergone a change. Congratulations you have ................. Congratulations you have ................. Congratulations you have .................] The description alone was unlike he had seen before. Now He knew the Journey has just bagan, he now had the power to transcend the celestial realm to what layed beyond it. DISCLAIMER: Covers not mine

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16 Chs


Even in times of hopeless future, uncertain fate where power was absolute, one can become overbearing when presented with little power.


[You have successfully killed level 1 mana zombie.

Creature description: Creatures created after being Unable to adapt to the power of mana during the assimilation process, in turn, they have been corrupted by the mana inside them.

Skill: Death's Claws / teeth

They either bite or scratch their prey which releases an ounce of corrupted mana into it's prey, the corruption injected causes the victim to corrode bit by bit until it is fully turned into a complete mana infected zombie.


You have gained 100 experience points, you have successfully leveled up to level one,


You will receive +2 to every natural stat.




Name: Ethan Hollow

Race : ?????

Level : 1

Mode: {no modes have been attained}

State: panic

Vacancy/ Job: ???






Health /Vitality : 32 (30 by default)

Mana :17 (15 by default)

Magic:19 (17 by default)

Strength: 7 (5 by default)

Dexterity: 18 ( 16 by default)


Experience points : 0/200 (until next level up)


Nathan was dumfounded by the message he received, isn't he in a game?, he asked himself several times.

"Nah, I'm day dreaming. Pffft hahaha, I mean come on, magic, mana?, I've read enough novels to know I'm in some fantasy, I might me be dreaming at the moment."

He said playfully to himself not wanting to believe the truth Infront of him.

"Ok, it's time to wake up Ethan."

He said with a nervous smile.

He tried pinching himself. It didn't work, he did it again, over and over again.

Even he knew at this point , everything is real, he did know how but he really is in a dilemma right now.

He then wished to scroll down his retina, and as if he had given a mental command, the screen started to scroll down on its own, well he tried to scroll with his hand at first.

Well of course it didn't work.

He was sure no one else could see his retina as in the novels he read, others couldn't see other people's retina.

He had an embarrassed smile on his face as if he imagined someone seeing him scrolling through thin air, that would have made him look like he has lost his mind.

It would have been hilarious though, no doubt about that.

He then read the messages that followed,


[ You have successfully killed level one mana zombie level 2, you have gained+4 stats to all natural stats.

You have gained magic +3, mana +10


You have successfully killed level 2 mana zombie. you have gained +4 to all natural stats.


You have gained magic +3, mana +10


He read on.

You have successfully killed mana zombie level 1.


You will receive +2 to every natural stat. you have gained magic +5, mana +6


You have successfully killed level 2 mana zombie. you have gained +4 to all natural stats.


You have gained magic +3, mana +10]


Ethan furrowed his brows as he realized that in total, he had killed five zombies of low levels, not that it was bad or anything, even if it's an evolution apocalypse, these zombies should at least be level one unless they level up by eating flesh which was highly possible in the current situation.

His status now looked something like this;


[Name: Ethan Hollow

Race : ?????

Level : 5

Mode: {no modes have been attained}

State: panic

Vacancy/ Job: ???






Health /Vitality : 38

Mana :43


Strength: 19

Dexterity: 30


Experience points : 20/600 (until next level up) ]


Ethan stared at the bronze coloured retina presented before him with utmost curiosity.

Within him,he felt the structure of his entire being to be altered, it hadn't change I terms of appearance infact he enhanced in that category.

Within him was the growth or lets say a formation of a new foreign energy, he was familiar with how mana felt within him.It felt it has fused with his entire being.

He could be considered a foreigner in human skin. He didn't know that himself,that he was aware of.

To him, he was always human and would stay human for as long as he stayed alive.

He felt as though something that had been locked within him had been loosened up a little bit.

Whatever it was, he somehow knew that that seal or lock had yet to be broken,not even by the slightest.

Within him, he felt something oddly restraining,which felt suffocating somehow to him.

The stress of not knowing what is in your own being or more specifically your soul, is quite troublesome. For all he cares, it could affect him in more ways than one.

He felt held back by countless chains that wouldn't succumb to his will.

He felt like whatever this thing was is something he couldn't evade or avoid.

Red orbs and bronze coloured orbs layed untouched on the ground, waiting to be exploited .

Ethan, the boy didn't seem to notice the orbs that layed on the ground waiting to be picked up by their rightful owner which in this scenario, belonged to the young Ethan.

The orbs were three.

Each had it's representative colour.

bronze orb, white orb and green orb.

Red orb signifies intermediate treasure. Which meant, it's provided treasures are treasures with both physical and magical categories.

Green orbs are treasures of magic grade which meant they provide their obtainers of said orbs with items of high magical properties than the bronze and red coloured orbs.

Now the bronze coloured orbs provide their obtainers with weapons which specify in physical properties than magic.

Simply put,bronze coloured orbs are physical items, red coloured orbs are both physical and magical properties and green orbs with high magical properties.

With the red orbs, their physical and magical properties or stats are more or less the same.

Both the magic stat and the physical stat do not often exceed the other by a wide margin.

Finally the white signified weopons within the holy grade.

Holy grade is like a grade in akin to that of the celestial grade with uniqueness similar to it in more than one way but that's all as it has a lot more to it than what meets the eye.

The same applied to scrolls. Both holy tiered scrolls and celestial tiered scrolls. Both have some things common in nature, without a doubt.

It couldn't be any more further than the truth of reality though as the celestial realm is really not in the same category of holy tier.


Ethan bent squatted and took the white orb.

Its "about" info flashed across his retina as soon as he touched it.

[Holy tier orb, you have gained one of the rarest orbs an evolver could eve obtain .


Origin: unknown due to hosts current level .


Treasure can be obtained by applying sufficient force to it..or infusing mana into it]

As his retina said, all he had to do was apply a bit of pressure or mana into it.

He chose the former option as mana was a really valuable asset had had that could help him in ways he was sure of yet isn't certain of at this point,due to his current zombie situation.

And not to mention the fact that he was bitten by one moment ago.


As he applied pressure to the orb, small cracks appeared on its spherical surface and spread wide and across the orb in a second.

What layed in his palm was two pairs of ancient yet magnificent white gauntlets with bronze partens with multiple designs that seems to serve a particular purpose he was yet to find out.

They fabric seemed to be have made of the finest silk I the world. It was soft and soothing and adde to it's already magnificent appearance was it's bright metalic sheen that could be seen on the surface of the silk-like fabric which emitted a brilliant glow now and then.

It's description was then displayed in flashes of letters on the bronze coloured retina.

[Object name: Holy grade gauntlets


Type: Manifestation ]

He continued to scroll down to know more.

I can't tell you guys how much I appreciate your support for reading, I have finally hity first 1 thousand views, thanks a lot.

I will make a bonus chapter soon so keep reading the Novel.

I hope you guys notify me of anything you don't understand or if there's a mistake.

Hope you add me to your library for a promising read.

VESPER_ITRAcreators' thoughts